
发布时间 : 星期日 文章深圳牛津版英语最新七年级(上)-课文-(带翻译)更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 8 课文(翻译)


Unusual [?n'ju????l] collections [k?'lek?(?)n]

Sam和 Helen 的爷爷奶奶几乎啥都收藏。他们前门挂有 8 个门铃! “这银门铃是我最喜欢的。”Helen 说。她按下它,不一会,爷爷给她开了门。

Sam and Helen’s grandparents ['ɡr?nd,pε?r?nt] (外)祖父母collect [k?'lekt] 收集almost everything. There are eight doorbells ['d??bel] 门铃on their front door!

“This silver ['s?lv?] 银doorbell is my favorite ['feiv?rit] 最喜爱的,” said Helen. She pushed [p??] 推动it and soon Grandpa opened the door.

“进来吧,我亲爱的孙子和孙女!”他说。 “谁开始收集门铃了,爷爷?”Sam 问。 “你奶奶,”他回答说,“她喜欢门铃。” “那你喜欢收集什么,爷爷?”Helen 问。 “我喜欢收集报纸。”

“Come in, my dear grandson ['gr?n(d)s?n] 孙子;外孙and granddaughter['gr?nd??t?] 孙女;外孙女!” he said.

“Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.

“Your grandma,” he answered. “She loves doorbells.”

“What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen.

“I like collecting newspapers.”

他们走了进去,看到(屋里)到处都是报纸。 “你们好啊,孩子们!”奶奶说,“来喝点茶吧。”



They went inside [?n'sa?d] 里面;内部and saw newspapers everywhere. “Hello children!” called Grandma. “Let’s have some tea.”

The children followed her into the living room客厅;起居室and saw lots of toys[t??] 玩具there. There was hardly ['hɑ?dl?] 几乎不any space [spe?s] 空间;太空for the children to sit down.

“这些玩具是谁的?”Helen 问。


“不过要记住,”爷爷说, “我们是有大把的空闲时间!你们在学校里有很多功课要做,所以你们不应该花太多时间来收集东西!”

“Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.

“They are ours,” said Grandma. “We both like collecting toys.”

“But remember,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot of free time空闲时间! You have your school work to do, so you shouldn’t spend too much 太多time collecting things!”


Collecting stamps is educational [ed??'ke???n(?)l] 教育的!

昨天是 Daniel 学校的展示与演讲日。Daniel 是第一个演讲的学生。他向他的同学们展示了一枚老邮票。

Yesterday was Show展示 and Tell Day at Daniel’s school.

Daniel was the first student to speak. He showed his classmates['klɑ?sme?t] 同班同学an old stamp[st?mp]邮票.

“我的父亲给我了这第一枚邮票,” Daniel 说。


“My father gave me this first stamp,” said Daniel. “It has a picture of an old Chinese stone bridge[st??n] [br?d?] 石桥on it. This made me more interested in Chinese culture. Soon I started to look for 寻找more stamps with interesting pictures.”

“我现在有超过 100 枚邮票,” Daniel 说。


“我从邮票中学到了很多有关我们国家博大精深的文化!集邮是真正的教育。” “这是一个很棒的演讲。谢谢你,Daniel。”老师说。

“Now I have over 100 stamps,” said Daniel. “I learnt a lot about our country and its great culture from the stamps! Collecting stamps is really educational!”

“That was a great talk. Thank you, Daniel,” said the teacher.

Postcards['p?ustka:d] 明信片.


We can learn a lot about a place, its history ['h?st(?)r?] 历史and culture['k?lt??]文化 from a postcard and stamp[st?mp]邮票 on it.

2005 年,一些来自世界上不同国家的明信片收藏家启动了一个项目。首先,他们建立了一个网站。接着世界各地的人们都可以加入,成为会员。


In 2005, some postcard collectors[k?'lekt?]收藏家 from different countries started a project['pr?d?ekt] 工程;项目. First, they created(create [kri?'e?t] 创造) a website ['w?bsa?t] 网站. Then people from all over the world could join and become members ['memb?] 成员;会员. The members send each other postcards. As a result[r?'z?lt] 结果, they make new friends and learn about the culture and history of different countries.

