
发布时间 : 星期日 文章北京市西城区2015-2016学年八年级下期末英语试卷含答案更新完毕开始阅读

M: Can you show me how to make one?

W: Sure! I need a banana, two eggs and some cheese. M: OK, let's get started.


Do you have a pet? Many people want to have a pet. They enjoy spending time with their animals and taking care of them. How well do you take care of your pets? Here are some tips to help your pets stay happy and healthy.

First, your pet needs a comfortable place to live. If you have a bird, get a cage that is big enough for it. The bird should be able to move around without touching anything in the cage. Dogs and cats do not need cages. But they do need their own places to sleep or rest.

Next, feed the right kind of food to your pet. Many pet shops sell special food for cats, dogs and birds. This food is much better for pets than human food.

Also, if your pet does get sick, take it to an animal doctor. Ask the doctor how to keep your pet healthy. And most importantly, spend time with your pet, at least seven hours a week. Like humans, they need your love and your care!

If you need more information or help, please call us at 182-4410, Jim's Pet Store.
