
发布时间 : 星期四 文章九年级英语全册Unit2检测卷新版人教新目标版(附五套中考试卷)更新完毕开始阅读

I should concentrate on my work because I’m in middle school. However, I need to be able to relax. Most of my friends can watch TV and surf the Web a lot. Sometimes it’s hard to talk to them.” After some negotiations (商谈), Hu has been allowed to watch TV for 15 to 20 minutes every night, but has been told to keep away from the computer.

Shen Ying, 17, of Jianyang, Sichuan Province, feels she has grown up now. So she wants more respect(尊重) from her parents. “My father shouted at me when he’s in a bad mood. He doesn’t listen to me, but instead acts like, ‘I’m the boss’!” said the teenager “I’d like my parents to treat me like a friend and understand that respect is a two-way street.”

Lu Yiting, 15, of Shantou, has a different problem with her parents. They think she spends too much time with her friends and is falling into bad company. “I want trust(信任) from my parents,” Lu said.

It’s the age when teenagers are becoming more independent, but their parents care very much about their kids’ futures, said Sun Yunxiao, a senior researcher at the China Youth and Children Research Center. Sun suggests that teenagers should learn to communicate with their parents effectively. “Find the right time for a talk. On Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, say ‘Thank you’ to your parents or give them a small gift with a letter so they can get inside your head a little,” he advised. Sun also believes that teenagers have to work to get trust and respect from their parents. “You need to make sure they know that you’ re not going to screw up(搞砸) your exams or let them down. Let them know that you want to do well, and that you will do well” he said.

81. Hu Muqing __________.

A. is a teenager from Shandong Province

B. always fights with his classmates D. has been allowed to surf the Internet

C. can watch TV for a short time every night A. people should respect each other

82. The sentence “Respect is a two-way street.” means __________.

B. people must respect others in a street

D. people should obey the rules in a street

C. there are two sides in a street

83. What’s Lu Yiting’s problem with her parents?

A. Her parents think she spends too much time watching TV. B. Her parents think she spends too much time with her friends. C. Her parents always shout at her and don’t respect her. D. Her parents don’t want her to work in a big company. 84. Which of the following is not Mr. Sun Yunxiao’s suggestion?

A. Teenagers should learn to communicate with their parents. B. Teenagers shouldn’t tell their parents when they fail exams. C. Teenagers should talk with their parents at a proper time. D. Teenagers should work very hard to do well in their study. 85. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Parents care too much about their children’s grades. B. Three teenagers and their problems with their parents. C. Parents are stressing their children out with their love. D. Problems between parents and children and how to deal with them.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)



VII. 选词填空。 (10分)

A 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空

wall money for long picture It was Mother's birthday. Lana wanted to give Mother something, but she didn't have any

(86)______. \do,\ll make something (87) Mother.\

Lana worked a (88)_______time. That night she gave Mother a big box. Mother opened the box. \picture on the (90)


take fall be find drive I am a taxi driver in London. I 91______ a taxi driver for nearly ten years. It’s a nice job most of the time. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day.

Last Sunday,I 92 ______________a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog and she climbed in through the window.”

I waited and waited. After half an hour, I decided 93________ out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief. Luckily the woman came downstairs. She 94 ______ asleep and forgot about the dog and me!

“ Thank you for coming in time, or I 95__________ to the police station by the police” I said to her.

VIII.改写句子 按要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 96. Maria rides a bike to school. (改为否定句)

Maria ______________ ______________ a bike to school. 97. We went to the beach on vacation. (对划线部分提问) ______________ did you ______________ on vacation?

98.”Is your son a computer programmer,” Mrs Smith asked me . (改写句子,句意不变) Mrs Smith asked me ____________ my son ____________ a computer programmer. 99. It took me two hours to water the garden. (改写同义句) I _________two hours __________ the garden.

100. People gave away lots of money to the poor children .(改写句子,句意不变) Lots of money ____________ ____________ to the poor children..

IX. 完成句子根据汉语完成英语句子每个空格填一个单词。(5分) 101. 我哥哥通常在吃过晚饭之后做作业。

My brother usually ___________ ______________ after dinner.


After the inter-city railway is opened in 2018, it will take __________ _________ an hour from Jinan to any of the cities around.


Lee Kuan Yew’s life ________ a _______ to the development of Singpore. 104 不久以后一些新的角色将在上海迪士尼乐中露面。

Some new characters will_______ ________in Shanghai Disneyland very soon. 105. 当非法建筑物被拆除时,它的主人看上去很尴尬。

The owner of the illegal building looked very embarrassed when the building was _________ ________.

x.任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5分)

If Money Were No Object

The Star Times recently asked people about their dreams. These are not the kind of dreams people have when they sleep. Instead, they are wonderful ideas and plans people have about things they could do. The newspaper asked people the following question: if money were not object, what

would you like to do? In other words, if people had all the money they wanted, are there special things they would do with their lives? About 500 people answered the survey questions. Almost half of the people in the survey said they would buy material things such as a bigger house or a new car. About 20% or one fifth of the people said they would travel to interesting or famous places.17% answered that they would give money to someone else. In some cases, they would give money to a charity to help poor or needy people. In other cases, they would give money to their families. More than half of the rest of the people, about 10% of everyone asked, said they would donate or give money to help medical research. They want doctors and scientists to find cures for terrible diseases. Cures will help sick people get better. The rest of the people in the Star Times survey (about 4%) said that they would save money in bank. They said that they didn’t know what they would like to do right now, but perhaps in a few years they would find a good use for the money.

Dr Mary Wilson is a sociologist at City University. Sociologists study people and the societies they live in. The newspaper asked if she was surprised by the results. She said she thought that lots of people think that if they bought bigger and better things, they would feel happier. However, Dr Wilson says the feeling would not last long. After a while, they would be unhappy with the house or the car. Dr Wilson thinks the happiest people are those who want to make a change in people’s lives that will last into the future. She thinks those people who give money to a charity, to their families, and to medical research are thinking beyond themselves and their needs at this moment. If they had all the money they wanted, they would make a difference in the world. 106根据短文内容回答问题:

What kind of “dreams” are talked about in the Star Times survey? (20 词以内回答) ________________________________________________________________ 107根据短文内容回答问题:

According to the survuy,how many people said they wanted to travel to interesting or famous places.? _______________________________________

108把划线句子翻译为汉语___________________________________________________ 109根据短文内容回答问题:

Who does Dr Mary Wilson think are the happiest people? (20 词以内回答) _________________________________________________ 110回答问题:What would you do if you had all the money you wanted?

Ⅺ. 书面表达。 (10分)


1 2 3 4 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


选择题部分 二 单项选择

21-25 CABDD 26-30 BBDDB 31-35 DACCB 36-40 CDABC 41-45 BDACD 46-50 DCAAB 51-55 CBBAA 三 完形填空

56-60 BDDAC 61-65 BACBC 四 补全对话 66-70 DBAAC 五 阅读理解

71-75 CCBAD 76-80 ACBDC 81-85 CABBD 笔答部分 六 选词填空

86 money 87 for 88 long 89 picture 90 wall

91 have been 92 drove 93 to find 94 fell 95 will be taken 七 完成句子 96 doesn’t ride 97 where go 98 if was 99 spent watering 100 was given 八 改写句子

101 does homework 102 less than 103 made difference 104 show up 105 pulled/taken down
