
发布时间 : 星期四 文章研究生英语学位考试模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

A. can be accurately identified

B. had traits resembling man more than monkeys C. had traits resembling monkeys more than man D. was a very primitive Primate

60.The flesh eating animals are known as ______.

A. Carnivores B. Cetaceans C. Rodents D. Ungulates (3)

In the past ,evolutionary biologists contemplating the absence of wheels in nature agreed that the explanation was not undesirability ;wheels would be good for animals, just as they are for us. Animals were prevented from evolving wheels, the biologist reasoned, by following dilemma: living cells in an animal's body are connected to the heart by blood vessels, and to the brain by nerves. Because a rotating joint is essential to a wheel, a wheel made of living cells would twist its artery, vein, and nerve connections as the first revolution, making living wheels impracticable. However, there is a flaw in the argument that the evolution of wheeled animals was thwarted by the insoluble joint problem. The theory fails to explain why animals have not evolved wheels of dead tissue with no need for arteries and nerves. Countless animals, including us, bear external structures without blood supply or nerves -- for example, our hair and fingernails, or the scales claws and horns of other animals. Why have rats not evolved bony wheels, similar to roller skates? Paws might be more useful than wheels in some situations, but cat's claws are retractable; why not retractable wheels? We thus arrive at the serious biological paradox flippantly termed the RRR dilemma: nature's failure to produce rats with retractable roller skates.

61..Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Evolutionary Biology: New Research Methods B. How do Living Joints Function?

C. Wheels for Animals: a Biological Possibility? D. The Evolutionary History of the Wheel

62.The passage discusses the evolution of animals in terms of their ______. A. genetic structures B. reproductive cycles C. anatomy D .behavior

63.The structural material of the wheels discussed in the passage would be similar to that of ______.

A. nerves B. joints C. arteries and veins D. scales and horns 64.The concept of retractable roller skates, mentioned in the last sentence, would be best explained as ______.

A. an evolutionary variation of claws B. a complex structure of living tissue

C. an example of human intervention in natural development D. a new discovery by evolutionists

65.The passage supports which of the following conclusions? A. Wheels are similar to paws in most situations.

B. An animal's wheels would have to consist of dead tissue. C. Wheels may already have evolved at the joints of an animal. D. An animal's dead tissue is usually discarded. (4)

In considering that galaxy of women who are Southern writer Eudora

Welty ,Katherine Anne Porter ,Flannery O'connor, and Caroline Cordn, to name but a few -- it becomes evident that their genius is the product of a special social phenomenon. Critics and historians have remarked more than once that tale-telling is a regional trait of the south. It began to flourish wherever people gathered to gossip-- on the steps of the country store, at race tracks, in taverns and saloons, or in more formal drawing rooms. Men gossiped and exchanged rumors while whittling bits of wood or while squatting in the shade to get acquainted with strangers. Along with Sunday sermons and the arguments and the rampaging satirical abuse of political campaigns, such tale-telling has become a part of Southern literature. But there is also another special kind of conversational flow among Southern women that contributed to their writing. Some of their talk took the form of tales and vignettes told for their own sake. Sometimes humorous, sometimes sad; all were as bright as the figure in fine needlepoint. These tales included grotesque, comic, and poetic descriptions, character sketches, narratives, gusts of feeling, delicate ironies, and astute observations. 66.Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Class Differences in Southern Language Dialects B. The Development of the Southern Short Story C. The Formal Education of Southern Writers D. Social Influences on Southern Women Writers 67.Which group of writers does the author claim to describe? A. All Southern writers, both male and female B.A large number of Southern women writers C. Only those Southern writers who are named D. Only Southern writers of previous generations

68.According to the passage which of the following is the most common source of recreation for Southerners?

A. Meeting outsiders B. Whittling wood C. Telling stories D. Racing horses

69.Which of the following activities in NOT mentioned by the author in connection with Southern tradition?

A. Child-rearing B. Churchgoing C. Formal gatherings D. Political meetings

70.Which of the following statements best describes the author's view of the role gossip played in Southern literature? A. Gossip was never exchanged in public.

