
发布时间 : 星期四 文章外研版三年级起点三年级英语上册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读

一 问候。 1. 师生问候。

T: Glad to meet you , again . / How are you ?

2. 介绍客人老师,并问候 。 T: Please say \to the teachers .

3. 师生自由对话:How are you ? /What's your name ? (出示头饰机器猫让学生这样回答 :My name is Mr / Miss Cat .) II. 复习 1. 复习句型 :Is that a ---? What's that ? 及有关交通工具的单词 boat , ship , bike , bus ,car, jeep , plane (以上是四会单词) , taxi , yacht (只要求听说)

T: Look , Mr / Miss Cat .What's that ? S1 :It's a ship. T: Can you spell the word \T: Is that a ship , too ? S1: No , it isn't . It's a boat. T: Oh! It's a boat . Can you spell it please? S1 :Yes. B-O-A-T, boat.

(让部分学生扮演机器猫,操练plane ,bike , bus , car, jeep ) T: Is that a jeep , too ? Ss: No, it isn't . It's a taxi. T: Now , let's chant . \

\绕口令:What's this ? What's this ?What is this ? It's a taxi . It's a taxi . It's a red taxi . (此时将What's this?卡片粘贴在黑板上)


T: What's this? Ss: It's a desk . T: Now , let's chant . \

\绕口令:What's this ? What's this ?What is this? It's a desk. It's a desk . It's a white desk. III. 新授

1. 呈现句型What's ?

T: And what's this in English ? Ss: It's a desk . 跟读单词desk:

T: Desk , desk , desk. D-E-S-K, desk.. (二遍并将卡片粘在黑板上)

T: And what's this in English ? Ss: It's a chair. 跟读单词chair:

T: Chair ,chair , chair. C-H-A-I-R, chair.(二遍并将卡片粘在黑板上)

(此时将What's this in English ?卡片粘贴在黑板上)

T: Look, what's this ? Ss: It's a door / clock .(实物) T: And what's this ? Ss: It's a picture . (投影片) 2. 巩固操练句型What's this ?

1) T: Let's look at the picture . (放幻灯) What's this ? Ss: It's a ---. T: Now , please talk like this . (让学生根据幻灯上的内容直接进行操练。) 2) T: Let's play a game .


You please come here .(指示他面朝黑板) What's this in English ?

(让另一位学生举起手中的卡片,其他的学生真真假假地回答。如S: It's a ship / bus. 等,最后让第一位学生猜猜到底是什么。) 3.听音, 跟读 (将有书, 钟 的两张卡片反贴在黑板上) T: What's that ? Ss: Is that a ---? T: And what's this ? Ss: Is this a ---? T: Sorry , I don't know. Please listen to the tape . (放录音) (第一遍回答上面问题,第二遍跟读) 4. 学说英语

T: Please read inpairs.(男女对读; A,B分角色朗读.) IV. 巩固操练

1. 编说类似课文内容的对话

T:Now you talk together like this .(让最后一组学生用zoo编说对话。) 2. 情景对话

T: Great ! Let's go to the zoo . Ss: All right . T: What's this ? Ss: It's a panda.(头饰,让部分学生扮演各种动物) T: What's that ? Ss: It's a deer . T: Now please make similar dialogues.

(让学生准备二分钟后,进行表演,最后一组以It's a door . 结尾。)



Unit2 What's that?


1、能掌握新单词flag,听懂、会说单词circle, rectangle, square, triangle;

2、能用英文辨别圆形,长方形,正方形,三角形的物体; 3、能认读what’s that和It’s a…的句型,会运用所学知识组织对话。

教学重点:学习图形的单词以及句型运用。 教学难点:正确认读新单词并进行句型拓展。 教学课时:1课时 教学过程:

Step 1 Warming up1、师生问候。 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss yuan. T: How are you, today?

Ss: I am fine, thanks, what about you? T: Oh, I’m fine too, thank you!

