新外研版八年级英语下册全册教案 初二第二学期全套教学设计

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1) It smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour. 2) They taste really sweet and they feel soft in the middle. 3. Ask the students to listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 4. Now listen again and repeat. Step 8 Work in pairs.

1. Ask and answer about the things in the box. 2. Say why you like or do not like them.

bananas flowers ice cream pop music silk T- shirts —Do you like bananas?

—Yes, I do. They taste delicious. Do you like flowers? Step 9 Grammar



The film is interesting. The cookies smell delicious. The soup tastes too salty. The bed feels hard. The idea sounds quite good. All the children look happy.



The dishes do not smell very nice. Dose he look worried?

The cake dose not taste very good.

Step 10 Language points

1. Well, my chocolate cookies are done now. 嗯,我的巧克力饼干做好了。 句中的be done表示“做好了,完成了”。例如: I am nearly done.我差不多做完了。

Are you done with that pen? 那支笔你用完了吗? The beds are done.床铺都整理好了。 2. Shall I get the sugar? 我来拿糖吧?

当说话人主动提出要做某事,尤其是主动提出帮助时,我们常用Shall I …?例如: Shall I get some water for you? 我去给你弄点儿水喝吧? 我们还可以用Shall we…?来提出建议。例如: Shall we buy Betty a cake? 我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧? 3...are you sure that‘s sugar? ??你确信那是糖吗? be sure后面接句子,表示“确信,相信”。例如:

I‘m sure tomorrow is Betty‘s birthday. 我确定明天是贝蒂的生日。 I‘m sure we will find each other.我相信我们能找到那地方。 Step 11 Do exercises:

A. 用 feel; look; smell; sound; taste 填空: 1. The milk ________ strong. 2. My sweater ________ soft. 3. The room ________ quiet. 4. These flowers ________ beautiful! 5. This pizza _______ delicious.

Keys: 1. smells 2. feels 3. sound 4. look 5. tastes B. 首字母填空:

1. The food will taste too salty if there is too much s_______ in it. 2. When we talk, we should think of other‘s f_________.

3. Many people spend their holiday in the countryside. The enjoy the f ______ air there .

4. I want some more cookie. It t________ really good. Keys: 1. salt 2. feelings 3. fresh 4. tastes

C. 完成句子:

1. 丝绸摸起来很柔软。 Silk ______________________. 2. 洋葱不好吃, 气味太浓了。

The onion doesn‘t taste good, it _________________. 3. Tom看起来不开心。 Tom_____________________. 4. 别不好意思,试一试。 Don‘t be shy, just _______________. Keys:

1. feels very soft 2. smells too strong 3. looks very unhappy 4. have a try

Unit 2 I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.

ⅠTeaching model Reading and writing. ⅡTeaching method Top-down approach ⅢTeaching aims

1. Listening for specific information; matching sentences with pictures. 2. Talking about likes and dislike.

3. Reading and understanding behaviour of characters; finding specific information 4. Writing a description of a classmate. ⅣTeaching Objectives

Key vocabulary: glasses, jeans, nervous, fair, pretty, proud, be proud of , stranger, message, sb. can‘t wait, hobby, at school, in, mark, love ⅤTeaching aids Recorder, OHP, video ⅥTeaching Steps Step 1 Warming-up

1. Show some pictures to review the text of Unit 1.

2. Show some pictures.

3. Talk something about the pictures. 4. Introduce the new words. 5. Read the words after the teacher. Step 2 Work in pairs.

1. Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 1. 2. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 1.

glasses jeans long nervous fair pretty proud short stranger tall young 3. Work in pairs and describe the girls. Step 3 Language practice. 1. Show some pictures.

2. Talk something about the pictures.

1) She feels sad when she gets bad marks at school.

2) She feels a bit sad at first when she leaves her mum and dad. 3) She feels quite shy when she is with strangers. 4) She feels nervous when she speaks Chinese.

5) She feels sorry when she does not know how to do things in the right way 6) She feels afraid when she travels by plane 3. Read the sentences after the teacher. Step 4 Reading.

1. Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully. 2. Ask the students to read through the passage. 3. Match the questions with the paragraphs. a) What are your hobbies?

b) How do you feel about coming to China? c) What do you look like? 4. Check with a partner.

5. Call back the answers from the whole class.