B. Gossip gave rise to a unique kind of literary genius. C. The best gossip was based on everyday occurrences. D. Most gossip revealed the social class of the tale-teller. (5)

The fact that some naturally left-handed children are forced into becoming right-handed may even result in levophobia, an irrational fear of the left. Sufferers from this rare condition find their hearts pound as if a heart attack were coming on as a result of their brain releasing adrenaline at the mere prospect of a left-oriented maneuver. They refuse to stand on the left side of an elevator, to make left-hand turns when driving, sometimes even to look to the left. Psychologists believe levophobia will only disappear entirely when left-handed children --a minority in all known societies -- are fully accepted.


71.What was the preceding paragraph probably about?

A. Other problems caused by attitudes towards left-handed children B. The advantages of being left-handed as a child C. Other causes of levophobia D. A definition of levophobia

72.It may be inferred from the passage that

A. Levophobia affected a minority in all known societies.

B. Levophobia attacks occur before a left-handed movement is required. C. Excess adrenaline is a contributory cause in levophobia. D. Levophobia causes heart attack.

73.The passage suggests that levophobia sufferers ______. A. are afraid of right-handed people

B. generally refuse to use elevators unless forced to C. never look to their left-handed side

D. often have to seek roundabout routes when driving.

74.It is believed that levophobia will not be eradicated until ______. A. certain general attitudes change B. left handers are in a majority

C. sufferers change their uncooperative ways

D. sufferers' irrational fears are dealt with by psychologists 75.According to the passage, levophobia ______. A. affects only children B. is likely to disappear soon C. is a psychological problem D. is a heart ailment


The tides in the United States have been advancing now for over a half century in the direction of centralization, at first as between the local governments and the states, then as between the states and the federal government .As colonists the American people developed a degree of decentralization which can hardly be matched elsewhere. The state yielded to the country, gave way to the town, and the town bowed to the districts. The difficulties of transportation and communication were such that efficient control was out of the question. Decentralization was more efficient than centraliztion. In general throughout the colonial period most of the rudimentary administration of the time was carried out within the framework of local government. The situation did not change with the achievement of independence. The movement of population westward tended to perpetrate, under frontier conditions, the reliance on local institution which had from the beginning characterized the American people. The advent of the Jacksonian theories of popular election of officials, rotation in office, and hostility to a bureaucracy carried dependence on local institutions up to the Civil War, although before 1860 signs were not wanting that the states would be forced to assert themselves. After the war, the process of centralization within the states, both political and administrative, made rapid progress, and the tendency then clearly developed for the first time has proceeded with undiminished vigor to the present time. The rapidity of the process has naturally varied from state to state, so that at the present time great divergences exist. In general, the industrial states tend to be more highly centralized than the agricultural states. The process of centralization has involved in part the extension

of supervision over local authorities, in part the removal of certain subjects of administration entirely or partly from the local community to the state or national authorities. Education, penal institutions, habitable institutions, police ,taxation, public utilities, local finance, highway construction, and regulation of the professions are the fields which have felt the impact most completely within the states, but hardly a phase of state or local activity has remained untouched. 76.The process of decentralization in American government continued until the ______.

A. advent of the Jacksonian era B. declaration of independence C. end of the Civil War D. extension of the frontier

77.Centralization in government occurred earliest in American history from the ______.

A. district to the town.

B. local government to the state C. state to the federal government D. town to the county

78.According to the author, centralization of government was prompted by _____. A. industrialization

B. railroad building and extension C. reconstruction after the Civil war D. westward migration

79.At present, there is a tendency for the local governments to ______.

A. give up some functions but continue to regulate professions and education B. give up most functions but retain control of local finance C. give all functions to the national authorities

D. give up some functions to national, others to state authorities 80.In the process of centralization, each state has varied according to ______. A. the departments which are centralized B. the rapidity of the process itself

C. whether it has been political or administrative D. whether it has been from town or district PAPEER TWO

PART V TRANSLATION (40 minutes,20 points) Section A (20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: Put following passage into Chinese. Write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet II.

