
发布时间 : 星期三 文章专四词汇练习单选题2000(含生词批注)更新完毕开始阅读

660. His letters indicate that he loved his son and took pride ________ him. a. for b. in c. of d. on

661. To solve this problem we should draw ________ all the evidence we can get. a. from b. for c. in d. on

662. Scientists ________ that there is no animal life on Mars. a. assume b. resume c. consume d. presume

663. Although we still have some problems to face, _______ our project has been successful. a. by all means b. by and by c. by and large d. at large

664. True patriotism ________ putting the interests of one's country above everything else, including one's life.

a. lies with b. depends on c. consists of d. consists in

665. It is reported that an increasing number of people ____ building more nuclear power plants. a. agree b. favor c. consent d. approve

666. After their misfortunes the once wealthy family slowly became _______ again. a. famous b. respectable c. prosperous d. impressive

667.The trouble is that he is not _______ of what his fellow workers think of him. a. confident b. conscious c. conscientious d. worthy

668. Many women prefer to pursue professional careers _______ stay home as housewives. a. to b. than c. rather than d. more than

669. We had to ____ dried milk as fresh milk wasn't available. a. face up to b. carry on with c. resort to d. fall back on 670. Railways are ________ to the economic prosperity of the country. a. essential b. useful c. reliable d. preferable

671. Gerald had most probably mistaken her _____ another sort of girl. a. as b. with c. for d. to

672. She was resolved to show herself _______ her good fortune. a. worthy b. worthy of c. worth of d. worthwhile 673. Shakespeare compared the world _______ a stage. a. to b. with c. as d. for 674. I want a tie that will _____ this suit.

a. fit b. agree c. compare d. match

675. He didn't go into detail on the subject; he spoke ________. a. in short b. in common c. in genera1 d. in part 676. Be so kind as to ________ some time when you are free. a. come in b. drop in c. turn in d. set in

677. As soon as it started to rain we turned round and _____ home. a. made for b. called for c. cared for d. searched for

678. It's true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We won't take the new one _________, because we don't feel as safe on it.

a. although b. though c. therefore d. instead 679. He rescued the child at the ________ of his own life.' a. danger b. disregard c. risk d. negligence

680. I believe that you are innocent of the crime and I?ll _______ you anywhere. a. stand up for b. stand up to c. back up d. sit up for

681. Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt _______ lonely. a. all but b. anything but c. nothing but d. nothing other than 682. How ______ earth did you manage to do that? a. in b. by c. for d. on

683. I am _____ to death of being blamed for everything that goes wrong. a. fed up b. impatient c. sick d. angry

684.During their _________ on the house, the police found a lot of dangerous drugs. a. attack b. search c. investigation d. raid

685. He is very good at chess. You are no ________ for him. a. match b. rival c. equal d. correspondent

686. The tickets are all sold out. You should have booked one _______. a. ahead of time b. ahead of schedule c. in advance d. long since. 687. This _____ was conducted to find out how many people prefer rice. a. examination b. survey c. inspection d. test 688. I talked with Dr. Smith ____ the telephone. a. with b. in c. on d. at


689. His argument seemed to carry no _____ on the problem whatever. a. connection b. relation c. relevance d. weight

690. Despite hardships, she persisted ____ her efforts to get a college education. a. in b. on c. on d. at

691. People in Southern China live mainly _____ rice and vegetables. a. by b. on c. for d. through

692. You?ll find that the community has _____ great changes since you were here last time. a. happened b. taken place c. sustained d. undergone

693. He leaves his car at a parking meter for over two hours and always gets ________ it, but when I do that, I am fined.

a. away from b. off from c. away with d. off with

694. The offence ______ which he is going to be charged carries a heavy penalty. a. of b. with c. on d. at

695. Bill is quite _______ to the job of running the office. a. able b. capable c. qualified d. equal

696. Now I think it's time you handed ____ your exercise books. a. in b. out c. over d. back

697. He should _____ be allowed to get up until he has completely recovered from his illness. a. in any event b. at any cost c. in no case d. under any circumstances 698. He is a man of a ____ mood; he never finishes what he starts. a. different b. various c. distinctive d. variable

