
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2002年1月大学英语四级考试试题答案与详解更新完毕开始阅读


【解析】固定搭配题。Read between the lines是固定搭配,意为“从字里行间体会隐含的意思,领会言外之意”,其他三个介词不符合本题的搭配。

58. My brother’s plans are very ____ ; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.

A) arbitrary B) aggressive C) ambitious D) abundant C)。【译文】我弟弟的计划雄心勃勃,他想在16岁之前掌握英语、法语和西班牙语。


59. Things might have been much worse if the mother ____ on her right to keep the baby.

A) has been insisting B) had insisted C) would insist D) insisted



60. The statistical figures in that report are not ____. You should not refer to them.

A) accurate B) fixed C) delicate D) rigid

A)。【译文】这个报告里的统计数字不准确,你不应该参照它们。 【解析】单词辨义题。Accurate意为“准确的,精确的”,本题要求一个可以修饰数字的形容词,故选A)。delicate意为“细微的,精美的,微妙的”;Fixed意为“固定的”;rigid意为“坚硬的,死板的”。

61. Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when ____ alone.

A) seen B) is seen C) to be seen D) having been seen A)。【译文】对比可能全使某个东西看起来比起单独看来更漂亮。


62. The football game comes to you ____ from New York. A) lively B) alive C) live D) living



63. None of us expected the chairman to ____ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.

A) turn in B) turn over C) turn up D) turn down


【解析】词组辨析搭配题。Turn up意为“出现,到达”;turn in意为

“上交”;turn over意为“使翻转,使倾倒”;turn down意为“拒绝”。

64. The mother didn’t know who ____ for the broken glass. A) blamed B) be blamed C) to blame D) would blame C)。【译文】母亲不知道谁应为打碎的玻璃杯负责。

【解析】固定搭配题。Be to blame意为“该受责备,应负责”,不用被动式,如:The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.(庄稼收成不好部分应该归罪于坏天气。)其他三个选项都不符合该用法。

65. He ____ to his customers and halved the price. A) leaked B) drew C) quoted D) yielded D)。【译文】他向他的顾客让步了,把价格降了一半。

【解析】搭配和词义题。Yield to sth.意为“屈服于?,顺从?”,根据本句中把价格降低了的结果可以判断出yield to符合题意。Leak意为“渗漏,泄露”;draw意为“拖,拉,吸取”;quote意为“引用,引证”。

66. Tryon was extremely angry, but cool-headed enough to ____ storming into the boss’s office.