It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. Careful American studies have disclosed the fact the 80 per cent of mothers cradle their infants in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. If asked to explain the significance of this preference most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population. By holding the babies in their left arms, the mothers keep their dominant arms free for manipulations. However, this is a wrong explanation. Section B (20 minutes,10 points)

Directions: Put the following passage into English. Write your English version


in the proper space on Answer Sheet.


PART VI WRITING (30 minutes,10 points)

Directions: Write a composition of at least 120 words on the topic: SELF-STUDY

You should base your composition on the following outline: 1.Self-study is perhaps far more important than schooling.

Man:Yes,I'd like to place an ad.I want my ad to say, \ for sale.Fei Da 1986.Call 31134,ext.482 after 7:30 p.m.

Third voice:Why is this man calling the Hefei Newspaper office?

8.Man:Excuseme,Miss.I'm a graduate student of mathematics. I've just come from China,and I've never used a Western library before. I wonder if someone might have time to show me around. Woman:Could you come back about 3:30? Third voice:What is the student concerned about? 9.Woman:Why so many people live on drugs?

Man:That is a crucial problem.I think the way to reduce the demand 2.Self-study enables us to discover new knowledge which can carry society forward.

3.In our times, self-study remains as important as before, though educational facilities are much better than those in the past. Write your composition clearly on the Answer Sheet. Key For Your Reference

1 --15 c d a c b d c b b d b a b c c 16--25 b d a a c b b b a a 26--35 a b b c c b d a b c

36--50 a c b c d a b c d d a c a b c 51--65 c a a a b c c d d a c c d a b 66--80 d b c a b a a d a c c b a d b

Recording Script for Test One Section A

1.Woman:How's your secretary,dear?Does she come in on time? Man:Yes ... well,in fact,she resigned today. Third voice:What do you know about the secretary? 2.Woman:What do you think I ought to get for your father? Man:Why don't you get him a pocket calculator? Third voice:What is the couple discussing?

3.Woman:I can't find my son anywhere.I've looked all over.I don't know what to do.He should have been back an hour ago.

Man:Don't worry.He's probably playing with a friend and forgot about the time.

Third voice:What do you know about the little boy? 4.Woman:I hope you don't get sick.

Man:Oh,I feel fine.I wish I had room for more icecream.Icecream won't make me sick,but the price of it will. Third voice:What does the man wish?

5.Woman:I'd like to book seats for \ Man:For how many,and for which night? Third voice:What are the two people discussing?

6.Woman:I wish the bus would come.I'm so cold.Look at those snow drifts over there.They're taller than I am.

Man:And the wind is biting into my skin like a mad dog. Third voice:What are the two people doing?

7.Woman:(Telephone rings) Good morning,Hefei evening news.

for drugs is to create a society which people won't want to escape from. Third voice:What are the man and woman talking about? Section B


When a tornado destroys a house,it doesn't blow it down the way ahurricane does.It makes the house explode. Why does the house explode?

The air that surrounds a house presses against it all the time. Itusually has a force of about fifteen pounds per square inch. The airinside the house presses out against the walls just as hard.

When a tornado passes over a house,it suddenly sucks away the airoutside the house.The air inside the house still pushes out against thewall,but now there is nothing pushing back.So the walls are pushed outin an explosion. Pieces of the houses are sucked up into the tornado and carriedaway.There is little left where the house once stood. Questions 10-12 are based on the talk you have just heard. 10.In what circumstances will the walls of a house stay up? 11.The air pressure outside the house is usually ... 12.When will a house's walls be pushed out? (2)

In phone booths in the U.S. there are usually directions for using

thetelephone.All phone numbers have seven digits, though letters andnumbers are sometimes used in combination.There may be phone

books--ordirectories under the telephones. There are two main kinds of long distance call: Dial- direct andoperator-assisted.You can direct dial calls in most parts of the U. S.Look in the white pages directory for long distance rates or for moreinformation on

making long distance calls.Or you can call the operatorfor help.If you need a phone number that's not in your phone book, callDirectory Assistance.

