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4. 他们的申请结果要等学校知道有多少已经被录取的申请人同意前来报到后才能知道。 5. 招生官员说引入等候批准的申请人名单机制是因为很难知道究竟哪些申请人真的希望


Section 2

Part 1 Dialogue 1-4 D B B C 5-8 D A C A

Part 2 passage

Ex C: 1-4 T T F F 5-8 F T T T T

Section 3 News Item 1

In spite of frenetic* diplomatic activity between Washington and Moscow and the \relations between the two sides, it was always going to be difficult for a new arms control treaty to come into force (开始生效) before Friday's deadline, and so talks will continue after the old START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty 削减战略武器条约) agreement expires (到期).

Kremlin sources appear optimistic that something can be agreed while President Obama is in Europe next week to receive his Nobel Peace Prize.

But the details of the new, complex agreement have not been finalised. It will also need to be ratified* in both parliaments and that could take months.

In July President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed a joint understanding (联合协议) that would see reductions of deployed nuclear warheads (导弹弹头) to below 1,700 each within seven years of a new treaty, a huge cut on Soviet-era levels.

A: …about a new arms control treaty between the US and Russia . B:

1. Friday is the deadline for a new arms control treaty to come into force. 2. The US and Russia improved their relations by frenetic diplomatic activity. 3. President Obama will receive his Nobel Peace Prize next week.

4. The new agreement will need to be ratified in both parliaments before it is finalized. 5. President Obama and his Russian counterpart signed a joint understanding.

6. The US and Russia should reduce their deployed nuclear warheads to below 1,700 each

within seven years of a new treaty.

News Item 2

This vote means that Benjamin Netanyahu can now form a government, one that might be more internationally acceptable with Labor than without. This will help Mr. Netanyahu, especially in Washington, where Israeli officials privately worry that they face the most skeptical*(持怀疑态度的) administration in decades.

The Labor leader, Ehud Barak, said just before the vote that he would be a counterweight* (砝码), not a fig leaf\职位), he also said he'd gained an agreement that the peace process would continue and that previous deals with


the Palestinians would be honored. His was an appeal to pragmatism* (务实的方法) rather than ideological purity.

The risk for Mr Barak is that some Labor members would accuse him of putting personal ambition for office first and will opt to (选择) keep their principles unsullied*, heading for the back benches* in the Knesset*(以色列国会). The question is whether this historic force in Israeli politics will be permanently split after this vote. That will be something of a problem for Mr. Netanyahu as well since it may delay by a few more days the forming of his new government.

A: … about forming a coalition (联合) government in Israel .

B: F T F F T

News Item 3

A committee of the European Parliament has voted to end subsidies to tobacco farmers and use some of the money to help them to grow alternative crops. Part of the savings would also be used to fund anti-smoking campaigns.

The EU has often been criticized for spending money on anti-smoking campaigns or subsidizing tobacco farmers. Now the budget committee of the European Parliament has voted to scrub (取消) the subsidies, a saving of a billion dollars a year. Instead, it wants to put around 100 million dollars into helping the farmers switch to other crops, and around 30 million into helping people to stop smoking. The proposed cut will affect farmers and some of the EU's poorest regions in Greece, Italy and France. The motion (提议) will go before the European Parliament later this month. Member states will have the final say and the tobacco-growing countries are unlikely to assent (同意) without a fuss.

A: … about the decision by a committee of the European Parliament to end subsidies to tobacco farmers and to use some of the money to help them to grow alternative crops .

B: F T T F F T T T

Unit 11

Section 1 Listening and Translation

1. The National Assessment of Adult Literacy is the most important test of how well adult

Americans can read.

2. Those who took part were tested on how well they could read and understand information

used in everyday life.

3. The study found that 11 million adults, or five percent, cannot read English.

4. Researchers say part of the problem is that many young Americans do not read as much for

pleasure anymore.

5. The best readers were found to earn up to 28,000 dollars a year more than those who lacked

simple reading skills.


1. 2. 3. 4.

―国家成人读写能力评估‖是检测美国成年人阅读能力的一项主要测试。 该测试检测的是参加者阅读和理解日常生活信息的能力。 这项调查发现有1,100万,即百分之五的成年人看不懂英语。


5. 人们发现阅读水平高的人比那些不具备基本阅读能力的人的年收入多28,000美元。

Section 2

Part 1 Dialogue


Great leaders in history 1. … military chiefs

1) … national heroes dreaded tyrants

2) … see these so-called great leaders in the same light 2. … spiritual leaders

Characteristics all great leaders have in common 1. … what they want to achieve

2. … lose sight of their objectives work towards them what obstacles they may come up against 3. … the end justifies the means 4. … the will of the people improve their lot 5. … be successful

Part 2 Passage

Ex. C: 1-4 T T T F 5-8 T F T F

Unit 12

Section 1 Listening and Translation

1. First aid is the kind of medical care given to a victim of an accident or sudden injury before

trained medical help can arrive.

2. Knowing how to treat someone in an emergency can mean the difference between life and


3. A first-aid method called cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, can save the victims of

heart attacks, drowning or shock.

4. In the United States, CPR training includes the use of a protective cloth, or mask, over the


5. This help to prevent disease from spreading during mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

1. 急救是一种在专业医疗救护到达之前对意外伤害或事故的受害者所进行的医疗救护。 2. 知道如何在紧急情况下进行急救,可能就意味着一个人的生死。

3. 一种称为心肺复苏的急救方法,简称CPR,可以拯救心脏病、溺水和休克病人的生命。 4. 在美国,CPR训练包括使用防护布或面罩覆盖嘴巴。


5. 这有助于防止在做口对口复苏急救时传播疾病。

Part 2 Passage

Ex. C: 1-4 F T T T 5-8 T T F T

Keys to Unit 13

Section I

1. Avian influenza, or ―bird flu‖, is a contagious disease of animals caused by viruses that

normally infect only birds and, less commonly, pigs.

2. While all bird species are thought to be susceptible to infection, domestic poultry flocks are

especially vulnerable to infections that can rapidly reach epidemic proportions.

3. The current outbreak of bird flu is different from earlier ones in that officials have been unable

to contain its spread.

4. Rapid elimination of the H5N1 virus among infected birds and other animals is essential to

preventing a major outbreak.

5. The World Health Organization recommends that infected or exposed flocks of chickens and

other birds be killed in order to help prevent further spread of the virus and reduce opportunities for human infection.

1. 禽流感是一种由病毒引起的动物接触性传染病,通常只感染禽类,在少数情况下也会感染猪。

2. 尽管所有的鸟类都会受感染,但是家禽群体特别容易受感染,而且会迅速造成大规模爆


3. 目前爆发的禽流感与早些时期的禽流感不同,因为官方还无法控制它的传播。

4. 迅速杀灭受感染的禽类和其他动物体内的H5N1病毒对预防禽流感的大规模爆发极其重


5. 世界卫生组织建议捕杀所有受感染和有接触史的鸡群和其他禽类,以防止病毒的进一步


Section II Dialogue



1. As the sun climbs to its noonday apex, the bearded man takes off his straw hat, wipes the

sweat from his brow, and sits behind a team of mules, plowing the cornfield.

2. Soon he’ll head home to the farmhouse, where his wife has just hung out the week’s wash. 3. They will sit down to a simple meal: bread that his daughters have baked, vegetables from the

garden, perhaps some freshly made strawberry preserves.

4. Gardens are full of ripening fruits and vegetables, ready to be picked and preserved for the


5. The magical workshop is a child’s wonderland: a miniature wooden table and chair set,

doll-sized cradles and slightly bigger ones fro their owners, and mini-farmhouses, complete

