人教版2016年秋季八年级英语上册《Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater》同步练习

发布时间 : 星期二 文章人教版2016年秋季八年级英语上册《Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater》同步练习更新完毕开始阅读

Unit4 What's the best movie theater


1. --- Who ran of all in the sports meeting?

--- Hector did, I think.

A. fast A. nice

A. most successfully C. very successfully A. less expensive C. the least expensive A. well

--- The smallest one.

B. faster B. nicer

C. the fastest C. nicest

B. the more successfully

D. most fast D. most nice

2. I have a lovely room. It's the in the hotel. 3. Of all the teams in NBA. I think the Los Angeles Lakers played this year. D. much more successfully B. more cheaper D. cheaper

B. better

C. best

D. the best

4. Which is way to travel, by plane, by train or by bus? 5. Of all Gong Linna's songs, I like her Uneasy(忐忑) . 6. --- Which of those radios sounds ?

A. good A. very much A. agreement A. all kind of

B. well B. best B. connection B. kinds of

C. better C. very less C. communication C. all kinds of

D. best D. least D. common D. kind of

7. Of all the story books, I like this one . It's not interesting at all. 8. Of course we have such a lot in ; we've been friends for years. 9. There are books in this bookstore. And they are cheap. 10. --- Let's play a part the room. --- That sounds great!

A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. in cleaning

11. --- Hi, Ella, which is the street in your city? --- High Street. Many people go shopping there.

A. busier A. the busier

B. quieter B. the busiest

C. busiest C. the most busy

D. quietest D. the busy

12. Which season do you think is season for farmers in a year? 13. --- I hear it's not easy to get a ticket for Fast & Furious 7. --- Exactly. The film is the one this year.

A. less exciting C. most exciting

B. more exciting D. least exciting

14. Simon reads among the boys of Smith's though he plays all day long.

A. wide A. far

B. widely B. farthest

C. more widely C. farther

D. most widely D. most far

15. Which is the , the train station, the bus station or the airport(机场)?


16. The big bed which my father bought yesterday is very c . 17. Alice will sing an English song in the school t show. 18. We can enjoy f air in the countryside. 19. Although he is p , he is very happy every day. 20. Our class is going to win the first p for the exercises contest. 21. The T-shirts are both nice. He doesn't know which to c . 22. You should read the instructions(说明书) c before you take the medicine(药). 23. Edison was so c that he invented a lot of things. 24. We should take these problems s . 25. The t is near my home. I often see movies there. 26. The lovely sweater feels very soft and c . 27. She showed her t for singing and won the first prize. 28. We can't breathe f air because of polluted environment. 29. He often helps the p . 30. The winner in the talent show will get a good p . 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共15小题;共15分)

31. The bus has been in (服务) in Beijing since 1935. 32. As a (记者), he meets lots of people every day. 33. Mr. Liu is handsome and (有创造力的). 34. Tina's new song is p (相当) beautiful.

35. There are many coats here; it's hard for me to (选择).

36. The girl joined in the Character Spelling Contest and won the first (奖赏). 37. His new car can sit five people (舒服). 38. Luckily, nobody was (严重) hurt.

39. The supermarket is so (拥挤) that l want to leave at once.

40. On holidays, people like to go to the country to breathe the (新鲜的) air. 41. The food in this hotel is good, but the (服务) is poor. 42. Lisa wants to be a (记者) when she grows up. 43. Fan Zeng is a (创造性的) artist.

44. The picture on the wall is (相当) beautiful.

45. Both of the jackets look nice on me. I can't decide which one to (选择).


46. 有人认为这些表演者的生活是编造的。

Some think that the lives of the performers . 47. 人们应在拯救濒危动物中起作用。

People should their saving the endangered animals. 48. Liu Mei and Liu Ying have (一些相同之处). (词数不限) 49. 你是你们班最高的学生之一吗? (词数不限) Are you in your class? 50. Dave是我们班上第二强壮的男孩。 Dave is of our class. 五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

People talk about two kinds of colours: warm colours and cool colours. The 51 colours are red, orange and yellow. These colours give you a happy and 52 feeling. People 53 in cold climates would rather use warm colours 54 their homes a warm and comfortable feel. People think that red, for example, represents 55 and it is also the colour of heat and strong feelings. Wearing red makes 56 easier for you to take action. The cool colours are green blue and violent. These colours, 57 warm colours, are 58 . Blue makes us feel calm and peaceful. It can also represent sadness. White is the colour of 59 . If you wear white, you may feel 60 . 51. A. cool 52. A. sad 53. A. living 54. A. to take 55. A. peace 56. A. it 57. A. like 58. A. relaxed 59. A. strength 60. A. relaxed

B. warm B. nervous B. live B. to give B. quiet B. that B. unlike B. relaxing B. heat B. stressed

C. calm C. worried C. lived C. to carry C. power C. this C. dislike C. worried C. sadness C. contented

D. cold D. contented D. lives D. to get D. calm D. its D. liking D. surprised D. purity D. powerful



Dear Anna,

Thanks for your family photo. Here is a photo of my room. A bed, a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer and a white baseball are in my room. My bed is nice. Near it is my white desk. My pencil box is in the desk. Two pens, three pencils and a ruler are in it, too. My eraser isn't in it. Look! It's on the desk. Under the desk is my black chair. My bookcase is red and some books are in it. What's that on the desk? It's my computer. Where is my white baseball? Aha! You can't see it in the photo. It's under my bed.

Yours, Tina

61. Here is a photo of . A. Tina's room B. Anna's room C. Tina's family D. Anna's family

62. What color is the desk?

A. Red. A. under the bed C. on the bed A. The eraser.

B. Blue. C. Black. B. under the chair D. on the desk

D. White.

63. The computer is . 64. What can't you see in the photo?

B. The books. C. The chair. D. The baseball.

65. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Some books are on the desk.

B. The pens and the pencils are in the desk. C. In the pencil box is an eraser. D. The chair is under the bookcase.


I live in a town. My town has one Main Road with all kinds of stores on it like clothes stores and bookstores. There are some streets off Main Road.

The first street on the left of Main Road is Apple Street. A big supermarket is on it. Across from Apple Street is Pear Street. There is a big hospital on it. The third street on the left of Main Road is Brown Street. You can find the Town Library on it. There is also a street between Brown Street and Apple Street. This street is Free Drive. A post office, a hotel and some restaurants are on it. There is another(另一个) street on the right of Main Road. It is School Street. A school is on it.

66. You can find a clothes store on .

A. Apple Street A. Apple Street A. school A. Three. A. streets

B. Main Road B. Pear Street B. restaurant B. Four. B. houses

C. School Street C. School Street C. library C. Five. C. restaurants

D. Pear Street D. Brown Street D. hospital D. Seven. D. hospitals

67. If you want to buy some food in a supermarket, you can go to . 68. There is a on Brown Street. 69. How many streets meet at Main Road? 70. This passage is about in my town.
