
发布时间 : 星期日 文章英语专升本冲刺资料教师用书更新完毕开始阅读

Dear Mr. Smith,

I‘m writing to convey my hearty congratulations on your winning of first prize in the contest.

I‘m writing to convey my warm congratulations on your appointment to the board of Asia Industrial Ltd.

My colleagues and I are happy that you can be rewarded in this way. We send our best wishes for your future.

My colleagues and I are delighted that the years of service you have given to your company should at last have been rewarded in this way and we join in sending you our best wishes for the future. We also expect that the ties of our business will be ever closer.

Yours sincerely, Zhang Yi Expressions

On the occasion of

Please accept our heartiest congratulations

May the trade connections between us continue to develop Convey my warm congratulations

Send you our best wishes for the future Allow me to convey my congratulations We wish you success in…

Look forward to closer cooperation with you


December20th, 2003

Reservation Office,

I would like to book a single room with a bath and three standard rooms with baths from Dec. 25 to 27. And I also want to rent a room to hold a business meeting on the afternoon of Dec. 26.

Please write back as soon as possible, and let me know if the rooms are available, what the price is and if I should pay the deposit. Thank you.

Yours faithfully, 第三部分:历年真题演练


16.She must be looking forward to your return, ____C____?

A. mustn‘t she B. wasn‘t she C. isn‘t she D. didn‘t she 17. It‘s essential that the application forms ___C___ back before the dead line. A. must be sent B. would be sent C. be sent D. were sent 18. Some students __D____cheating to pass the exams. A. sought out B. applied for C. turned up D. resorted to 19. ___B____ being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. A. Rather than B. Apart from C. Instead of D. Owing to 20. His effort of decades began to __A___. He came to be well-being for his findings. A. Pay off B. call off C. put off D. take off 21. Long ___D____ to harmful pollutants is most likely to lead to a decline in health. A. contact B. touch C. reveal D. exposure 22. It is common sense that metals _B___ in cold weather. A. reduce B. contract C. shrink D. dissolve 23. A teacher should not show __D___ for any one of his students. A. difference B. reference C. conference D. preference

24. The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _B___ his arguments in favor of the new theory. A. to be based on B. to base on C. which to base on D. on which to base

25. There is no ___B___ evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab. A. rigid B. solid C. beneficial D. harsh Part III Reading Comprehension

―Time is a problem for kids,‖ states a news report for a new Swiss watch. Children in some countries ―learn time slowly‖ because ―they don‘t wear watches‖ and ―parents don‘t really know how to teach them time‖ The kids grow up with this handicap and become adults –and then can‘t get to work on time. Is there an answer to this problem? Of course ---it‘s the Flik Flak, made by a famous Swiss watch company.

The Filk Flak is being marketed as something teaching watch for children aged 4 to 10. The watch itself does not teach kids how to tell time, of course; it merely‖ captures their imagination‖ by presenting the ―hour‖ hand as a beautiful red girl named Flak and the ―minute‖ hand as a tall blue boy named Filk points to corresponding ―blue‖ minutes on the dial, while flak points to red hour numbers. The characters and the colors combined with parental help are supposed to teach young children how to tell time.

The watch comes equipped with a standard battery and a nylon band. Peter Liplin, the United States sales manager for the Flik Flak, calls it ―kid-proof‖: if it gets dirty, you can throw the whole watch in the washing machine. The product is being sold in select department stores in Europe, Asia and the U.S. for a suggested price of $25. Parents who buy the watch may discover that it is one thing for kids to tell time; it‘s quite another for them to be on time.

26. From the news report we know that __B_____ A. parents are patient when teaching children time B. children have little idea of how to teach children time C. children tend to learn time quickly

D. children enjoy wearing the Flik Flak watch 27. The author doesn‘t seem to believe __D___

A. children will be time if they have learnt how to tell time

B. a Flik Flak can help parents teach their children how to tell time C. the Flik Flak can capture children‘s imagination

D. children usually have trouble telling time if they don‘t wear watches. 28. The word ―handicap‖ (Para. 1, line3) means__D____ A. displease B. discouragement C. disappointment D. disadvantage 29. Flik and Flak in the passage stand for __B_____ A. a tall boy and a beautiful girl B. the minute hand the hour hand C. the Swiss watch company D. the designers of the watch

30. The Unite States sales manager calls the new watch ―kidproof‖ because __C___ A. it is designed to teach children to be on time B. it proves to be effective in teaching children time C. it is made so as not to be easily damaged by children D. it is the children‘s favorite watch Task 2

Oceanography has been defined as ―The application of all science to the study of the sea‖.

Before the 19th century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Centainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work.

For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental teavelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that question ―What is at the bottom of the ocean?‖ had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engines had to know the depth profile of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured.

It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantis Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which sounding were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantis and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of his findings aroused much popular interest in his book.

The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the

cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths, a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in the deeper parts of the sea.

Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition, which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classification and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to a five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.

31. The proposal to lay a telegraph cable from Europe to America made oceanography studies take on ____C____ A) an academic aspect B) a military aspect C) a business aspect D) an international aspect 32. It was_D___ that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies A) the American navy B) some early international travelers

C) those who earned a living from the sea D) the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable 33. The aim of the voyages Maury was responsible for in the 1840s was__D____ A) to make some sounding experiments in the oceans B) to collect samples of sea plants and animals C) to estimate the length of cable that was needed D) to measure the depths of two oceans

34. ―Defied‖ in Para.5, line3 probably means‖___C_____‖ A) doubled B) gave proof to C) challenged D) agreed to 35. This passage is mainly about ___A_____ A) the beginning of oceanography B) the laying of the first undersea cable C) the investigation of ocean depths D) the early intercontinental communications Task 3

A strict vegetarian is a person who never in his life eats anything derived from animals. The main objection to vegetarianism on a long term basis is the difficulty to getting enough protein ---the body – building elements in food. If you have ever been without meat or other animal foods for some days or weeks(say, for religious reasons) you will have noticed that you tend to get physically rather weak. You are glad when the fast is over and you get your reward of an abundant meat meal.

