
发布时间 : 星期六 文章现代大学英语精读2课后答案更新完毕开始阅读

o home-made cakes o heart-felt thanks

o an enemy-occupied area o snow-covered fields o test-oriented education

o government-controlled shares o a poverty-stricken village o a student-centered approach o sugar-coated pills

2.Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. all for the best at the edge of in search of

in sth‘s or sb‘s place

to below itself outto quite down to come into focus

to work one‘s way out of

? Mr. Watson put up a fence __________ his vegetable field to keep the passersby from crossing it.

? Before I wrote his biography, I spent almost two years in the national library __________ information about him. ? The chairperson tried to make the discussion __________ because it was impossible to solve all the problems just in one afternoon.

? He decided to take the job although it didn‘t pay well. He felt it was probably__________.

? It took them a whole week to __________ the big forest. ? When the storm finally __________, they found three people missing.

? Ms. Wu acted __________ while he was away on holiday. ? The people were extremely angry. They shouted in loud protest. It took the mayor 10 minutes to make them __________.

? For days, warships and fishing boats were sent to that area __________ survivors.

? When the moving objects __________, we found that they were only swans.

3.Choose the right phrasal verbs in the brackets and put them in proper forms.

? I felt a sharp pain when the nurse__________ (tear away, tear off) the blood-soaked bandage from the wound in my leg.

? I was walking along the river the other day when I saw a kid fall into the water. I immediately __________ (tear away, tear off) my jacket and jumped into the river to save them. ? The old houses have been __________ (tear off, tear down) to make room for a new shopping center.

? The sunset was so beautiful in the mountains that we had trouble ourselves __________. (tear away, tear off) 4.Put the Chinese into English.

? 他们把病人的档案全储存在计算机里了。(store)

? 那个盲人夜里演奏的悲伤的音乐能使我们感动得流泪。(move)

? 她把一块湿毛巾放在我的额头上以止住鼻子出血。(put)

? 每次回家她总是先把手提包往沙发上一扔。(throw)

? 和人说话时千万不要用手指着他。(point)

? 侦探跟踪他到幸福街五号。(follow)

? 纳尔逊把我们分成两组后带着其中的一组去了实验室。(divide, take)

? 司机赶快把她送到附近的医院。(take)

? 教师们正在努力使学生接触到世界文学的精华。(expose)

5.Put in the missing words.

Zoos have existed for so long that no one knows the origins of the ones. At one time, zoos were (1)______ to entertain kings, queens, princes and princesses. Today, there are probably over 500 public (2)_____ the world. The one with the greatest (3)______ of animals is in Berlin.

Years ago, zoos always (4)______ animals in barred cages but now zoos (5)______ to keep their animals in more natural surroundings. (6)______ a result, there is great improvement in the (7)_____ animals are treated, housed and bred. One of the best zoos in the United States is at San Diego in California, (8)_____the climate makes it possible or for the animals to live (9)____ most of the year. As civilization spreads and natural wildernesses (10)______ reduced, zoos have become more important. They (11)______ places where race animals (12)_____ be preserved form extinction.

Game reserves have (13)_____ in parts of Europe for hundreds of years for hunting purposes. Today, (14)______, they are usually places where wildlife are (15)_____ form hunters and can live and breed (16)______ by man. One of the largest (17)______ in the world is the KrugerNational Park in South Africa, where elephants, zebras and lions are (18)________ the attractions. III. Grammar

1. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.

? We must read the instructions carefully

___________________________ (在使用这台笔记本电脑之前)。

? I used to cycle to school ___________(天好的时候)。 ? Jane was about to say yes __________________________________(突然听见一个熟悉的声音叫她)。

? The young man didn’t realize that money wasn’t everything____________________ (直到他父亲在一次事故中丧身)。

? It may be years ____________________ (这两个国家才能达成协议)。

? I was getting ready for bed _________________ (听见楼下有人)。

? I telephoned the police__________________________ (一听见可疑的声音)。

? She had just been enrolled by a teachers’ college __________________________________ (北京大学的录取通知就到了)。

9)You have to work at least for five years in the workshop__________________________ (才能指望提升)。 10)We had no idea what china had achieved over the past twenty years __________________________________(我们到达之前).

