
发布时间 : 星期日 文章【工业工程】毕业论文-基于JIT方式下的汽车零部件企业的生产计划与控制更新完毕开始阅读


1)the Toyota production method is in fast growth and the developed industrialization later period, in al.

2)the Toyota production method is in lacks the sufficient resources,the fund and in the labor force environment, expand industry's path.

3)the Toyota production method is develops the small batch, the multi-variety production path under the narrow diverse demand market condition.Ready had the numerous superiority competitor in the crevice the expand industry path.

It impelled Japanese Enterprises and so on Toyota to enter the world Advanced enterprise's ranks from the difficult position.Toyota has risen, but at that time and nobody noted its new production management technology.The 70s's oil shock caused the fast growth the western industrialization society to present the long time decline,in numerous profit of enterprise negative growth,but the Toyota automobile actually maintained the continuous prosperity under the contrast,Toyota's production technology started to receive people's attention In"Change World Machine"Toyota production method after"lean manufacture"the new name introduced for world manufacturing industry, seeks the study which in the depression the outlet the American Enterprise desires strongly and imitates Japan's procedure. The American has also made the progress through the fine profit,in the 90s crawls from the trough, has remoulded the American industry,is specially the high tech industry and the war industry hegemonic position.The late 90s's Asian economic crisis,911 give the US the economy to bring the profound influence,inexpensive"China makes"also gives the US the traditional manufacturing industry to attack. On this kind of dangerous time, the magic weapon which the American manufacturing industry offers a sacrifice to is "the lean manufacture".In the economical fast growth time, the manufacturer may use the mass productions to raise the output the way to reduce the cost; the enterprise in the smooth development time,the information technology is also the efficacious device which the thrust augmentation grows.But is now surplus in the productive forces and global competition's time reduces the cost to become the enterprise survival the first principle.The lean manufacture way which disciplines from difficult and the thrifty environment becomes deals with in the decline and the adverse circumstance enterprise continues to survive and the development good method.The lean manufacture way becomes the substitution tradition mass production way to rescue in the crisis enterprise's path.In China,the excess capacity of production,the competition fierce manufacture domain, like the electrical appliances,the computer and the automobile manufacture, lean manufacture this is rescues their difficult position the outlet.The Chinese manufacturing industry Japan's similarity is faces the industry big powers pressure 50 years ago, to lack development similarly the fund and the resources.What but was different with Japan then,China was facing one was growing the giant domestic market,had the rich low price labor force.Moreover,the Chinese manufacturing industry has met the advanced industrial nation manufacturing industry structural adjustment opportunity,massive preliminary or the work crowded product,even includes the consumption big engineering products the production to the 3rd world shift,"makes the opportunity which for China"develops.Under this background's Chinese manufacturing industry, may use the extensive management,the high consumption and the primary labor force obtains the limited development opportunities.But this is in no way road of the sustained development.When the Western enterprise takes up the fine profit the weapon, copes with the synthesis low cost when China's low price cost of labor but is also a high consumption,China's



superiority possibly does not exist. Thinks of danger in peace and provides for a rainy day is the far-seeing originality entrepreneur's style.These enterprises will use the lean manufacture to reduce the product cost; will further sharpen enterprise's synthesis competitive ability.






精益生产(Lean Production,简称LP)是美国麻省理工学院数位国际汽车计划组织(IMVP)的专家对日本“丰田JIT(Justin Time)生产方式”的赞誉之称。精,即少而精,不投入多余的生产要素,只是在适当的时间生产必要数量的市场急需产品(或下道工序急需的产品);益,即所有经营活动都要有益有效,具有经济性。精益生产是当前工业界最佳的一种生产组织体系和方式。









(3)生产过程的在制品库存,最低可减至大量生产方式下一般水平的1/10; (4)工厂占用空间,最低可减至采用大量生产方式下的1/2; (5)成品库存,最低可减至大量生产方式下平均库存水平的1/4; (6)产品质量,可大幅度。











(4)并行工程(Concurrent Engineering)







1)大批量生产方式的库存管理强调“库存是必要的”。 2)精益生产方式的库存管理强调“库存是万恶之源”。 精益生产方式将生产中的一切库存视为“浪费”,同时认为库存掩盖了生产系统中的缺陷与问题。它一方面强调供应对生产的保证,另一方面强调对零库存的要求,从而不断

