
发布时间 : 星期日 文章外研版三年级起点三年级英语上册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读

1. Show pictures of a birthday cake(with candles),presents and a party.

2. Write the word on the blackboard and ask individual students in Chinese,then in English. \

“Do you have birthday cake,birthday presents ,a party?” “How do you feel in your birthday?” 3..Practice and act. 二、.Today is my birthday

1: look at the picture .listen to the radio 2、Ask some questions. T:What are they doing? S:They are talking. T:Is Jenny happy? S:Yes.

T:Why? Why is Jenny happy? Because is Jenny’s…… S:Birthday. T: How old is Jenny? S: Ten.

3、Practice in pairs

One students pretends to be Jenny ,the other pretends to be LiMing.


三、Sing “Happy birthday !”song . 四、 Activity book :L29 N2 五、 Class closing. 课后习题:

连线: birthday cake and candles 生日礼物 birthday presents 生日聚会 birthday party 生日蛋糕和蜡烛 课后反思:


Unit2 How old are you?


1、能听、说、读句型:How old are you? I’m … 2、能听懂并跟读书中对话,鼓励学生学会表演。

教学重点:会听、说句型How old are you? I’m…,即学会询问对方年龄的日常交际用语。教学难点:How old are you?的正确发音和正确运用. 教学课时:1课时


教学过程: I、 Warm-UP 1、Greeting T: Class begins. Ss: Stand up, please!

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, ,Miss Chen. T : sit down ,please. 2、Chant

T: (Stand up) Let’s chant, pen and pencil (师生站着边拍手边CHANT,两遍)

T:Wonderful! Thank you! Sit down, please. 3、Revision (有层次复习数字,由浅入深)

1) T: Now, take out your fingers. Let’s count. (师生一起数数,从0到10,再从10到0) 2)T: Now, count, (教师拍手),how many? (教师拍手,让学生数次数,并进行抢答。) 3) T: Now , I say , you clap hands? (教师说英语数字,学生进行拍手) 4)T: Next, let’s look at the pictures.. T: What’s this? /How many boys?

(1 boy , 3 girls, 5 pencils, 4 apples, 8 books )


(通过快速出现数字和以前学过的动物单词、文具单词,然后快速消失,让学生比比谁的记忆力好,来复习数字) 5) 猜数字游戏

教师通过呈现数字1 到10 中的任意一笔,让学生猜是哪个数字。

如:画圈,学生可以猜成0, 6,8,9 (6和9的变化过程通过旋转来渗透)

如:画竖,学生可以猜成1,5,7, T:Do you know , what’s this? II、 Presentation 1、 I’m……

教师戴Sam头饰,跟学生打招呼 T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Sam.

T: Today is my birthday. Let’s sing a song. (师生一起拍手跟唱一遍)

T: Thank you! Now , look . This is my birthday cake.(这是我的生日蛋糕)

I have birthday candles. How many candles? Let’s count ,OK?


T: Seven candles. Yes, I’m nine.