699. And if a man called Bronse rings ____ for me, put him through immediately. a. in b. up c. off d. through..

700. They ________ the Indians of their lands and slaughtered them. a. stole b. burgled c. robbed d. held up 701. She _____ fainted when she heard the bad news.

a. all but b. anything but c. nothing but d. would rather 702. He wasn?t very_____ on buying a car, but we talked him into it. a. anxious b. eager c. keen d. crazy

703. Mr. Smith is very jealous _____ his colleague's success. a. in b. to c. with d. of

704. Without a passport, leaving the country is ________. a. beyond question b. without question c. out of the question d. in question

705. Small boys usually _______ little girls and refuse to play with them. a. look down on b. look up to c. look forward to d. look back on 706. We all _______ the achievements he has made in his experiments. a. advertise b. confess c. admire d. realize

707. Wherever there is matter, there is energy; all changes of matter _______ changes in the form of the energy.

a. retain b. include c. contain d. involve

708. You can't leave the city: all the roads are _____ by snow. a. covered b. blocked c. filled d. burdened

709. We were ____ for half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. a. held up b. held down c. kept beck d. put back

710. She has fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may come _______. a. over b. back c. round d. about

711. It took you two years to realize he was dishonest. She _____ from the start. a. saw him through b. looked him through c. brought him through d. saw through him

712. Because she hates dishonesty she is ________ yon her son when he tells lies. a. hard b. strict c. heavy d. tight

713. A good newspaper story must come right to the _____ and save the details for later. a. aim b. summit c. point d. purpose

714. When my sister was in hospital, she was _____on by a well-known surgeon. a. worked b. handed c. passed d. operated

715. He was _____ for work, for he could not imagine life without it. a. worried b. proud c. eager d. keen

716. You do not benefit if you do your homework in _______. a. hurry b. haste c. quickness d. speed


717. I didn't realize you wanted to keep the letter. I've _______ it up. a. torn b. pulled c. broken d. smashed 718. I must ______ on your giving me a straightforward answer. a. persist b. insist c. appreciate d. stick

719. He sets ______ a sum of money every week for his old age. a. about b. off c. aside d. apart

720. In _____, I agree with your proposal, but I?m not sure if it will acturally work. a. fact b. practice c. reality d. theory

721. He is all right _____ he is left to do the job in his own way.740. a. so long as b. so far as c. as far as d. even if

722. I can ______ him to you for the job. He is a very good worker. a. advise b. prompt c. recommend d. support

723. The case against Robert Jones was ____ for lack of evidence. a. refused b. dismissed c. eliminated d. discarded

24. I?m sorry to ____ you while you are working, but I must ask you a question about English.

a. interfere b. intervene c. intrude d. bother?

725. The National Safety Council urges drivers and passengers to wear seat belts as a _______ against injury. a. caution b. precaution c. safety d. security 726. The fuel gas, if _____ some air, burns rapidly.

a. mixed with b. involved in c. connected with d. joined with 727. People who walk on the grass are _____ to a fine of $5. a. possible b. bound c. liable d. likely

728. It rained a few times during our holiday but _______ the weather was fine. a. in brief b. in a way c. as usual d. on the whole

729. We found the evening boring and uninteresting, _____ ,a waste of time. a. in general b. in short c. at length d. in particular

730. Since his childhood, one of his _______ has been stamp-collecting. a. hobbies b. adventures c. likes d. jobs

731. After Tom passed his driving test he _____ an application for his driver's license. a. wrote out b. filled out c. worked out d. made out

732. There was _____rain and snow last winter. So we have a good harvest this summer. a. proper b. plenty c. adequate d. excessive

733. ______ travel agencies may be organizing trips to the moon. Who knows! a. In future b. In the future c. From now on d. Later on 734. The ________ of his speech was good, but the form was not. a. content b. essence c. point d. subject

735. We cannot expect her to do the homework _____ to look after the children. a. as well b. as well as c. and as well d.so as

736. Our football team's _______ has been excellent during the whole year. a. behavior b. action c. play d. performance 737. His behavior sometimes _______ madness

a. approaches b. draws near c. borders on d. adds to 738. His parents _____ him to buy a computer.