2. Put in articles where necessary. When no article is needed, put in a slash―/‖.

1) __________ corner grocery store was __________ American tradition, but now it is dying out. In __________ older times there was __________ small grocery store in every neighborhood. Every day, __________ housewife went to __________ store to buy __________ milk, __________ fresh bread, and __________ losing __________ business to __________ large supermarkets.

? __________ supermarkets are bigger than __________ corner stores. __________ corner store is __________ family business, __________ ―Ma and Pa ‖ operation. __________ supermarkets employ more people. They are newer, more modern, and they stay open longer. They have __________ greater variety of __________ products, and they offer __________ lower prices. Many people miss __________ old corner store. It was smaller, friendlier, and closer to _________ home. But __________ small businesses can‘t complete with __________ large companies.

IV. Written work

Answer the question in about 130 words.

How did the boy in the story get in a snowstorm and how did Maheegun come to his rescue?

You are expected to cover these points: o How the boy was trapped in a snowstorm o What dangerous situation he was in o How the wolf came to his rescue 答案:

Lesson Two Maheegun My Brother II . Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Complete the following sentences with the words in their proper forms from the list below. Write N (noun) or V (verb).

(1) risks (N) (2) waste (V) (3) journey (N) (4) hit (V)

(5) journeyed (V) (6) camp (V) (7) bandaged (V)

2) Study how the compound words―snow-filled‖(para.23) and ―blood-soaked‖(para.29) are formed.

snow-filled (adj.): ___ + ____ (meaning: filled with snow) blood-soaked (adj.) ____ + ___ (meaning: soaked with blood)

Put the following phrases into Chinese.

(1) 国营的工厂 (2) 家庭制作的蛋糕 (3) 由衷的感谢 (4) 敌人占领区 (5) 白雪覆盖的田野 (6) 应试教育 (7) 政府所控股份 (8) 贫困的山村

(9) 以学生为中心的方法 (10)裹着糖衣的药片 2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms.

1) at the edge of 2) in search of 3) come into focus 4) only too ? to

5) work their way out of 6) blew itself out 7) in his place 8) quite down 9) in search of 10) came into focus

3. Choose the right phrasal verbs in the brackets and put them in proper forms.

1) tore off 2) tore off 3) tore down 4) tearing, away 4. Put the Chinese into English.

1) They have stored all the patients‘ records into the computer.

2) The blind man‘s sad music played at night could move us to tears.

3) She put a wet towel on my forehead to stop my nose bleeding.

4) Each time she came back home, she would first throw her handbag onto the sofa.

5) Never point your finger at the person you are speaking to. 6) The detective followed him to No. 5, Happiness, Street. 7) After he divided us into two groups, Mr. Nelson took one group to the lab.

8) The drover took her to a nearby hospital immediately. 9) The teachers are making a great effort to expose the students to the best of world literature. 5. Put in the missing words.

(1) used (2) around/in (3) variety (4) kept (5) try (6) As

(7) ways (8) where (9) outdoors (10) are (11) provide (12) can

(13) existed (14) however (15) safe (16) undisturbed (17) reserves (18) among III . Grammar

1. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets.

1) before we use the new laptop 2) when it was fine

3) when he heard a familiar voice calling her 4) until his father was killed in an accident

5) before the two countries can reach an agreement 6) when I heard someone downstairs 7) as soon as I heard the strange noise

8) when the letter of admission arrived from Peking University

9) before you can expect a promotion 10) before we arrived there

2. Put in articles where necessary. When no article is needed, put in a slash―/‖.

1) The, an, /, a, the, the, /, /, /, /, / 2) /, /, The, a, a, /, a, /, /, the, /, /, / IV . Written work

Answer the question in about 130 words.

How did the boy in the story get in a snowstorm and how did Maheegun come to his rescue? Sample:

When the boy was walking home after spending the Easter holidays in his cousins‘ place, he got lost in a snowstorm and was trapped in the wild. On the third or fourth day, the boy was in a very dangerous situation: it was terribly cold, and he could hardly find any more wood to build a fire. What‘s more, he cut his hand by accident, and a wolf followed the bloodspots on the snow and found where he was. Soon another wolf came, and the two of them were only 50 feet away. Just then Maheegun appeared as if from nowhere. He drove off the other two. Throughout the night, Maheegun staye with the boy, watching for any attackers. The next day the search team arrived and took the boy home.

