Lesson One The Time Message课文解释,练习答案,语法讲解,历年试题

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cover to cover完整收录 cover letter附信

under separate cover在另函中 land cover土地覆盖 cover in用泥土填;遮盖住

cover an area of占地面积,占地多少 ground cover地被植物

vegetation cover植被(覆盖);植物覆盖层 6.duty n. 任务 责任 | 关税 | 职务 e.g. on duty值班,上班

heavy duty重型;重载;重税 custom duty关税 off duty下班

sense of duty n. 责任感;责任 legal duty法律职责 duty of care [律]注意义务

7.management n.管理

Manage v manager n经理 managerial adj. 管理的 8. number one adj. 自己的; 重要的,头号的 e.g. The economy is the number one issue by far...


e.g. By the way, I’m your number-one fan.


9. seriously adv. 真心地,当真地,严肃地 10. once conj. 一旦……(就……)

Once you get out of the gate, don?t come back again. 一旦你走出这个门,就不要再回来。

11. weekly adj. 每周一次的 n +ly= adj.

yearly adj. 每年一次的

daily adj. 每天一次的 monthly, weekly 12. follow v. 遵照,沿用

following adj. 紧接着的

13. realistic现实可行的

real真正的really副词You are really lovely,really? reality现实in reality在现实中


14. essay n. 作文,短文 15. quiz n. 考查;测验 qu的发音:[kw] 类似的词比如: question, 同义词辨析 examination: 通常指为检查学生知识或能力而举行的正式考试,有时也指临时考试。 test: 多指有具体目的的临时性考试或小考。 quiz: 指时间较短,随时进行的口头或书面的非正式测验。 16. upset v. 打乱;打翻 adj. 伤心的 同义词:sad e.g. You upset my plan. 你打乱了我的计划。 17. ability n. 能力,才智 e.g. You have a lot of ability. Or:You are a great person with great ability. 你是一个很有能力的人。 18. grade n. 分数 等级,年级,层次 class: 含义广泛,指人或物按优劣划分的等级,也指学校中的年级或班级。 degree: 指程度、范围不同,社会地位的高低。也可指形容词或副词的级。 grade: 指按地位或优劣划分的等级,既可指人又可指物。 rank: 指人在社会中的地位或等级,尤指军队中的军衔。 19. achieve v. 获得 achievement n成就 20. flexible adj. 灵活的 反义词:inflexible 21. re-plan v. 重新计划 Re- 重新,再 e.g. rewrite改写 re-elect改选, re-educate再教育 22. basis名词 ? on the basis of在….基础上 e.g. I succeed on the basis of hard working. e.g. On the basis of hard working I have passed my exam. ? be based on以….为基础 His success is based on his hard working. 23. project n. 课题;研究项目 24. mid-term adj. 期中的 e.g. midterm exam 期中考试 final exams期末考试 14 25. solid adj. 扎实的 固体的;可靠的;立体的;结实的;一致的

e.g. A freezer freezes water solid. 冰箱能使水结成固体

e.g. lay a solid foundation打下牢固的基础

e.g. Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.


26. schedule n. 计划表

27. alive adj. 活着的,起作用的

for example :My grandmother is still alive 同义词辨析

alive:其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态(指本来应该死了,但是还活着,比如空难,车祸之后大难不死 )



28. assignment n. 作业 29.. activity n. 活动 30. social社会的

e.g. social problems社会问题 society社会, 社团(名词)

31. seem好像(系动词)

e.g. It seems that he is ill. e.g. He seems to be ill. e.g. He seems to be sun-burned. e.g. It seems that he is sun-burned.


e.g. It seems that you don?t enjoy your trip to Canada.


e.g. We seem to be enemy to each other.


32. Back adj. 以前的;过去的



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1. Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste.


e.g. How do I get out of this tricky situation?


2.When you look ahead , you think you have more time than you need .

当你向前看时,觉得有用不完的时间 Look ahead朝前看 look back回顾(朝后看)

you have more time than you need means : the time you have is more than the time you need. 3. For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your


比如说,学期伊始,你可能会觉得有大量的时间 a) at the beginning of在…..的开始,起初

at the end of在…末尾,

B on hand 即将发生 | 在手边 | 在场


? at hand

1). 邻近;在近旁 2). 迫在眉睫;即将发生

Retribution is at hand. 惩罚就要到来

? at the hand或at the hands of 1)


? by hand 1.)人工完成

? hand it to【非正式用语】 1.)给…以信任

e.g. You?ve got to hand it to her; she knows what she?s doing. 你们必须信任她;她知道自己在做什么 ? in hand

1) 在控制之中

e.g. The project is well in hand. 这项计划控制得很好

