剑桥BEC高级真题第四辑TEST3 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期三 文章剑桥BEC高级真题第四辑TEST3 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读

? Read the newspaper article below about entrepreneurs.

? For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

? There is an example at the beginning (0).

Can anyone be an entrepreneur ? Who wants (0) ........... be an entrepreneur? just about everybody - or (31) ........... it seems these days. The values of entrepreneurship are hailed everywhere, (32) ............ the more enterprising small shop owner to the boardrooms of multinationals. Entrepreneurs are seen as the true'wealth creators' and as the initiators of change. They are often creative and always self-driven, and (33) ............ a result, they and the companies they head possess a sense of vision which larger; more amorphous organizations often aim for but hardly ever achieve.So how do you become one? The received wisdom is that entrepreneurs with talents (34) ........... as these are a breed apart. They are born, not formed through education. If that's (35) ............ case,then is there any point in going to business school to learn how to become an entrepreneur, as many do? There are trainers who think it's perfectly feasible. They compare it to training an opera singer (36) ............ the sense that for singers, natural talent is essential, but then trainers instruct and develop it. The (37) ............ goes for would-be entrepreneurs. Trainers develop their skills and impart knowledge. In (38) ............ words, so the argument goes, to be trained, you must be the right kind of person to start with.What is such a person's essential characteristic? lt is the ability to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable levels of risk and act accordingly. That more than (39) ............ else marks entrepreneurs out from others (40) ............ preference is for the safer option of a salaried and structured career.


Questions 41-52

? Read the advertisement below about a service for small businesses. ? In most ofthe lines (41-52), there is one extra word. lt either is

grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.

? lf a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.

? lf there is an extra word inthe line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.

? The exercise begins with two examples (0 and 00).

HELP FOR SMALL BUSINESS 0 It is never going to be easy running a business, so it is good to know that sound 00 financial help and advice are close at your hand with lV|axton Bank. With a customer 41 base of half a million, our reputation has been built on years of experience of 42 dealing with small businesses like yours. We have a commitment to helping you can 43 achieve your goals by offering a special service for either old and new customers. 44 This sewice provides with expert guidance and support, as our business 45 managers have extensive experience in working with companies and too have 46 valuable local knowledge and connections. All them have undergone specialist 47 training, and many have successfully completed an externally accredited training 48 course. Their aim is to understand you and your business as fully as possible, so 49 that they can supply you the best possible assistance. This is all supported by a 50 pack of free material which covering all aspects of running a business, such as 51 understanding cashflow and identify break-even point. ln addition, if you have 52 any special requirements, our business managers will put you in touch with the most right people.

WRITING 1 hour 10 minutes

PART ONE Question 1

? The graph below shows passenger revenue (in £m) and the percentage of

trains arriving on time for a train company, Cruiseline, for each quarter of a two-year period, 2005-2006.

? Using the information from the graph, write a short report describing the passenger revenue and the percentage of trains arriving on time during the two-year period,

? Write 120-140 words.


Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words. Question 2

? The Managing Director of the company you work for has decided to review training in the company. You have been asked to submit a report about the training provided.

? Write your report for the Managing Director

? summarising the content of the current training ? describing the strengths ofthe training provided ? explaining the weaknesses ofthe training provided

? suggesting how the company's training could be improved. Question 3

? Your company employs an office cleaning service to clean its offices every

evening. Your company is dissatisfied with the service, and you have been asked to write a letter to the office cleaning service. ? Write your letter to the office cleaning service ? explaining why you are writing

? describing ways in which the cleaning service is unsatisfactory ? saying what effect this has on clients visiting the office

? outlining what action you intend to take if the service does not improve. Question 4

? Your organisation has recently had some bad publicity, and the Chief

Executive has asked you to propose ways to improve the organisation's public image.

? Write a proposal for your Chief Executive, including the following information ? what the bad publicity was

? what problems it presents for your organization ? ideas for improving the organisations image ? any possible disadvantages of these ideas.


Approximately 40 minutes (including10 minutes'
