Lesson One The Time Message课文解释,练习答案,语法讲解,历年试题

发布时间 : 星期二 文章Lesson One The Time Message课文解释,练习答案,语法讲解,历年试题更新完毕开始阅读

B. Verb pattern 1

主语+系动词+表语(代词 / 名词 / 名词短语) Time is money. The dictionary is mine. Wasting time is a bad habit.

注意:用于这一句型的系动词主要有appear, be, become, feel, look, prove, remain, seem和sound等。系动词appear, seem和prove后面加to be. e.g. : Xiao Ming appears to be unhappy.

e.g. This song sounds beautiful. 这首歌听起来很美。

C .Question on the Text

1)Who is the article written for? And why?

The Time Message is written for the first-year college students because it is important for them to learn how to use time properly when they start college.

2) What three things does the author say about time in the first three paragraphs of the article?

The three things are: Time is tricky, time is dangerous, and time is valuable.

3) What does the author advise you to do at the beginning of the term?

He advises us to make a plan at the beginning of the term.

4) What is the use of a notebook?

It can be used to plan our study each day.

5)Why is it important to realistic when you plan time for a short essay, or an exam?

It is important to be realistic when you plan time for a short essay or an exam because we must allow for unexpected things. Otherwise our entire plan may be upset.

6) Do you think one hour of study for each class hour is enough? Not enough? Or too much? It depends. Sometimes it is enough, but sometimes, two or three hours will be required. 7) Why must a plan be a little flexible?

Because it ?s easy to make certain changes when necessary in a flexible plan. 8) Do you think it is a good habit to study some time each class day?


9) On which day of the week do many students stop at all study activities? What that day?

Saturday seems to be the best day because after five days of study, students need a rest. Saturday is a good for sports.


10.) Does the author think it is good to stop all study activities both on Saturday and on Sunday?

No , he doesn?t. He thinks Sunday is a good day for study.

11) How can Sunday be used?

It can be used to catch up on back reading and other assignments.

12) Which of the seven messages do you think is the most important? Or do you think they are all


Or do you think they are all important? Are you going to put them into practice? I think they are all important. Yes, I am.

D. Oral work (口头练习) E. Written Work (笔头练习)


在制定学习计划时,我们应该记住两件事。第一,应该现实一些, 不要企图干太多的事情。 第二,好的计划要灵活一点。我们可以每周做些小的变动,但是总的模式不变。 让我们当时间的主人,今天就开始我们的计划。

Time is important .Everyone has 24 hours in a day ,and 365 days in a year. Once a day runs out in our life, it will never come back again. If we love our lives, we shouldn?t waste time. we must control time. The best way to use time is to plan it well.

When making the study plan, we should remember two things .First ,be realistic .Don?t try to do too many things .Second ,a good study plan should be flexible .We may make some small changes, but follow the same pattern.

Let?s be the master of time ,start our plan now.

F. .Vocabulary Exercises



? 形容词+ly(以……方式地)――副词

stupidly愚蠢地cleverly聪明地weakly无力地 clearly清楚地frankly坦率地gladly高兴地 ? 名词+ly (具有某性质的)――形容词 brotherly(兄弟般的) motherly母亲般的


deathly死一般的cowardly胆小的manly男子气的 friendly友好的be friendly to sb. She is so friendly to me.

? 名词+ly (每隔一段时间发生地;每隔一段时间出版报纸等)-形容词/副词/名词 hourly


将-ly加在下列单词后面构成新词,必要时适当更改单词拼写。 1)easy, faithful, true, quiet, bad—easily, faithfully, truly, quietly , badly 2)king, love, father, man, friend—kingly, lovely, fatherly, manly, friendly 3)night, year, week, day, month ---nightly, yearly, weekly, daily, monthly,

2. 将下列句子译成英语 1) 用课文中的词或词组

1、我的食物都吃光了,得再去买点 I have run out of food ,I must go to buy some. 2, 既然你这么说,就应该把你的话付诸实施 You have said so ,you should put them into practice . 3坐公共汽车去那儿至少要花两个小时。 .It takes at least two hours to get there by bus. 4 尽管我们失败了,至少我们也尽力了 .Although we failed, at least we tried our best . 5 大点声说话,让大家都听得见。

.you speak louder so that everyone can hear you. 6. 你花了多少时间写那篇文章?

How long has it taken you to write that article?

7. 你似乎很难过。告诉我们发生了什么事了,这样我们好帮你。 You seem to be very sad .Tell us what has happened so that we may help you. 8我们应该保持教室干净。

.We should keep our classroom clean.

9 我们可以请小王帮我们,他好像有好多时间。

.We may ask Xiao Wang to help us ,he seems to have a lot of time. 10我哥哥下周要来北京,他充分利用在这里的逗留时间。

My brother will come to Beijing next week. he must make a good use of the time to stay here.


2) 用本课的动词句型 1

1. 你正是我要找的人

You are the person whom(who)I’m looking for.

2, 这本书不是我的,我约翰的

The book isn’t mine, it’s John’s.

3. 他们一直是最好的朋友。They are always the best friends. 4 北京是个漂亮的城市。.Beijing is a beautiful city. 5. 那似乎的最好的选择。That seems to be the best choice. 3. 用适当的介词或副词填空。

1) Old people like to look back while young people always look ahead

look back回顾,回忆 look ahead朝前看,展望

2) I have to catch up on the reading assignment this Sunday. I have no time playing cards.

catch up on赶上,弥补

3) Toward the end of the semester, the students began to worry about their final exams

toward the end of接近,临近….的末尾

4) We?ve run out of writing paper. Would you go and get some, please?

run out of用完,耗尽

5) We lost the game because our age worked against us.

work against与….作对,不利于

6) I don?t know how much time it will take to build this road. It depends on the weather.

depend on/upon取决于,视….而定

7) You should work out a plan at the beginning of the term.

work out制定,解题

8) I can tell from experience that something is wrong with the machine.

from experience凭经验,根据经验

9) Watching TV can keep you up to the date

keep sb. up to date使跟上时代,跟上潮流,不落伍

10) You should study hard. But on the other hand, you should take some time off for sports or other


