(天津专版)2018年高考英语二轮复习 题型组合练(一)

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bill with a note that 35 “Baby’s college fund”.

语篇解读 文章主要讲述了作者在路上帮助了一位临产的妇女的故事。

16.A.missing C.directing 答案 B

解析 此处指前面慢下来的车阻碍到交通。miss错过;block挡道;direct指示;destroy损害。故选B。 17.A.pull up C.speed by 答案 A

解析 pull up停下;hold out伸出;speed by飞驰而过;put away放好。此处指作者在那辆挡道的车后面停下,故选A。 18.A.Strangely C.Interestingly 答案 D

解析 strangely奇怪地;especially特别地;interestingly有趣地;suddenly突然。这时突然一个怀孕的女人走了出来,故选D。 19.A.in relief C.at work 答案 D

解析 in relief如释重负;on duty值班;at work工作中;in pain痛苦。根据后文“I approached the woman asking if I could help”可知这个孕妇看起来是痛苦的,故选D。 20.A.parent C.husband 答案 C

解析 根据倒数第二段中“her husband arrived”可知这里孕妇请求作者打电话给她的丈夫,故选C。 21.A.Satisfied C.Disappointed 答案 B

解析 satisfied满意的;shocked震惊的;disappointed失望的;confused迷惑的。此处作者听到孕妇羊水破了,应该是感到震惊的,故答案为B。 22.A.need

B.money B.Shocked D.Confused B.colleague D.nurse B.on duty D.in pain B.Especially D.Suddenly B.hold out D.put away B.blocking D.destroying

C.time 答案 C


解析 情况很危急,此处指没有时间打电话了,故选C。 23.A.towel C.gift 答案 A

解析 towel毛巾,此处作者要送孕妇去医院生孩子,因此为了保持卫生干净,在座位上放了一条毛巾。其他不符合题意,故选A。 24.A.out C.away 答案 C

解析 out出去;back回来;away离开;down向下。此处指作者出发离开了此地,故选C。 25.A.curious about C.eager for 答案 D

解析 be curious about对……好奇;be aware of意识到;be eager for渴望;be careful with对……小心。根据语境作者要小心地开车,故选D。 26.A.as though C.so that 答案 C

解析 as though好像;now that既然;so that以便,结果;even if即使。作者要快速平稳地开车,这样车上的人就不会四处移动,故选C。 27.A.parked C.drove 答案 A

解析 park停车;call打电话;drive开车;pause暂停。此处指停在急救中心的门口,故选A。

28.A.angrily C.thankfully 答案 D

解析 angrily生气地;instantly立刻,马上;thankfully感恩地;constantly时刻,不断地。作者到了急救中心,一直喊着让工作人员拿轮椅带她进去,故选D。 29.A.normal C.special

B.unreal D.important B.instantly D.constantly B.called D.paused B.now that D.even if B.aware of D.careful with B.back D.down B.book D.toy

答案 B

解析 normal正常的;unreal不真实的;special特别的;important重要的。作者只是几分钟前刚认识的这个妇女,因此回答医院工作人员的问题是不真实的,故选B。 30.A.everything C.nothing 答案 C

解析 此处指作者除了她的名字什么都不知道,因此用nothing“没有什么”。故选C。 31.A.respected C.admired 答案 B

解析 respect尊重;thank感谢;admire欣赏;welcome欢迎。作者帮助了那位临产的妇女,因此她的丈夫是感谢作者的,故选B。 32.A.headed for C.knocked into 答案 A

解析 head for去往……;leave behind留下;knock into撞到;meet with遇到。她的丈夫去了产房,故选A。 33.A.reminded C.convinced 答案 B

解析 remind提醒;inform通知;convince说服;promise承诺。此处指护士通知“我”那位妇女想见“我”,故选B。 34.A.laugh C.command 答案 A

解析 此处是作者说自己第二个孩子的出生,也是受到他人的帮助,因此他和妇女都笑了,故选A。 35.A.wrote C.stated 答案 D

解析 write写;announce宣布;state陈述;read写着。此处指纸条上写着……,应用read,故选D。 Ⅲ.阅读理解 (2016·和平区一模)

B.announced D.read B.rest D.knowledge B.informed D.promised B.left behind D.met with B.thanked D.welcomed B.something D.much

When I started university,people told me,“These will be the best days of your life.” Not only would these be the best days of my life,everyone said,but they would also be the most exciting.By the end of my first year I was seriously considering dropping out.I had not made as many friends,had as much fun,or enjoyed my course as much as I thought I was going to.But I didn’t tell anyone.

I certainly didn’t put it on Facebook—its culture of competitive sharing made me feel even worse.Visiting my friends’ Facebook,I found that they were clearly enjoying themselves a lot.Jemma Lamble and I are friends on Facebook—what impression did she get from my Facebook page?“There is one feeling I got when I clicked on Libby’s Facebook page and that is jealousy.”

Talking to fellow students has made me realize how little resemblance our Facebook lives have to our real ones.“University life wasn’t the walk in the park I had expected,”says Jemma.“I certainly didn’t expect the feeling of loneliness that I experienced because I found it hard to connect with the people on my course.”

Sophie Smith remembers her first day:“As I walked into my first class,I tried my hardest to smile at everyone and make friends.But I was shocked by how blank some people were.I said to one guy,‘Wow,LCF,I still can’t believe I’m here’.He replied,‘Well,LCF is lucky to have me.’ I don’t want to label everyone on the course because there are some lovely people too.”

My time at university may not have been the dream that I signed up for,but it has made me who I am.LCF did not provide me with the social experience I dreamed of,but it has made me appreciate the good friends I have kept from my childhood and each new one I have made here.Studying in London was frightening at times,but I have become much more independent as a result.Now that I am starting my third and final year,I can look back and see that university has been an experience. 语篇解读 大学生活是人一生中最美好的时光,可是本文作者却不这么认为。

36.What can we infer from Paragraph 1? A.The author was hard to please.

B.The author might not be very easy to get along with. C.The author had been fooled by those people. D.The author felt disappointed with her campus life. 答案 D

解析 推理判断题。由第一段第三、四句话可知,作者想退学,因为她在大学里交友比预期
