
发布时间 : 星期五 文章新目标版英语八年级下册Unit6Anoldmantriedtomovethemountains.(SectionB)更新完毕开始阅读

新目标版英语八年级下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.

(Section B)



(1)The T-shirt is very expensive. It's made of ________(丝绸). (2)Good students should not ________ (欺骗,作弊) in the exam. (3)________ ________(穿上)your coat, or you will catch a cold.

(4)Tom often drops ________ ________ ________(几片面包)along the way to feed the birds. (5)________ ________ ________(一……就)I got to the bus stop, I found that I lost my money. (6)The w________ class went to the park except Bill yesterday.

(7)They could see the stones ________ ________(因为)the shining moon. (8)It's sunny. The sun s________ brightly.

(9)I could hear her sweet v________ from the next room.

(10)What time do you usually ________ ________ (醒来) in the morning?



(1)The ________ (child) are swimming now. (2)Jim cooked lunch by ________ (he).

(3)Lucy, you made the same mistake (错误) the ________ (two) time. (4)Jay Chou is a ________ (success) singer.

(5)Chairman Mao ________ (lead) Chinese people live a happy life.


3、Can you hear the birds ___________ in the forest? A、sing B、singing C、sung D、to sing

4、The movie is ___________ moving ___________ we all cry. A、too, to B、so; that C、enough; to D、such; that

5、I had too much work to do last night. I didn't go to bed ___________ 11 o'clock. A、at B、until

C、for D、In

6、There is ___________ with him. A、wrong something B、wrong anything C、something wrong D、anything wrong

7、—We can't be successful ___________ we keep working hard. —I agree with you. A、if B、unless C、because D、when

8、You'd better make a good plan ___________ you take a holiday. A、before B、during C、until D、after

9、Henry will give us a report as soon as he ___________. A、arrives B、arrived C、is arriving D、will arrive

10、The boy listens ___________ to the teacher. A、careful enough B、enough careful C、carefully enough D、enough carefully

11、Look at the smog(雾霾)___________ bad weather it is! A、How B、How C、What D、What a

12、We've got no coffee. Let's have tea ___________. A、instead of B、however C、yet D、instead



(1)There is something bad happening outside.(改为否定句) There isn't ________ ________ happening outside.

(2)We can't have sports meeting because the rain is heavy. (改为同义句) We can't have sports meeting ________ ________ the heavy rain. (3)You must be quiet!(改为祈使句) ________ ________, please!

(4)They have no more books.(改为同义句)

They ________ ________ books ________ ________. (5)The boy is very clever.(用what改为感叹句) ________ ________ ________ ________ he is!


14、用方框中所给词的正确形式填空 drop brave ground stone stupid (1)There are many leaves(树叶)on the ________. (2)Be a ________ boy!

(3)It's ________ of you to stole(偷)other people's things. (4)He ________ his glasses and the glasses were broken(碎了)。 (5)The house is made of ________.


15、选择方框中的词的适当形式填空 so…..that unless as soon as until not… until (1)________ we deal with our problems, we will become unhappy easily.

(2)They did ________ go to bed ________ they finished the work. (3)He will telephone us ________ ________ ________ he knows the news. (4)The old man is ________ excited ________ he can't say a word. ________

(5)They worked ________ it was dark and had to stop. (6)John won't come to the party ________ we invite him.

(7)—When are you going to tell Henry the good news? —________ ________ ________ he comes back.

(8)He can make the stick ________ small ________ he can keep it in his ear. (9)They watched TV ________ their father came back.

(10)________ cross the street ________ the traffic lights turn green.



(1)Don't eat it until you get to the forest.

__________________________________________________________________ (2)As soon as the moon rises, they can see the road.

__________________________________________________________________ (3)Unless he left the children to die the forest, the whole family would die.


(4)小鸟们如何找到它们回家的路呢? (5)昨天晚上,他沿路丢下了很多白色的石头。

八、完形填空 九、书面表达



要求:(1)What's the name of it?(2) What's the story about?(3)Why do you like it? ________
