A Brief Analysis on the Principles of Pragmatics and Its Application in Business English Negotiation

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A Brief Analysis on the Principles of Pragmatics and Its

Application in Business English Negotiation


1.1 Research Background

A preliminary reading of the relevant literature on the principles of pragmatics and the application in business English negotiation make us realize that some problems in previous researches remain to be solved.

First, the comment about the language arts in business English negotiation is not clear enough.

Second, how to right use the pragmatics principles in business English negotiation.

Third, there will be a further development about the pragmatics principles in the business English negotiation.

With the global economic integration, the international business activities are more and more frequent. The business activities of China in international affairs are also more frequent after being the member of WTO. And in the process of interaction, the business English negotiation becomes more and more important. Some language behavior about question, request, to persuade and threat or some others like these have existed for a long time. It is the application of pragmatics principles.



1.2 Significance of the Study and Methodology

This thesis intends to probe into the essence of business negotiation across borders under the guide of pragmatics theory, making a tentative study of language strategy and its application by taking pragmatics principles theory as its rational. A conclusion may be drawn that although cross-cultural business negotiation is influenced by cultural difference. And it also can be linked to the pragmatics principles application in the business English negotiation. Not only that but also it can be facilitated by selecting relevant language strategies to make it possible that both parties can have more opportunities to reach an agreement. Business English negotiators make use of the different language strategies strategically to achieve their communicative intentions. However, different strategies may bring about different results in business English negotiations: a win-lose result, a win-win result or lose-lose result. Generally speaking, language strategies play a very important role in determining the outcome of business English negotiation. The basic claim in this thesis is that there are some general language strategies that can be employed in cross-cultural business English negotiations despite varieties of cultural and social backgrounds. For reasons of keeping business secrets and profits, business companies are always reluctant to disclose their files of business English negotiations in detail. After many unsuccessful attempts to obtain firsthand materials, the language data I have collected hereinafter are limited to second-hand materials among the recent publications related to business English negotiation. Since the negotiation strategies play an important role in negotiation and the decision on strategies is governed by cultural diversity and language strategies is significant. This thesis may be helpful for negotiators to deal with the cross-cultural business English negotiations in a more flexible way by selecting language strategies and enhancing awareness of cultural differences. That is to say that the application of the pragmatics principles during the business English negotiation has become more and more important.



1.3 Research Question

This thesis will have some comment on the application of pragmatics principles during the business English negotiation. And the pragmatics principles will be explained in detail. The main issues are business English negotiation among the concrete language environment.

1.4 Structure of the Thesis

This thesis consists of four chapters: chapter one, an introduction of this thesis, centers on the background, significance and arrangement of the research. Based on an overview of cross-cultural business English negotiation and application of pragmatics principles during the negotiation, chapter two elaborates the different people?s ideas which are prevailing in previous research in this filed. The author future points outs the limitations of cross-cultural theories in conciliating negotiation disagreements and therefore puts forward the application of pragmatics principles. Chapter three is the core of the thesis. First, this chapter reviews in detail cooperative principles, politeness theory and relevance theory, on which the research of this thesis is based. Then, it explores collected materials and analyzes the application of pragmatic theories in business negotiation so as to avoid pragmatics failure. The author holds the view that pragmatics principles serve as underlying principles in facilitating business English negotiation across borders and that a prospective agreement may be reached by the application of language strategies in the business English negotiations. And the chapter is the conclusion. What is made of the main findings and the limitation and the suggestion for further study?



ChapterⅡCooperative Principles

2.1 Introduction

Pragmatics is a newly arising discipline. The modern usage of the term pragmatics is attributable to the American philosopher Charles Morris, who defined semiotics as the use of signs governed by syntactic, semantic and pragmatic rules in 1937. According to him pragmatics is the study of “the relation of signs to interpreters”(1938:6). Since then, pragmatics has been developed with enthusiasm by philosophers and linguists alike. It entered an especially meaningful phase in 1962 when J.L.Austin?s contribution to the subject was published under the title How to Do Things with words (Austin: 1962), which showed that, when using language, people do not just or write to one another but rather they perform actions, they do things, usually in contexts that combine linguistic and nonlinguistic elements, part of the element in which they communicate consisting of the knowledge, beliefs and assumptions of all concerned. Thus appears the first major pragmatic theory------speech act theory.

By the early 1980s pragmatics had been generally accepted as one of the basic branches of linguistics together with phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

What is the pragmatics then? Scholars have given their definitions in different ways. You can even find nearly ten possibilities in Levinson?s “Pragmatics (1983:6-27). The following are some of them:

Definition 1 Pragmatics is the study of those relations between language and context that are grammaticalized, or encoded in the structure of a language. (Levinson: 1983)

Definition 2 Pragmatics is study of the relations between language and context

