
发布时间 : 星期四 文章新视野大学英语视听说教程2答案第二版完整答案更新完毕开始阅读

V Let’s talk

1-6: five dollars, chops, worst/lowest quality, barked, finest, money

7-12: own/have, followed, apartment house, third floor, scratched on, door

13-18: yelled at, stop, smartest/cleverest, lamb chops, looked at, his key

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: a dog, delighted/pleased, one of her friends, be close, interview

6-9: warn, smell, foretell/predict, a chicken

Task 2: 1-5: C B C D D

Task 3: 1. in the theater

2. a ticket

3. well-trained, intelligent, human

4. any problem, leave the theater, any other dog

5. let the dog in, almost empty

unit test 1-5 ABACA ' seem to them the 're lazy/they are being Greek 1-5BCDAC 1-10AACBCDBCAD

Unit 6 What’s in fashion?

II Listening skills

Dialog 1: D, The first girl (The girl who wears the short skirt)

Dialog 2: B, No, she hasn’t.

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-4: looks funny, looks fine, out of fashion, good on her

5-7: out-dated, following the fashion trends, no wonder

Task 2: 1-5: fashionable clothes, trends, copied, traditional center, are guarded

6-10: July, great numbers, a high price, starting point, only a part

Task 3: 1-5: D A C B C

V Let’s talk

1-5: different and daring, Teenagers, their legs, shorter and shorter, five inches

6-10: loose morals, never appear, look childlike, women’s liberation, traditional

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-7: nervous, afraid, first time, locker, blanket, come out, wore

Task 3: 1-4: new clothes, full of clothes, university tuition, clothes in fashion

5-7: the Middle Ages, part-time job, not too expensive

unit test 1-5 business a an more typical boy 1-5ACBDC 1-10CBAADBCDAC

Unit 7 Does money talk?

II Listening skills

1-5: B A A D B

III Listening in Task 1: 1-5: banker, loan, saving, save, spend, mortgage, property, property values, risen/gone up/increased by 30 percent

Task 2: 1-5: A B D C C

Task 3: 1-5: F T F T F

V Let’s talk

1-7: money, all his money, promise, in the casket, sitting, next to, close

8-14: box, locked, foolish, all that money, go back on her word, put the money, check

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-7: the beggar, needed help, careful, a job, a hard time, waste, good luck

Task 2: 1-5: D C B D A

Task 3: 1-5: T F F T T

unit test 1-5CDABC me a up him luck 1-5DCBAB 1-10 BACDABDCCC

Unit 8 Crime does pay!

II Listening skills

1-6: First, not only, but also, Also, Instead, More importantly

7-11: though, Moreover, In fact, Last but not least, for example

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: F T F T F

Task 2: 1-5: B D C A C

Task 3: 1-6: give out, number, online, sites, credit card, low

7-11: outgoing, thieves, offers, mailbox, front door

V Let’s talk


VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1. freeze

2. tall, shorter, red jacket

3. his gun, open, the rest of the people

4. key, safe

5. calm, a medal

Task 2: 1-5: A D C D B

Task 3: 1-5: F T T F F

unit test 1-5BDDCA part a the spite of 1-5BCDDA 1-10BACBCADABD

Unit 9 Are you safe today?

II Listening skills

1-6: crashing into, at least three, dozens more, big hole, danger, 32

7-12: 68, 5:48, 18 minutes, terrorism, four, the pilot

III Listening in

Task 1: 1-5: T F T F F

Task 2: 1-5: D A B C C

Task 3: 1-7: candle, couple, six, 190 people, 1,500, 15 percent, nearly 5 percent

8-13: about 1 percent, 700 percent, burning candle, away, at least a foot, children and pets

V Let’s talk

1-5: lost it for drunk driving, stole the car and killed the owner, in the trunk, horrified, calls for backup, I was speeding, too

VI Further listening and speaking

Task 1: 1-5: 120°, burns, candles, blow them out, electrical appliances

6-10: flickering lights, smoke alarm, floor plan, exits

Task 2: 1-5: A C C B D
