听力 PART2、3

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for the supplier either. But the most satisfactory thing to do is to offer a refund. Then, of course, they are more likely to deal with you again when they need a replacement.


听力 PART2 真题4 套2 Thirteen

We all forget how hard interviews can be. Applicants walk into a strange room and face what can be a long line of unknown people who fire a lot of tricky questions at them. It’s not surprising that their minds go a complete blank. If you’re the interviewer and you make an effort to put the interviewees at their ease, then they’re more likely to express their opinions coherently and give you a chance to assess them properly. 我们都忘记了面试有多艰难。候选人走进一个陌生的房间面对一大排不认识的人问你一大堆棘手的问题。不要对他们大脑空白感到吃惊。如果你是面试官你会努力让面试者感到放松,他们接下来会会更连贯的表达自己的观点,这样也然你有机会对他们有更正确的评估。


Interviews are often too theoretical. You get the applicant’s views on, for example, the principle of marketing and then throw in some tough questions to see if they’re up to speed on the latest developments. But introducing a hands-on activity can be more telling, because then you can assess how they approach everyday activities. I know some people argue that at senior level it’s a waste or time and you should be checking how they deal with clients and colleagues, but I’m not convinced.



You have perhaps thirty minutes to assess an applicant. I think considerable work needs to be done beforehand with the CVs—checking if they have appropriate qualifications and so on. What you can’t get from the application, though—except from references, and I don’t find those very reliable—is an idea of how people act in the workplace. I focus on that, by asking questions which should reveal how they’d react in different circumstances and with a variety of colleagues.



Interviewing isn’t something I’m good at, I’m afraid. I don’t trust my own judgement for such important decisions. That’s why I usually have about five other people with me, not necessarily from the particular department, though. I realize this prevents me from making the interview seem

详解 LISTENING PART2、3 page50

like an informal chat, but I’m not sure of the overall benefit of that—perhaps it provides an insight into how the applicant thinks and behaves outside work, but that’s not crucial. 恐怕面试不是我所擅长的。做如此重要的决定时我不信任自己的判断。那就是通常我需要其他五个同事跟我一起,虽然不是必须来自特定部门。我认识这可以避免让我把面试看做一个非正式的聊天,但是我不确信那样做对整体的利益—也许这提供一个洞察申请人的想法以及工作之外的行为,但是那并不重要。


One’s trying to assess so many different aspects of potential employees. Time’s limited, and you can get bogged down in asking challenging questions relevant to particular duties in the job description. It’s easy to forget to allow time for applicants to find out things that are relevant to them. It’s sometimes seen just as a courtesy or a way of making them feel comfortable, but it can give you real insight into how they think and react to the post. 一个人努力评估潜在员工如此多不同的方面。时间是有限的,你可以陷入问具有挑战性的问题中,关于工作描述相关特定职责。这很容易忘记要遵循的时间让候选人找到他们相关的事宜。这有时候只是作为一种礼貌或者一个让他们感到放松的方法,但是这可以让你真正洞察他们的想法以及对职位的反应。


Well, we’d put together what we thought was an excellent team for the project—that is, until we hit technical problems and realized that we needed staff with a wider range of specialized technical experience than the people we’d recruited. So we had to advertise again to replace some key members of the team; we were lucky that we just about managed to cover the extra costs within the budget. Our customers were very satisfied with the outcome. 我们是为项目组建的优秀团队,我们汇集团员的想法---除非我们遇到技术问题以及认识到我们需要一个比目前所雇佣的员工更加具备在广泛的领域拥有专业技术经验的员工。那么我们不得不再次做广告来替换几个团队成员,我们很幸运只是在预算范围内支出额外的费用。顾客对结果很满意。


Although we had minor problems with suppliers from the start, these were easily overcome. Initially, I thought we’d underestimated the cost of the project, as it was so tight most of the time, but we managed to avoid an overspend. It was a very stressful time. However, it was the breakdowns which really upset the staff, and I wouldn’t have blamed them if they’d walked out on strike the fifth time it happened in a week.



Generally speaking, we have an excellent project-management team, trained to deal with any unexpected problems-you know, like when the money runs out or the client wants something different from the original agreement. Unfortunately, we hadn’t anticipated the component manufacturer going out of business. The Purchasing Manager was furious, because there were so
