
发布时间 : 星期四 文章英语中级听力答案更新完毕开始阅读

B. consonant: conso; formal: fl.; foreign: for.; note: N.B.; development:dev.; informal: infl.;

pronunciation: pron.

C. Ⅰ. A. all the words correctly: 1. runs into next; 2. in speech vowels & conso. sounds; 3. with weak

or reduced form; there are/ unstressed syllables

B. what‘s been said: 1. follow the speed of the speaker; 2. understanding words correctly & understanding them; 3. too much to do; 4. more time to remember.

C. the argument: 1. don‘t recognize signals of important points; 2. try too hard to understand everything; 3. take notes, miss dev. of argument.

Ⅱ. A. country to country/ Southern Eng./ gras//fast/Yorkshire/gr?s//f?st/have variants

B. 1. colloquial or slang; 2. easier/This is undoubtedly the writer‘s ceutral point.That‘s really what the writer‘s on about.

C. 1. speed; 2. common use of irony; 3. Eng. Sense of humour; 4. Brit. Culture.

Lesson 29

Section one

A. 1-6: cccbcc

B. 1. housing condition/ disabilities; 2. young people/the rising cost of living/the government/how the

area had gone down C. 1-3:bbb

D. 1. Because he was giving all day to the growth of his business. 2. Because he was getting older and

more frail. He was left completely alone and had lost everything.

Section two

A. A man was shot in the head/ Joseph Griffin/ Los Angeles/homeless man/ the fifth one/ a new serial


B. Four/shot/ head/ the last three weeks/ transients/ sleeping alone/killing/ tell everyone/ chapel/come

indoors/missions/shelters/ full/ group together/ alone/ hunddle for safety/ depend upon their following these instructions.

C. Black/tall/slim/ 150-170 pounds/25-30 years/male/medium-large Afro.

D. 1. On September 4. 2. On October 7. 3.They were sleeping. 4. Because there are

thousands more men than beds available. And on the other hand, not all the homeless choose to stay in shelters. 5. Another serial murderer. 6.17. 7. Most of them were women, chiefly prostitutes. 8. In the past three years.

Section three


B. Participants: parts. Comprehension: compr. Presentation: pres. Something: sth. C. How to Present a Seminar Paper: Ⅰ.1st. gives ideas which are discussed by other sts. Ⅱ. A. Preparation: 1. researching. 2. writing up a topic.

B. Presentation: 1. circulate copies in advance;/read aloud the paper in class.

2. 2nd method or any time you have to speak in public/your paper/parts, forget

main ideas/parts, only glanced at paper/read the whole paper aloud/not enough time for discussion/lack of compr. Or understanding/ boring.

C. 1. Decide on a time limit. 2. Write our spoken press. 3. concentrate on the main points. 4.

Make spoken press. lively & interesting. 5. Write out everything, rehearse. 6. Reduce to outline notes. From outline notes to full notes. 7. Speak from outline notes. 8. Look at the audience while speaking. 9. Make a strong ending.

Ⅲ. The oral pres. Should be prepared in a different way from sth. Intended to be read.

Lesson 30

Section one

A. 1-5:baacc B. 1-3: TFF

C. 1. Because they saw the driver of the Lotus slump over the wheel. They wanted to help him.

2. It suddenly shot forward and nearly ran him down.

3. He leapt for his life and the car missed him by about half an inch. 4. A head-on collision.

5. Because there was a bend at the bottom of the road. If there was a car coming in the opposite direction, the two locked cars would crash into it.

D. 1. (1)the Lotus/through the hedge; (2)in a ploughed field.

2. (1)to the left/in the thick part of the hedge; (2)on full; (3)were tearing up the grass verge/mud and soil, earth and grass/the road; (4)burst/steam

E. 1. the passenger door open; 2. climb through the hedge/to the driving door; 3. the driver out/ the

ignition off; 4. him in the mud; 5. out in the road/for help; 6. blankets; 7. the man comfortable. F. 1. The police and the fire brigade.

2. The police ask them to go to the police station, make a statement and have a breathalyzer test. 3. He died of a heart attack.

Section two

A. Kansas City Palmdale 36 34 5 13 Drug use Off-duty drug use B. 1. investigate alleged drug use/the nation‘s sixth largest airlines, US Air; 2. investigations into alleged drug use by controllers/two facilities/southern California/Kansas City C. cc

D. 1. alleged drug use/sales/distribution; 2. 20 US Air flight crew members/cocaine overdoses E. 1. US Air acknowledges that a pilot nearly died of an overdose . 2. September 7.

