专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编

发布时间 : 星期六 文章专题03 完形填空(第05期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编更新完毕开始阅读


Bending our knees in the sand and protected by only a plastic glove, I put my hand into the cigarette ends, drink bottles and rotten fruit. I ___21___ to my friends, triumphantly (洋洋得意地) waving a ___22___ sock at them before dropping it into the rubbish bag.

My friends and I are ___23___ of the CSF, a high school community service club. On a Sunday morning we came to the Santa Monica Beach as ___24___ as possible. It was Step. 17. International Coastal Cleanup Day, and people in more than 90 countries were ___25___ to clean up the beaches. When four of us and the club adviser ___26___ near the Santa Monica Pier (码头), the beach was nearly empty. We were —___27___ with plastic gloves, rubbish bags and information ___28___, which we used to ___29___ the rubbish we found for later research. In ___30___ of two or three, we started by collecting the most ___31___ pieces of rubbish, such as bottles and bags. Soon our backs were hurting from ___32___ so much. To pass the time, our club adviser invented a ___33___ called “Balloon Search” — whichever group found the most shreds (碎片) of balloons would ___34___. My group found several sickening and ___35___ items, such as, used underwear, dead birds and toothbrush. Another group ___36___ found false teeth! After three hours of collecting rubbish, we ___37___ ourselves to lunch, I washed my ___38___ with a soap four times in the bathroom, but the smell of ___39___ fish stayed. Although we were tired, we all ___40___ that the work was definitely worth it. 21. A. explained 22. A. beautiful 23. A. students 24. A. early

B. got

C. shouted C. plastic

D. nodded D. white D. member D. often D. pretending

B. muddy

B. customers C. cleaners B. late

C. soon

25. A. calling 26. A. turned up 27. A. equipped 28. A. scores 29. A. copy

B. gathering C. meeting B. came up B. filled B. papers B. record B. memory

C. turned out D. came out C. covered C. tools C. hold C. groups

D. pulled D. sheets D. sort D. forms

30. A. search

31. A. amazing B. expensive C. useful D. noticeable

32. A. walking around B. bending over C. falling down D. moving back 33. A. game 34. A. leave

B. machine B. blow

C. sport C. win

D. rule D. speak

35. A. interesting B. surprising C. important D. pleasant 36. A. again 37. A. treated 38. A. clothes 39. A. bitter 40. A. agreed

B. still

C. even C. took C. face C. tasty

D. suddenly D. invited D. hair D. rotten

B. helped B. hands B. fresh B. decided

C. promised D. understood

21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. 【答案】

D 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. A 【解析】



考查形容词词义辨析。A. beautiful美丽的;B. muddy泥泞的;C. plastic塑料的;D. white白色的。根据本空前的“Bending our knees in the sand”可知,我们是在沙滩上捡垃圾,自然是泥泞的,故B选项切题。 【23题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。A. students学生;B. customers顾客;C. cleaners清洁工;D. member会员、成员。根据本空后的“of the CSF, a high school community service club.”可知,我和我的朋友们是高中社区服务俱乐部CSF的成员,故D选项切题。 【24题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。A. early早;B. late晚;C. soon很快;D. often总是。根据本空前的“On a Sunday morning we came to the Santa Monica Beach as”可知,星期日的早晨我们尽可能早地来到圣莫妮卡海滩,故A选项切

题。学科!网 【25题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。A. calling打电话;B. gathering聚集、集中;C. meeting会见;D. pretending假装。根据本空后的“to clean up the beaches”可知,来自90多个国家的人聚集在一起清理海滩,故B选项切题。 【26题详解】

考查动词短语辨析。A. turned up出现;B. came up走近、发生;C. turned out结果是;D. came out出版。根据本空后的“near the Santa Monica Pier, the beach was nearly empty.”可知,当我们出现在圣莫妮卡码头的时候,海滩几乎空无一人,故A选项切题。 【27题详解】

A. equipped装备;B. filled充满;C. covered覆盖;D. pulled拉。考查动词词义辨析。根据本空后的“with plastic gloves, rubbish bags…”可知,我们配备塑料手套、垃圾袋和信息表,故A选项切题。 【28题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。A. scores分数;B. papers试卷;C. tools工具;D. sheets纸单、表。根据本空后的“which we used to … the rubbish we found for later research”可知,信息表是用来记录找到的垃圾和日后研究的,故D选项切题。 【29题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。A. copy拷贝;B. record记录;C. hold保持;D. sort分类。信息表当然是用来做记录的,故B选项切题。 【30题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。A. search搜寻;B. memory记忆;C. groups组;D. forms形式。根据本空后的“of two or three, we started by collecting the most…”可知,三两个人为一组,我们开始捡显而易见的垃圾,故C选项切题。


考查形容词词义辨析。A. amazing不可思议的;B. expensive昂贵的;C. useful有用的;D. noticeable显而易见的、显著的。根据本空后的“pieces of rubbish, such as bottles and bags.”可知,瓶子和袋子都是明显的垃圾,故D选项切题。 【32题详解】

考查动词短语辨析。A. walking around四处走动;B. bending over俯身;C. falling down跌倒;D. moving back返回。捡垃圾自然是需要俯身,我们由于俯身太多而后背疼痛,故B选项切题。


考查名词词义辨析。A. game游戏;B. machine机器;C. sport体育;D. rule规则。根据本空后的““Balloon Search””可知,我们的俱乐部顾问发明了一个名叫“气球搜索”的游戏,故A选项切题。 【34题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。A. leave离开;B. blow吹;C. win赢得、获胜;D. speak说话。根据本空前的“whichever group found the most shreds of balloons would”可知,找到最多气球碎片的小组将会在游戏中获胜,故C选项切题。 【35题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。A. interesting有趣的;B. surprising令人惊讶的;C. important重要的;D. pleasant愉快的。根据本空后的“items, such as, used underwear, dead birds and toothbrush.”可知,我们组找到了像用过的内衣、死鸟和牙刷这样令人作呕和惊讶的东西,故B选项切题。 【36题详解】

考查副词词义辨析。A. again再次;B. still仍然;C. even甚至;D. suddenly突然。根据本空后的“found false teeth!”可知,另一个小组甚至还找到了假牙,此处表示递进,故C选项切题。 【37题详解】

A. treated对待、B. helped帮助;C. took拿走;D. invited邀请。考查动词词义辨析。招待;根据本空后的“ourselves to lunch,”可知,捡了三个小时后,我们开始吃午饭,故A选项切题。 【38题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。A. clothes衣服;B. hands手;C. face脸;D. hair头发。吃饭前自然是要洗手,故B选项切题。 【39题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。A. bitter苦的;B. fresh新鲜的;C. tasty美味的;D. rotten腐烂的。根据本空后的“fish stayed”可知,尽管洗了手,腐鱼的气味还有残留,故D选项切题。 【40题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。A. agreed同意;B. decided决定;C. promised承诺;D. understood理解。根据本空后的“that the work was definitely worth it”可知,尽管很累,我们一直认为我们的工作是值得的,故A选项切题。 【江西省临川一中2019届高三上学期名校联考】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My mother spent her childhood with her father on their farm in the US. She learned how to mend fences, plow