a. forbade b. discouraged c. prohibited d. prevented

739. The flight was supposed to take off at nine o'clock but _____ we had to wait until ten. a. at last b. on the contrary c. in the end d. in effect 740. I _______ of his course of action, so I told him to go ahead. a. assented b. consented c. approved d. agreed

741. I _______ a copy of Milton with my cousin for a copy of Wordsworth. a. changed b. exchanged c. replaced d. offered

742. At first I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly _______ me. a. occurred to b. hit upon c. flashed to d. happened to

743. A small child has to learn to keep its _____ before it can walk far. a. weight b. balance c. scale d. stabliltiy

744. “That?s a very good _____ you?ve just put forward,” said Prof. Smith. a. advice b. information c. description d. suggestion 745. I was on the _____ of going out when you rang me. a. edge b. spot c. point d. brink

746. The curtain have ______ because of the strong sunlight.


a. fainted b. faded c. lightened d. weakened 747. Doctor Smith was one of the _____ in cancer research.

a. pioneers b. advocates c. engineers d. founders

748. Any student who _______ his homework is unlikely to pass his examination. a. denies b. refuses c. neglects d. reduces

749. Most children in Great Britain are educated at the public ________. a. cost b. payment c. expense d. charge

750. He put in a special _____ for an extra day?s holiday so that he could attend his daughter?s wedding. a. request b requirement c. demand d. enquiry

751. The condition can be well imagined when one small settlement is expected to _______ 10,000 families. a. dwell b. reside c. inhabit d. house

752. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up[ she would lose her ____ to Scotland. a. place b. seat c. connection d. change

753. In early times an armed contest was sometimes initiated by a (n) ____ to fight and decide the issue. a. challenge b. call c. appeal d. cheer

754. The scientist has _____ the behavior of birds all his life. a. noticed b. seen c. notified d. observed

755. Once we have ____ the store, we shall owe money to no one. a. cleared off b. cleaned up c. paid off d. laid off

756. Allen placed too much _____ on sports and not enough on his studies. a. importance b. emphasis c. interest d. worth

757. The dictionary has been completely _____ after being in use for twenty years. a. revised b. reviewed c. revived d. renovated

758. Even though she hadn?t seen it for many years, the woman _______ her son?s handwriting. a. remembered b. reorganized c. recounted d. recognized 759. That style of hat first came into _______ when I was a small boy. a. market b. appearance c. fashion d. practice

760. Tom agreed with the suggestion _____, but he thought that in practice it would not work. a. in attitude b. in principle c. in fact d. in general

761. We planned to have the meeting today, but it has been _____ until next Friday. a. cancelled b. called off c. postponed d. transferred 762. The young surgeon _______ his first operation successfully. a. made b. carried c. performed d. practised 763. Don?t worry, there is ______room in my bag.

a. great deal of b. plenty of c. large amount of d. abundance of 764. He is _____ the best teacher we have ever had.

a. by far b. by chance c. by now d. by ail means 765. Our country has _______ great changes in the past 20 years.

a. happened b. occurred c. experienced d. taken place 766. If the electricity goes off, we have candles _______ in the closet. a. in stock b. in store c. in case d. in hand

767. The commander might order an attack upon the enemy; it all ____circumstances. a. depends on b. counts on c. focuses on d. exists in 768. The dull speaker could not _______ the interest of his audience. a. attain b. obtain c. retain d. gain

769. The park was _______ with people doing all sorts of recreational activities. a. live b. alive c. lively d. vigorous

770. We shall have to pay the bill _______, so let's do it at once. a. recently b. naturally c. eventually d. lately

771. The first, second and third prizes went to Jack, Tom and Henry ____. a. differently b. individually c. privately d. respectively 772. She is old enough to know _____ spend all her money on clothes. a. not to b. better to c. rather than d. better than to

773. We always go to the seaside for our holiday every year. This time let's go mountain climbing for ________.

a change b. sure c. ever d. pleasure

774. My bike is at your ____. You can use it any time you like. a. control b. request c. service d. mercy

775. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence but, the contrary, their social existence determines their consciousness.