Proteins are built up from approximately twenty food elements called ―amino-acids‖(氨基酸), which are found more abundantly in animal protein than in vegetable protein. This means you have to eat a great deal more vegetable than animal food in order to get enough of these amino—acids. A great deal of the vegetable food goes to waste in this process and from the physiological point of view there is not much to be said in favor of life-long vegetarianism.

The economic side of the question, though, must be considered. Vegetable food is much cheaper than animal food. However, since only a small proportion of the vegetable protein is useful for body-building purpose, a consistent vegetarian, if he is to gain the necessary 70 grams of protein a day, has to consume a greater bulk of food than his digestive organs can comfortably deal with. In fairness, though, it must be point out that vegetarians claim they need far less than 70 grams of protein a day.

36. Why is the long-term vegetarianism objected to according to the passage?

_____________________haven‘t enough protein_____________________________ 37.The author‘s opinion of life- long vegetarianism is _____opposed/objected____________ 38. According to the passage, we feel weak when we ____don‘t eat meat________________ 39. What is in favor of vegetarianism according to Para.3

______________economy________________________________________________ 40. The expression ―In fairness‖ in the last paragraph can be replaced by the expression. ________________________fairly____________________________________________ Task 4

Let‘s look over the last year from three aspects: finance, personnel and technology.

On the financial side, the results have been very pleasing. Turnover has increased by 10%, costs have dropped by 2% and profits are by 13%. So the company as a whole has performed well. Export sales have done very well –especially in America, our largest export market. The domestic consumer market has been very competitive, so our results in this market

have been rather disappointing ---just 1% up compared with last year‘s 35% market share.

Right, let‘s move on to personnel. Our personnel has continued to be a great success. We have actually recruited 56new staff, while 18 have retired—so there‘s a net balance of 38. The training department has expanded considerably and moved into new areas such as quality assurance and moved into new areas such as quality assurance and sales training.

Finally technology, over the last year, our Research Department has thoroughly tested new prototype engine. Results so far have looked promising. We have also invested heavily in a European technology program which links industry with the universities.

A Review of Last Year‘s Business

Financial side: ____41increasing_turnover_______and dropping costs lead to 13%profits; domestic market share this year is _42__36%___percent. Personnel: 56 staff are ___43recruited____; the _____44_training department_____has branched into new areas. Technology: Large investment has been made in a ______45_European technology program_______ Part IV Translation from English into Chinese

46. The true value of life is not what we get from society but in what we give it. C A) 人生的真谛不是我们从社会得到的东西,而是我们给社会带来利益。

B) 人生的真谛不仅仅在于从社会中获得利益,还要积极地为社会做出的贡献。 C) 生命的真正价值在于我们为社会贡献了什么,而不是我们从社会取得了什么。

D) 生命的真正价值不仅要看就我们给社会带来的利益,而且要看我们是否得到社会的承认。 47.Unless the problem of talents and funds is solved, talking about the task is useless. B A) 除非人才和资金问题达到解决,否则谈论工作是不行的。 B) 不解决人才和资金问题,讨论这项任务是无济于事的。 C) 如果不谈才能和投资方面的问题,只谈工作是不应该的。 D) 不但要解决才能和发现方面的问题,任务也是不得不谈的。

48. Sweden‘s cold, dark winters that stretch from October to March with only a few hours of daylight also meant people stayed indoors for long periods. D

A) 瑞典既寒冷又阴暗的冬天从十月一直延续到三月,仅有几个小时的阳光,人们都呆在屋里度过漫长的冬天。 B) 因为瑞典的寒冷阴暗,在冬天白天只有几个小时,所以人们要在屋子里呆很长一段时间,从十月到三月。 C) 瑞典寒冷漆黑的冬天从十月延续到三月,只有几个小时的阳光领许多人打算长时间留在屋子里 D) 瑞典从十月到三月一天仅有几个小时的白天,寒冷黑暗的冬天也意味着人们长时间呆在家里。

49. Where comparative advantage exists, two trading partners are both able to share in the gains from the trade. D A) 竞争存在的好处是:贸易双方可以同时分享贸易所得。

B) 选择合作地点的关键是:两个贸易伙伴能否获得交易的成果。 C) 只要有比较优势存在,两个贸易伙伴都能从贸易只分享利益。 D) 若果有竞争机制存在,贸易双方就能从中获得利润。

50. It is accepted that tourism is now the single largest economic activity in the European community, with potential for further growth. It currently accounts for 8 percent of the Community‘s gross domestic product, and 8percent of all foreign trade; in employment terms it provides 10 million jobs directly, and when indirect effects are taken into account the total rises to 18 million.

Part V Writing

Direction: This part is to test your writing abilities. These are 2 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.

Task 1 Summary Writing

The better defined your hiring process is, the more easily it will be adhered to. I suggest that you use a multi-stage interviewing process by which the candidate meets with multiple people to provide different opinions and input on the hiring-decision. Again, keep all notes taken during the interview. These notes should be factual and should detail observations made by the people conducting the interview as well as quotations of the candidate‘s responses to questions. These should be no inferences made about a candidate in any notes, and no notes should be taken on a resume(简历)。

Pre-determine three to six questions that will help you uncover the capability of each applicant and ask those same questions to each person that is interviewed. By using the same question in different ways and you will also be able to draw
