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Module 4

1.现在完成时:从过去持续到现在。 since (时间点) for (时间段) I have stayed in the hotel for a week. I have stayed in the hotel since last Monday.

并非有 for 作为时间状语的句子都用现在完成时。

I stayed in the hotel for a week last summer. 上年夏天我在这个旅馆呆了一个星期。 I will stay in the hotel for a week next month. 下个月我要在这旅馆呆一个星期。


He has died for three years. 可改为:He has been dead for three years.

2. 将终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词:Leave---be away, borrow---keep, buy---have, die---be dead,

begin/start---be on, move to---live in, finish---be over, join---be in/be a member of.come\\go\\arrive-be(in) 3. How soon 多久后(将来时) How long 多长 How often 多长时间一次 —How soon will you go to school?

—Ten minutes later.你多久后要去上学啦? 十分钟后.

—How long is the rope? —About five miles. 这条绳索多长? 大概 5 米. —How long is the you holiday? —Two months. 你有多长的假期?两个月.

—How often do you go to swim? —Once a week.你多长时间去游一次泳呢? 一个星期去一次. 4.teach sb. sth. 教某要某事Mr. Liu teaches us English. 5. head teacher 校长hear about/of 听到,听说 6. drop out of school 退学

7.get on (well) with… 与……相处(融洽)

He gets on well with his new classmates.他和他的新同学们相处得很好 8. take part in 是参加规模较小的团体,活动。 I took part in a birthday party last night.

9.join 也是参加,可是参加大是比较正式,大型的团体,活动。 I joined the Party last year. 10. 付钱 pay,cost,spend

I paid three dollars for a hamburger. = The hamburger cost me three dollars.

=I spent three dollars on a hamburger. 我花了三美圆买了个汉堡 11. maybe 相当于 perhaps,放句首。 probably 副词 Maybe she'll come this afternoon.

=Perhaps she'll come this afternoon.她可能今天下午来。 It will probably be fine tomorrow.明天大概会是晴天。 maybe 和 may be 可相互转换。

He may be in the office. = Maybe he is in the office.

12.luck 幸运(名)lucky 幸运的(形)luckily幸运地(副) I had a lot of luck in that exam. = I’m so lucky to pass the exam! =Luckily,I got to the station in time. 13.health 健康(n.)healthy 健康的(adj.)

Smoking is not good for your health. I like eating healthy food. 14. 到达 reach,arrive(小地方at,大地方in), get to 注意:与 here, there, home, abroad搭配的时候不能加介词,如 get home. 回家 When did you arrive? 你什么时候到达的?

15. have some concerts =do some concerts 举行演唱会16. in fact 事实上 17. Speaking Chinese is very difficult .说汉语是非常困难的。(动名词作主语)

18. He is an eight-year-old boy. = He is eight years old .=He is a boy of eight years old. 他 8 岁。 19. stop doing(停下正在做的事情) stop to do(停下来而去做另一件事)

When Mr. He came in classroom, everyone stopped talking .当何老师走进教室,每个人停止了谈论。 When you are tired, you must stop to have a rest. 当你疲倦时,你必须停下来休息。 20. with the help of… 在……的帮助下。

We finished the work with the help of the teacher. 21. a few (可数),a little(不可数) 一些 22.without 没有(后接名词或动名词)

23.because(接句子)与 because of(接名词或短语) 因为,由于例如:She doesn't go to school because she is ill. =She doesn't go to school because of illness. 24.high school 高中 primary school 小学 25.get an education 接受教育 26.Project Hope 希望工程

27.in the last 14 years 在过去的 15 年中 28.wear 穿着,戴着(put on穿上)

29.same 同样的We are in the same class. We do the same work as they(do).

Module 5

反意疑问句:陈述句后加上一个简短问句。 如:They have known the matter, haven't they? She often has lunch at school, doesn't she? You don't like sports, do you?

They are very late for the meeting, aren't they? You can't do it, can you? 1. 要注意的一些句子:

It is impossible to learn English, isn't it? She never tells a lie, does she?

(这样的词语还有 little, few, never, hardly, seldom, no, nothing, nobody) Everything is ready, isn't it?

Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you? There will not be any trouble, will there? Let's go and listen to the music, shall we? Close the window, please, will you?

—Mr. Smith isn't American, is he? —yes, he is. (不,他是美国人) No, he isn't .(对,他不是美国人)。 2. on earth究竟,在世界上 on the earth在地球上 in the earth在地下

3. who's it by?它是由谁(写)的?

4. die 死,去世(n.) dead 死亡的(adj.) His mother died in 1985.

His mother has been dead for 10 years.

5. maybe = perhaps与 may be 可能,也许 Maybe Sally is her sister. Sally may be her sister.

7.western music 西方的音乐/ pop music流行音乐/classical music古典音乐/modern music现代音乐 8.I'm not sure.我不确定 be born (in / on)出生

9.the capital city of Austria 奥地利首都 10.also too either 也 neither 两者都不 I'm also a student. I'm a student too. I'm not a student either.

少用 neither。Neither Ronald nor Sammy is a student. 11.music 音乐 musician 音乐家 12.give concerts 开音乐会 13.play the piano 弹钢琴

14.make sb.+ adj. 让某人……

15.His waltzes made him famous all over Europe.

16.succeed 动词 successful 形容词success 名词 Our plan has succeeded. 17.It's a great success to finish the work. He will be successful with the help of us . 18.not only…but also不但…而且…

Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. (就近原则) 19.a beautiful old city 一个美丽的古城 20.show\\take sb. around带着某人周游 21.at the age of在…岁时 22.of course 当然

23.a piece of music / pieces of music

24.in addition to (besides) 除……之外 25.a part-time job 一份兼职工作 26.on holiday 度假

27.(be)famous for 以什么著名(be)famous as 作为……(身份)而出名 28.decide to do sth. 决定做

29.the rest of 其余的 have a rest 休息一下 30.go on sth. / go on doing / go on to do 继续

31.After dinner, he went on to learn English.做完家庭作业,他继续学英语。

After resting for a few minutes, he went on doing his homework.几分钟后,他继续做家庭作业 32.one of +形容词最高级+名词复数 one of the most popular singers

33.Vienna is a beautiful old city on the river Dunube.维也纳是在多瑙河边的一个美丽的老城市。 34.a large group of 一大群 35.belong to属于

36.live 居住 lively 活泼的 lovely可爱的
