
发布时间 : 星期日 文章育才中学2016-2017学年七年级上第一次月考英语试题含答案更新完毕开始阅读


一次月考七年级英语试题 2016.10

(试题满分:140分 考试时间:100分钟)

第I卷 选择题(共75分)

一、 听力(每小题1分,共20分)。


A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. What is Jim’s uncle?

A. B.

( ) 2. What are the boys doing?

A. B.

( ) 3.What’s this ?

A. B.

( ) 4. Where are the glasses?

B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。 ( ) 5. Is Millie swimming?

A. Yes, she is.

B. No, she isn’t.

( ) 6 . What’s her telephone number?

A. 84351978

B. 84561968

( ) 7. What colour is Lily’s blouse?

七年级英语 第 1 页 共 8 页 C.

C. C.

C. Sorry, I don’t know.

C. 83561958

A. White. B. Red. C. Black.

( ) 8. How many students are there in Class One?

A. 35.

B. 43.

C. 42.

( ) 9.Who has a yellow ruler? A. Tom.

B. Mike.

C. David.

( ) 10. Where are they talking? A. In a library. C. 听对话,选择正确答案.

听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. Are Amy and her cousin at home now?

A. Yes, they are.

B. No, they aren’t.

C. We don’t know.

B. In a bookshop

C. In the classroom.

( )12. Who’s playing a new computer game?

A. Amy.

B. Her cousin.

C. Amy and her cousin.


Miss Wu Job Way to go home Hobby 13 She goes home 14 She likes 15__ ( ) 13. A. A teacher B. A policeman C. A doctor ( ) 14. A. in her car ( ) 15. A. dancing B. by bus C. on foot C. singing B. cooking 听第二篇短文,选择正确答案,共听两遍。 ( )16. What are they good at ?

A. English B. Math C. Chinese ( )17. What do they like to do in their holiday ?

A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball.

( )18. Where do they fly kites ?

A. Near the lake. B. In the park. C. At school. ( )19.Who likes playing football ?

A. Jack B. John C. Jack and John ( )20. Do they often help each other ?

七年级英语 第 2 页 共 8 页

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. I don’t know 二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. This is ________ old photo.

A. an

B. the

C. a

D. /

2. He goes to school by bus, but he walks ______after school. A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home 3.There ________ an apple and some bananas on the table.

A. has B. have C. is 4. Excuse me. _____do you say that in English?

A. How B. Who C. Where D. What 5. — Are these your coats? — Yes, ___________ are.

A. those B. these

C. they D. their C It’s, It’s D. Its, Its

[来D. are

6. __________ name is Mimi. ________ a cat.

A Its, It’s B It’s, Its 7. —Is your name Peter?

— __________.

A.No, it is B. Yes, I am C. No, I’m not D. No, it isn’t 8. Can I eat ________ bread,Mum? A. any B.some C. a D. many 9. Sally, _________ the window, please.

A. doesn’t open B. opens C. don’t open D. not open 10. What’s under the chair? __________ a cat under it.

A. It’s B. They’re C. There’s D. There’re 11. - ______ the boys enjoy _______ the World Cup? --Yes, they_______.

A. Does, watching, does B. Do, watch, do C. Do, watching, do D. Does, watch, does 12. ________the woman with big eyes? —She’s my aunt. A.What B.Who C.What’s D.Who’s 13 .---Who ____ to your sister’s birthday party? --- My uncles and aunts.

A. comes B. come C. coming D. are coming

14. My father usually gets up _____six o'clock _____ the morning

七年级英语 第 3 页 共 8 页

A. in, on B. in, at C. at, in D. on, in

15.---It’s 10.00 p.m.Say′ ′to your parents.---OK, I will. A.Good morning B.Good evening C.Good afternoon D.Good night 三、完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

Mr Smith 1 from London. Now he is in China. He is 2 .He teaches 3 a

middle school. He works very hard. His students like 4 very much. He can 5 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese 6 Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football 7 his students.

Mr Smith 8 a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school 9 bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes 10 TV in the evening. 1.A. come

B. comes

C. are

D. coming

2.A. a teacher B. a worker 3.A. on 4.A. he 5.A. say 6.A. at

B. in

C. a driver

C. to

D. a farmer

D. from

D. her D. tell D. in D. at D. there are D. of

B. him B. speak B. on B. to

C. she C. talk

C. of

7.A. for 8.A. has 9.A. on

C. with

B. have B. by

C. there is C. in

10.A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. looking at



Mary is a girl .She is a middle school student . She is thirteen. She is in Class Three, Grade Two.

There is a big picture in Mary’s bedroom. It’s the picture of the family. Mary’s mother is a teacher of Chinese .She is a very good teacher. Mary’s father is a worker . There is a big red flower on his black coat. He is at work from Tuesday to Sunday. Mary’s brother is near her mother .He is a middle school student ,too. He is fourteen .He is in Grade Three.

Mary and her brother like books .They like school. They study hard. They are good students. 1.This is a picture of ______________.

七年级英语 第 4 页 共 8 页