Lesson Three More Crime and Less Punishment

I. Oral Work

1. Discuss the following question in your group.

It is reported that many countries suffer an increase in crime nowadays. How do you account

for this phenomenon? The following points may be of use for your discussion:

1) the police and court being too soft on criminals 2) the bad influence of other cultures 3) the lack of effective laws 4) the lack of moral control

5) the gap between the rich and poor 6) corruption II. Vocabulary

1. Practice using the rules of word formation.

1) Examine how the words \formed. Find out the

meaning of the suffix \of a dictionary.

approval: ______+_______ nontraffic:______+ _______

2) Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding \vice versa. Add more words to the list. Verb Noun

renew ______________________ deny ______________________ dismiss ______________________ refuse ______________________ survive ______________________ ___________________ arrival

___________________ disapproval ___________________ proposal ___________________ withdrawal

___________________ ______________________

3) Add the prefix \them into Chinese.

(1) aggression (6) professional

(2) cooperation (7) resistance (3) existence (8) smoker (4) fiction (9) standard

(5) interference (10) violence

2. Give the opposite of the following. 1) to approve 11) major (adj.) 2) certainty 12) maximum 3) comfortable 13) necessary 4) construction 14) powerless 5) costly 15) real

6) current (adj.) 16) to reduce 7) decline 17) to reject 8) feasible 18) to scatter

9) harsh (said of punishment) 19) tough (said of a policy) 10) to lock up 20) violence

3. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms due to

to amount to

to have charge of sb. / sth .

under supervision./ under the supervision of so ... as to

to be faced with to pay for

the other way around to get tough with sb. to work out to

1 ) The city government has decided to build a green area in the center of the city. It will _____ 30, 000 square meters. 2 ) Daisy wouldn't be _______ careless _____________forget her passport.

3 ) Flights were delayed ____________the most serious storm the city had ever had.

4) Feeling sorry for what they had done, they promised to the damaged ship.

5) Mr. Zhang _______________ the four branch companies in the south.

6) The new director ______________ great difficulties, but he was confident.

7) The customers demanded the authorities _____________ those who sell unhealthy food.

8) Many people believe that population explosion causes poverty. But scholars say that it could be just _______ . 9) It is reported that the total U. S. investment in Hong Kong _______ $20. 8 billion.

10) After the terrorist attack, all air passengers were ____________.

11) ____________his hard work, he realized his dream and was admitted to the university at the age of fifty-two.

12) In our city, about 10, 000 high school graduates were admitted to college this year. It about sixty percent of the total. 13) My graduation paper was completed __________________ Professor Chu.

14) In the next five years, the cost of environmental protection projects will_______

$ 55 billion, which is one percent of the nation's GNP.

4.Supply three or four verbs/phrasal verbs, or nouns/noun \

1) to ___________ a crime 6) to dismiss ____________ 2) to ___________ research 7) to gain _______________ 3) to ___________ a solution 8) to release ____________ 4) to ___________ a threat 9) to lower ______________ 5) to ___________ evidence 10) to pay ______________ 5. Choose the right word from the bracket and put it in the proper form.

1) I bought this pair of shoes cheap. It only ______(cost, pay, spend) me 50 yuan.

2) He ________(cost, pay, spend) 2, 000 yuan to get the permission to sit in her class.

3) I finished the test paper quite early, so I was able to____(spend, take) sometime checking what I had done. 4) Helen tried to _____ (convince, persuade) her students that it was not a good idea to specialize too early.

5) We tried to _____ (convince, persuade) them to take our advice, but all our efforts were in vain.

6) Kent was finally ____ (convince, persuade; of the need to read more simplified books.

7) He felt frustrated when his application for membership was ____ (refuse, reject) again.

8) We have very strict quality control over our products. Anything that is imperfect will be____ (refuse, reject).

9) If you go and ask her for help, she will not ______ (refuse, reject).

10) I told him not to overwork, but he ____ (refuse, reject) to listen.

6. Examine the uses of \below. List other possible uses of these words and then make sentences after the models.

A decade of careful research has failed to provide clear and convincing evidence.. . (para. 3) (to fail to do sth. )

The best estimates suggest that 36 million to 40 million people have arrest records... (para. 1) (to suggest + that-clause)

Other possible uses of \ fail:
