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发布时间 : 星期六 文章《雨霖铃》教 学 设 计- 商南教育信息网 首页更新完毕开始阅读

《雨霖铃》教 学 设 计

商南县高级中学 章玉芳


引导学生品味诗歌语言的声韵美;激发学生的想象力,体会词中的感情;引导学生把握表现手法,培养学生鉴赏古诗词的能力。 教学重点

让学生在朗读理解的同时感知词的声韵美;情景交融和虚实结合的手法;积累古诗文。 教学难点

1.鉴赏古诗词的方法 2.把握婉约词的特点 教学方法

诵读法、问答法、点拨法 课时安排 一课时 教学过程


由对上节课的相关知识回顾导入新课 二、介绍写作背景 三、整体感知

1.老师朗诵全文,学生体会作者所描绘出的情与景。 2. 学生朗读整首词(先默读,再指名学生朗读)。 3. 弄清几个问题:基调、作者的感情、词的结构 四、赏析《雨霖铃》 1.鉴赏词的上篇:

⑴学生自读理解,提出疑难问题,教师答疑 ⑵教师强调重点:

抓关键词—寒蝉 长亭 骤雨 泪眼 凝噎 念 烟波 暮霭 楚天阔 ⑶教师提问:上篇描写了那些景物?这些景物都有怎样的特点?描绘了怎样的场面?包含着作者怎样的感情?上篇中哪句最富表现力?(赏析名句)



⑸强调意象、意境和感情(为总结情景交融的表现手法做准备)。 2、鉴赏下篇:



⑵学生思考后,教师明确答案。 五、体会情景交融、虚实相济的写法 1.情景交融



四处:“寒蝉”句、“千里”句、“更那堪”句、“今宵”句 ⑶知识迁引——以景写情并将抽象感情具体化


⑵李煜《虞美人》中的名句“问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。” 2. 虚实相济

提问:词中,词中实、虚景各有哪些?写这些虚景有什么作用? 学生思考讨论后回答,教师订正补充 六、总结全诗 1.感情基调:低沉 2.意象、意境

3.所表达的感情:离别时的不舍和离别后的凄凉心情 4.表现手法:情景交融和虚实结合 5. 婉约词的特点:缠绵、含蓄 6.提醒:三个名句、易写错的字 七、欣赏歌曲《雨霖铃》 八、布臵课外任务




Students’ Book6 Module4 Music Teaching Plan

ShangNan Vocational Middle School Wu Qiong

Ⅰ. Teaching Contents :Introduction and Speaking Ⅱ. Teaching Aims

A. To learn some new words about music and musical instruments. B. To improve the students speaking ability. Ⅲ.Teaching Important Points

A.To learn the new words.

B.To make students talk about their music interests and habits. Ⅳ.Teaching Difficult Points

To help them to express their music interests and habits. V.Teaching Methods

A. Introduction B. Free talk C. Group work VI.Teaching Aids: a blackboard and multi-medium VII.Teaching Procedures Step1 Lead-in

Look at a photo of “Twelve Girls Band” and introduce some information about this band. Step2 Introduction

A. Look at photos of different kinds of musical instruments, and introduce some western instrument.

B. New words: harp, lute, mandolin

C. Do some exercises in Activity1 on page43 in students’ book. Step3 Speaking

A.To talk about some kinds of music

Traditional Chinese music, pop music, jazz music, classical music, rap, hip-hop, blues, rock, Latin music… B.Free talk


Work in pairs to discuss the following questions: 1. What is your favorite kind of music? 2. How long have you been listening to it? 3. When do you listen to music?

Example: When I’m getting dressed, on my way to school, doing my homework, etc.

4. How do you listen to music?

Example: on the radio, on a cassette player, music TV, Mp3, CDs, etc. 5. Why do you listen to music?

Example: It makes me relaxed; I feel happy/sad/amused; I recall some memories or dream of beautiful life… Step4 Discussion

Work in groups of four. Discuss the music interests and habits of the group. And then report it in front of the class. Use these expressions:

? My favorite music is …

? I like listening to music when I’m … ? I have been listening to … for/since… ? My favorite artist is…

? I like seeing live musical performance.

Step5 Summaries the whole class orally Step6 Homework

? Write a short report about the music interests and habits of the group.

Step7 Enjoy a short performance by “Twelve Girls Band”.


商南县高级中学 刘 锋

教学目标 知识与技能


