
发布时间 : 星期二 文章M5-u13,14,15写作词汇复习更新完毕开始阅读



14. 中国人被普遍认为是友好的人,他们极其勤劳和有干劲。

Chinese are generally seen as friendly people who are extremely hard-working and motivated. (Unit 13-CC)

15. 德国人有时被认为是没有幽默感的。

Germans are sometimes accused of not having a sense of humour. (Unit 13-CC)


1. Fill in the blanks with the given words. upset, cheek, shelter, relief, tutor, bleed, thunder, fault 1. I think my French ______might know one of them.

2. I saw she had tears running down her _______at lunch today and one of the other teachers gave her a hug.

3. Their friends are really ______ and have been waiting anxiously for more news. 4. I wonder how they got lost and whose _____ it was. 5. They might have been separated from the other students and couldn‘t hear anything when the _______ started.

6. Why not take him to the hospital at once? He‘s __________

7. Their parents must be worried. It‘ll be a real _____when they‘re found. 8. They might be __________ in a cave.


1 tutor, 2 cheeks, 3 upset, 4 fault, 5 thunder, 6 bleeding , 7 relief, 8 sheltering

2. Choose the correct form of words from the box to complete the sentences. description; in terms of; academic; predict; matter; deserve; mistaken; association; involve; entirely 1. The students return in September for the start of the new __________ year.

2. I think I could come out with something very different ________________ marketing.

3. The seaside had all sorts of pleasant _____________ with childhood holidays for me.

4. Parents should __________ themselves in their child‘s education. 5. I‘m not __________ happy about the arrangement. It‘s unfair.

6. – I _________ that the stock market will fall tomorrow. --- Really? Why do you think so?

7. They didn‘t _________ to win because they cheated in the game.

8. I thought I saw someone I knew, but I must have been _____________. 9. The children __________ more to her than anything else in the world.

10. The engineer gave a detailed ____________ of the whole program to the other



team members.


1.acdemic 2.in terms of 3.association 4.involve 5.entirely 6.predict 7. deserve 8.mistaken 9.matter 10. description



Unit 14 Warm-up 135. carpenter 137. receptionist 139. typist 141. bonus 143. income 145. wage Lesson1 147. summary 149. paragraph 151. institute 153. pump 155. deer 157. take charge of 159. receipt 161. liquid 163. consult 165. casual Lesson 2 167. make up 169. go into details 171. sit up 173. collar 175. childhood 177. instant 179. civil 181. basis 183. corn 185. cattle 187. wisdom 189. grain 191. mud 193. junior high 195. believe in 197. nest 199. turn over 201. grasp 203. illegal 205. commit 207. glory 209. beneath 211. stage


136. chemist 138. shop assistant 140. insurance 142. fee 144. reward 146. charge 148. guidance 150. timetable 152. aid 154. data 156. charge 158. topic 160. error 162. comprehension 164. chart 166. quarrel 168. make out 170. speak up 172. nursery 174. appointment 176. typewriter 178. battle 180. moral 182. surrounding 184. frost 186. steep 188. idiom 190. lip Lesson 3 192. junior 194. universe 196. mankind 198. feather 200. overcome 202. inspect 204. pay off 206. existence 208. constantly 210. bend 212. hesitate [键入文字]

213. wrist Lesson 4 215. judgement 217. decrease 219. division 221. operate 223. respond 225. flexible 227. envy 229. continent 231. comfort 233. booming 235. arithmetic 237. distinguish 239. in addition Unit 14 214. twist 216. keep up with 218. multiply 220. branch 222. dynamic 224. respond 226. flexible 228. bother 230. in case 232. slave 234. panic 236. enclose 238. due to Unit 15 Warm-up 240. arrow 控制 树立榜样 主动提出做某事 向某人咨询某事 而不是 总是 假装;辨认出;弄懂 详谈 大声说出 坐直;熬夜 一……就…… 害怕某物 梦见;梦想 信任;信仰 克服不少困难 翻转;移交 初中 挑战某人做某事 赶上 算出;弄懂 深呼吸 毫无疑问 取而代之 向过去那样 对……作出反应 独立地 8

1. take charge of 2. set an example 3. offer to do sth. 4. consult sb. about sth. 5. rather than 6. at all times 7. make out 8. go into details 9. speak up 10. sit up 11. the instant/moment/minute 12. be scared of sth. 13. dream of/ about (doing) sth. 14. believe in 15. overcome a lot of difficulties 16. turn sth. over 17. junior high 18. challenge sb. to do sth. 19. keep up with 20. work out 21. take a deep breath 22. without doubt 23. instead of 24. as before 25. respond to 26. on one‘s own