3. It has removed him from flight duty. 4. To revoke his medical certificate.

Section three


B. unfamiliar: unfam. concentrate: concen. important: inp. Imformation: info.

intonation: into. maximum: max. usually: usu. verb: v. adjective: adj. argument: argu. C. Title: Lectures and Notetaking Ⅰ. As he says it

A. 1. the lecturer to look up a new word or unfam. pattern.

2.words he understands in print 3.completely new words

B. 1. meaning of a word from context 2. can‘t guess the meaning

3. concen. Solely on imp. Points. Ⅱ. A. title/ accurately & completely/many major points

B. 1. write it down/get used to

pause, speak slowly or loudly, use a greater ranger of into. Combination of these/ sentence delivered quickly & softly, narrow range of into., short or infrequent pauses Ⅲ. Main points A. abbreviations

B. words that give max. info./nouns, v. or adj. C. 1 point on each line

D. 1. the argu. is proceeding in the same direction/moreover, furthermore, also

2. new or unexpected info/however, on the other hand, nevertheless Ⅳ. Connections between points noted down/visual

spacing/underlining/conversational symbols/points numbered

Lesson 31

Section one

A. 1. No. But it is beginning to be taken seriously as a proper science.

2. Handwriting and doodling are a kind of extension of ourselves on paper. We are giving a kind of ―computer printout‖ of what we think or feel when we write. Therefore our character is transmitted into our handwriting.

3. He has always been fascinated by people and what they are like. And by looking at a book about different styles of handwriting one day, he realized that it must all mean something, and then he started his study.

4. A number of European firms and American ones. 5. Over two hundred.

6. They come for advice on would-be employees. 7. At least a one-page writing sample.

8. It takes him anything from three to eight hours, depending on the amount of detail required by the client.

9. A whole range of personality traits can be assessed, such as enthusiasm, ambition, imagination, diligence, sincerity, and secretiveness.

B. 1. straight up/crossed/diagonal stroke/south-west/north-east 2. crossed/a stroke/left/vertical stem/reach

3.2 vertical strokes/stem/a rounded point/crossed 4. thick cross/left/stem/a point/right/stem 5.crossed halfway/letter 6.crossed high/stem

C. Company: Royal Office Products of New York Job Applicant: Harry Benson Job Applied: an executive officer

Reason for not being hired: He came across very badly orally and in his appearance. Present Position: President of the company.

E. 1. They doodle away merrily and absentmindedly.

2. It is a message straight from the subconscious. 3. They indicate hidden anger and frustration. 4. They stand for ambition.

5. It means confusion in reaching goals. E. 1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b

F. 1. people with disabilities/their normal outlets are blocked 2. creative people like architects or fashion designers

3. writers/they have a way of expressing themselves in words. 4. they are bored.

G. ordinary pen: the middle-of-the-roaders

Felt tip: those who want to leave the biggest impression with the least amount of work Pencil: people who want to leave no traces, who are not honest; criminals

Section two

A. a. going down, down, down

b. taking up the smoking habit c. quitting to make up for it B. FFTF C. aa

D. 1. smaller weight babies/thriving in an early life/light in weight/a year of good care/to the standards 2. an honor system/for an examination/their refusal to smoke/trust/they are following it/have started smoking again/ a pretty good cross section.

Section three

A. 1. It gives them an identity, membership of a socially recognized group and some indication of who

must support them and their mother.

2. a. Number of mates/b. locality of marriage/ c. transfer of wealth 3. a. polygyny/b. polyandry/c. monogamy 4. a. patrilocal/b. matrilocal/c. neolocal 5. a. Bridewealth/b. dowry/c. gifts B. marriage: ma. C. marriage customs

Ⅰ.A. identity/B. membership of a social group/C. who must support them Ⅱ.A. polygyny: 1 man + more than 1 wife—most societies

B. polyandry: 1 woman + more than 1 husband—few societies, not in Africa C. monogamy: 1 man + 1 wife--Europe

Ⅲ.A. patrilocal: at husband‘s home/ B. matrilocal: at wife‘s home/ C. neolocal: in some new place Ⅳ.A. bridewealth: wealth from husband or his relatives to bride‘s family—Afirca/labor service B. dowry: brought by wife—Europe, still in Irish countryside/ money, land

C. gifts: England—wedding presents from near kin, friends, neighbors & workmates/ useful household goods, e.g. saucepans, tea sets, blankets
