英语中诗的单词poem poetry rhyme verse的区别

发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语中诗的单词poem poetry rhyme verse的区别更新完毕开始阅读


poetry poem verse rhyme rhythm

1. poetry 始终是不可数名词,范围最广 N-UNCOUNT(作为文学形式的)

诗,诗歌,韵文Poems, considered as a form of literature, are referred to as poetry

2. poem 可数,诗,小诗,韵文

3. verse ①不可数:N-UNCOUNT诗;诗体;韵文Verse is writing arranged in lines

which have rhythm and which often rhyme at the end.

例:...a slim volume of verse... 一本薄薄的诗集


例: This verse describes three signs of spring...这节诗描绘了春天来临的三个征兆

4.rhyme N-COUNT押韵词;同韵词;押韵的诗行A rhyme is a word which rhymes with

another word, or a set of lines which rhyme

例:The one rhyme for passion is fashion... 和passion押韵的词


5.rhythm 没有诗的意思,节奏,旋律 与melody同类,列出来是为了与rhyme


范围上:poetry > poem verse > rhyme