To make a long distance call,you'll need to know the three--digitarea code.Dial 1 plus the area code plus the number,and an operator ora computer voice will tell you how much money to deposit. On operatorassisted calls,the operator will ask you to deposit more money beforeyour time is up.On

dial-direct calls you'll be cut off at the end ofthe time you paid for unless you put more money in the slot.

Questions 13-15 are based on the talk you have just heard. 13.What do all telephone numbers have in common? 14.What must be done in order to make a long distance call?


15.You can look in the white pages of a telephone book ... 研究生英语学位考试模拟试卷



Non-English Major Graduate Student English (Model) Qualifying Test 请查看答案

II. VOCABULARY (10 minutes) Section A (5%)

Directions: In this section each sentence has a word or a phrase underlined. You should choose from the four choices A,B,C, and D the ONE word or phrase that best explains the underlined part in meaning. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. I didn't know what to do but then an idea suddenly____ to me. A.happened C.occurred B.entered D.bit 17. When the singer finished, the audience ______. A.bestowed C.applauded B.crabbed D.decanted 18.A good person will always stand _____the exploitation of the poor. A.by C.against B.for D.up 19. Most of the merchants have overstocked shelves and do not welcome the manufacture of new ______. A.ideas C.products B.necessities D.stores

20. Is there anyone who ______the plans put forward by the committee? A.differs C.disagrees B.opposes D.refuses 21. In the accident the windshield of the car was ______. A.torn C.chopped B.shattered D.stressed 22. His land lady gave him a week's ______ to leave the flat. A.threat C.note B.notice D.warning 23.The______ of petroleum is causing its price to rise accordingly. A.quality C.scarcity B.storage D.stability 24. I know him ______ but I have never actually spoken to him. A.at sight C.on sight B.in sight D.by sight 25. Camera film shouldn't be ______ to extremely hot or cold temperatures. A.exhibited C.explored B.exposed D.exploded Section B (5%)

Directions: In this section each sentence is followed by four choices A, B, C, and D. You should choose the ONE choice that best completes the sentence.

Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

26. Mark Twain often uses irony to make us realize that life is not ______. A.what it appears to be C.as what it appears B.what is appeared to be D.like it appears to be 27. The elephants ought ______ hours ago by the keepers. A.to be fed C.to being fed B.to feed D.to have been fed 28. It was suggested that Pedro ______ the material more thoroughly before emptying to pass the exam.

A.studies C.would study B.study D.would have studied

29. The parallax measurement is used in survey studies to tell how far away ______.

A.is an object distant C.an object is distant B.distant is an object D.a distant object is 30______ is the length of the bridge that the shape of the earth had to be taken into consideration by its designer.

A.So B.Such C.As D.Hence

31. The new employee soon proved himself to be not only capable but also ______.

A.a man who could be trusted C.trustworthy B.a man worthy trusted D.worthy trust 32.In the college, the students should be separated into sections ______. A.as the reason for competence C.on the ground of faculty B.on the basis of ability D.to agree with capability 33. \ A.starts C.is starting to B.is started D.is starting 34.The director eventually told the young actress that he would have her in the lead female role and ______. A.none else C.no else one B.no other else D.no one else

35.This amazing airplane enables executives of the world's major corporations and governments to do business with each other ____.

A.effective and efficient C.effective and efficiently B.effectively and efficient D.effectively and efficiently PART III. CLOZE TEST (10 minutes) (15%)

Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C, and D. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In the United States in (36) years, camping has become very popular. Every summer, (37) families leave the city behind to spend weekends and vacations outdoors. (38) families take along trailers. Others load their cars with tents, small stoves, and air-filled sleeping mattresses. Then they (39) one of the country's many camp grounds. Some camp grounds offer campers little more than clean water and places to(40) their tents or park their trailers. People who go to these

