2018-2019学年外研版六年级下册英语期末试题 (含答案)

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2018-2019学年外研版六年级下册英语期末试题 (含答案)更新完毕开始阅读



1.( )A. cent B. dollar C. nurse 2.( )A. duck B. cloud C. cow 3.( )A. third B. second C. one 4.( )A. national B. proud C. model 5.( )A. Monday B. November C. October 二、单项选择。

( )1. Yang Liwei went into space for the time in 2003. A. one B. first C. last

( )2. Tom is riding his bike, it rain. A. but; starts to B. but; is starting C. but; started to ( )3. — ? —I’m cleaning my room.

A. What are you doing B. How are you C. Where are you ( )4. It will be cold and in Beijing. A. rain B. raining C. rainy ( )5. —

—I want a hamburger, please.

A. Hello! B. Can I help you? C. What’s your name? 三、连词成句。

1. proud, was, father, I, my, very, of(?) 2. book, a, wrote, she, herself, about(.) 3. laughing, you, are, why(?)

4. playing, we, hide-and-seek, are(.)

5. writing, what, are, in, you, letters, your(?) 四、按要求完成句子。

1. 祝你好运!(汉译英)

2. She had a happy time at school. (变为一般疑问句)

3. I’m going to study French. (对划线部分提问)

4. It’s thirty dollars. (对划线部分提问)

5. I’m wearing a raincoat it’s going to rain. (补全句子) 五、补全对话。 A: 1. B: It’s twelve o’clock.

A: 2. Let’s have lunch. B: What do you want to eat? A: 3. B: And to drink?

A: 4. What about you?

B: I want to eat a hamburger and a hot dog. A: 5. B: Yes. I want a cola.


Look at this photo! In this photo, we are on a farm. The sun is shining and the wind is blowing. The sheep are eating. The horses are running. The rabbits are jumping. The fish are swimming. What are we doing? Tom is

flying a kite with Lily. Linda is drawing a picture. Emma is reading a book under a tree. I’m listening music on the grass. ( ) 1. Where are they?

A. On a farm. B. In a park. C. At school. ( ) 2. What’s the weather like?

A. Snowy. B. Cold and rainy. C. Sunny and windy. ( ) 3. What are the rabbits doing?

A. They are eating. B. They are jumping. C. They are sleeping. ( ) 4. How many people are there? A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. ( ) 5. Where is Emma?

A. She is in a house. B. She is on the grass. C. She is under a tree. 七、写作。

小花(Xiaohua)和露西(Lucy)即将从同一所小学毕业,进入不同的初中继续学习。请你替小花写一份告别信给露西。 要求:

1. 语句通顺,意思连贯; 2. 书写规范; 3. 不少于6句话。


一、1-5 CBCCA 二、1-5 BAACB

三、1. I was very proud of my father. 2. She wrote a book about herself. 3. Why are you laughing?

4. We are playing hide-and-seek. 5. What are you writing in your letters? 四、1. Good luck to you!

2. Did she have a happy time at school? 3. What are you going to study? 4. How much is it? 5. because 五、1-5 EDABC 六、1-5 ACBAC 七、Dear Lucy,

We are going to say goodbye to our primary school soon. We had a happy time at school. You helped me in English. I taught you Chinese. I’ll never forget our time together. We’re going to study in different middle schools. Best wishes to us! I’ll miss you! Remember to write to me! Xiaohua
