牛津上海版(深圳)四年级下册Unit 1-12练习题(精品)

发布时间 : 星期四 文章牛津上海版(深圳)四年级下册Unit 1-12练习题(精品)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit1 Touch and feel

一.判断下列每组划线部分字母的发音,相同的写(T)不同的写(F)。 ( )1.chick, school ( )2.watch, chair ( )3.China, Chinese ( )1.child, chip 二.选择填空。

( ) 1.____________does it feel?

A. What B. How C. Where ( ) 2.This is my friend. _________name’s Peter.

A.Her B. My C. His ( ) 3. Is this ________apple?

A. a B.an C. the ( ) 4. Is it thin? __________________

A. No, it’s thick. B. No, it’s thin. C. Yes,it is soft. ( ) 5. How ____________it feel?

A. do B. done C.does


( ) 1.---Well done. ----- __________________

A. Thank you. B. What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you.

( ) 2.---Is it a hot day? ----- __________________

A. Yes, it can. B. yes, it is. C. Yes, it is.

( ) 3.---How does it feel? ----- __________________

A. It’s red. B. It’s soft. C. It is big.

( ) 4.---Is it a toy bear? ----- __________________

A. No, I can’t. B. No, it isn’t. C. Well done.

( ) 5.---What is it? ----- __________________

A. It’s thin. B. It’s thick. C. It is an elephant.


sour; soft; does; hard 1. How does the desk fee? It’s ______________. 2. How_____________it feel? It’s thin. 3. Touch the banana. It is ___________________. 4. Taste the lemon. It is ______________________.


1. it; does; how; feel; is; it;thick; (?)(.) 2. toy; bear; a; is; it; (.)

3. is; it; hot; a; day; (.)

Unit2 Smell and taste

一.判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的写(T)不同的写(F)。 ( )1.wash watch ( )2.she short ( )3.skirt shirt ( )4.chair ship 二.选择填空。

( ) 1.Mary likes eating____________.

A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries ( ) 2.Do you have watermelon juice __________ strawberry juice?

A.and B. or C. but ( ) 3. ________it grape juice? No, it isn’t.

A. is B.Is C. Can

( ) 4. Watermelons are ________________. Strawberries are ___________. A. sour; sweet B. sour; sour C. sweet; sour


or; juice; thirsty; swim

5. Do you have watermelon juice or strawberry _______________? 6. I am ______________.I want some water to drink. 7. Is it sweet _________sour? it is sour.

8. Fish can _________________.But it can’t walk.

四.连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。 1.is; it;or; strawberry; juice; grape;(?) 2. sweet; sour; and; is; it; (.)

3.can ; not; I; eat; grape; the; (.)

Unit3 Look and see

一.判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的写(T)不同的写(F)。 ( ) 1. phone photo ( ) 2.what where ( ) 3. who when ( ) 4.whose which

二.读一读,填上一个适当的词完成句子。 1. The sun_____________in the morning. 2. At noon the sun___________high in the sky. 3. The sun____________ __________in the evening. 4. At night the moon_____________high in the sky. 5. How _____________it taste? It is sour and sweet


( ) 1. The sun___________in the morning.

A. rise B. rises C. is

( ) 2.In the afternoon the sun is ________the sky.

A. on B. in C. high ( ) 3.At________ the sun is high in the sky.

A. night B. morning C. noon ( ) 4. at night we can see many __________in the sky. A. suns B. moons C. stars
