
发布时间 : 星期六 文章大学生就业问题的分析与对策毕业论文更新完毕开始阅读


自政府1999年实行高校扩招至今,毕业生人数屡创新高,今年更是可能达到巅峰,市场需求与毕业生供给之间存在着严重的不平衡关系,高校毕业生就业总量压力和结构性矛盾依然突出,就业形势仍为严峻。 同时我国经济发展的国内外环境仍然十分复杂,不确定、不稳定因素不少,经济状况时常大幅波动,而如何缓解就业压力,完善政策措施,加强指导服务是各级政府所面临的问题。





Since the government enlarged enrollment of university in 1999, the numbers of graduates have been increasing, probably reaching its peak this year.There is a serious imbalance between market demand and graduate supply.The gross pressure and the structural contradictions of employment is still distinguished and the employment situation renmains severe.

Meanwhile, domestic and international environment for China's economic development is still very complicated, containing considerable uncertain and unstable factors as well as usually significant economic fluctuation. The problems faced by all levels of government are how to ease the employment pressure, improve policies and measures and strengthen guidance services. This paper is to analyze the causes of difficulties in the employment and offer suggestions and solutions combined with the knowledge and use of data analysis methods, which is based on recent Shanghai graduate employment statistics survey and the exemples of promoting employment in Yangpu District. I hope it has to some extent practical significance and reference on the government to ease the employment problem


Key words: employment difficulties, university student, employment policy, suggestions

