
发布时间 : 星期三 文章浙江省2018高三适应性测试(二模)英语试题(Word版)更新完毕开始阅读

out into the community. It is aimed at people with mental health conditions as well as the general public, and regularly attracts hundreds of people to four weekly sing-alongs. One of them is Penny Holden, 67, who has lived with mental health all her life. She credits the singing group with turning her life around 13 years ago when she was at her lowest. She claimed it was the best thing she’d ever done.

Researchers from UEA’s Norwich Medical School said a study of 20 members of the group over six months found singing and mixing socially had helped those who had had serious mental health issues to function better in day-to-day life. Lead researcher Professor Tom Shakespeare said it was a low-commitment, low-cost tool for mental health recovery within the community because it gave participants a feeling of belonging and well-being. He said the breathing involved in singing had also been shown to be good for the body. “The participants are not practicing for a performance,” he added, “and this means the singing groups are very relaxed and fun.”

25. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Sing Your Heart Out beats hospitals. B. Group singing benefits mental health. C. Community projects make a difference. D. Mental health worries the general public.

26. What’s Penny Holden’s attitude towards the project?

A. Reserved.

B. Ambiguous. C. Disapproving. D. Favorable.

27. The underlined sentence suggests that group singing is . A. popular and costs little

B. short of financial support D. easy and practical to conduct

C. full of excitement and fun


Do you have a summer firefly( 萤火虫) memory? I have many. I knew it was finally summer when I would be outside playing after dinner and those little flying lights appeared. I imagined each light was a fairy with long hair. But fireflies are disappearing. While the exact reason isn’t known, several factors are suspected: habitat (栖息地) loss, light pollution and harmful chemicals.

As the human population continues to grow, more and more wild habitats will be developed for our use. The more we destroy forest land, the fewer fireflies there will be — unless we start living in some totally different ways.

Another part of the problem is light pollution. Both female and male fireflies use their glowing lights to communicate with one another to find mates. Research has shown that lights — both streetlights or lights from a house, and temporary, like car headlights — make it harder for fireflies to communicate. If mom and dad fireflies can’t find each other to mate ( 交配) because they’re thrown off by car headlights,

英语(高考试题) 第 5 页(共 10 页)

young fireflies never get created.

While firefly number will continue to decline in some places, in others they’re becoming an attraction. In China, firefly pupae(蛹)were brought into some special parks. One of the first of these parks, in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, opened in 2015. The response was so positive that the park planned to open


Kids who grow up without fireflies will never know what they’re missing. The little lovely bugs are a magical addition to the landscape, but once they die out, they will exist only in the memories of older people. If you’d like to keep fireflies around in real life, you can help create firefly habitats in and around your own home.

28. What might cause the number of fireflies to decrease?

A. The effect of air pollution. B. The loss of natural habitats. C. The growth of population. D. The over-use of chemicals.

29. According to the passage, car headlights make fireflies .

A. likely to get lost

B. find mates easily

C. lose sight temporarily

D. unable to produce young

30. What might be discussed in the following paragraph?

A. How to keep fireflies around. B. How chemicals harm fireflies. C. How to stop fireflies dying out. D. How fireflies struggle to live on.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白

处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 If you are looking to improve your relationship with your parents, you are not alone. 31 There

are a number of steps that can be taken to make a better relationship with your parents.

● Be grateful. Consider all that your parents have done for you. You may find yourself feeling thankful to your parents. You will be more willing to improve the relationship. Let your parents know that you are appreciative for all they have done for you. 32 For example, get them a nice gift. If you live with your parents, do some extra housework without being asked.

● 33 Often, people do not get along because they fail to take others’ perspective. Accept that

英语(高考试题) 第 6 页(共 10 页)

your parents are different. Think about the ways that their lives may have been different from your life, and how these different histories may be contributing to issues in the relationship.

● Avoid unnecessary arguments. Sometimes arguments are unavoidable, but do your best to avoid unnecessary quarrels. This may mean that you have to bite your tongue when one of your parents says something controversial. 34 If it is, make the point clearly and modestly in order to avoid an overly emotional argument.

● Don’t ask for their advice unless you really want it. Sometimes problems arise in relationships between parents and children, particularly at the teenage years and beyond, because parents can try to give advice that might hurt your sense of independence. 35 Otherwise, you may be opening the door to frustration on your part.

A. Put yourself in their shoes. B. Be happy with them for this.

C. Show your appreciation with your actions.

D. It can hurt to feel taken for granted, even for parents. E. Problems between parents and children are common. F. So try only asking for their advice when you really want it. G. Determine whether the need to respond is really necessary.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分〉

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。

On thanksgiving weekend, the family gathered for a meal in their three-storey house. After 36 , Charlotte, her mum and little brother went down to the basement to rest. Charlotte’s dad headed for the garage to 37 his truck.

Around 8 p.m., Charlotte decided to 38 her dad. She went upstairs and walked through the kitchen. When she 39 the side door to the garage, black smoke blew into the kitchen. She could barely 40 her father lying on his back, 41 under the truck. He’d raised the truck on a jack(千斤 顶) and 42 the front tire. The truck had slipped 43 the jack.

Charlotte ran to the 44 of the truck and struggled to lift it. Her dad was still 45 , and he yelled, “One more try!” She tried 46 and was able to tip the truck backward. She grabbed her dad by the shirt with both hands and 47 him from under the truck to a safe place. Then she ran back to the 48 , which had burst into flames. It was on fire! She was afraid the truck was going to 49 so she climbed into the truck, 50 the key, and pressed the gas pedal( 踏板). The truck 51 rolled out, the metal wheel rubbing roughly and loudly against the ground. Charlotte 52 the truck safely outside 英语(高考试题) 第 7 页(共 10 页)

the garage and then rushed down to the basement. “There’s a 53 . Everybody, get out!” She shouted to her family members. They 54 her out of the back basement door quickly.

The garage was destroyed, but the family 55 .

36. A. dinner

37. A. clean

38. A. look for

39. A. opened

40. A. pick up

41. A. relaxed

42. A. placed

43. A. off

44. A. back

45. A. injured

46. A. yet

47. A. dragged

48. A. kitchen

49. A. stop

50. A. locked

51. A. slowly

52. A. stopped

53. A. party

54. A. led

55. A. broke

B. fun B. drive B. find out B. closed B. make out B. tired B. made B. into B. front B. sleepy B. still B. hugged B. bedroom B. explode B. left B. suddenly B. pushed B. meal B. followed B. gathered

英语(高考试题)C. weekend C. fix C. stare at C. broke C. rely on C. trapped C. carried C. with C. inside C. conscious C. too C. caught C. basement C. speed C. turned C. smoothly C. drove C. chance C. pulled C. survived

第 8 页(共 10 页)

D. school D. fetch D. check on D. repaired D. see through D. hidden D. removed D. between D. door D. desperate D. again D. held D. garage D. crash D. found D. safely D. lifted D. fire D. showed D. separated
