Unit 2 Food and health( Part 5)共案

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课 题

Unit 2 Food and health ( Part 5 )

课 型 新授

共 6 课


第 4 课时 上课时间

项 目 内 容

知识 能力 教

Be able to learn and read the healthy eating tips .Make their own healthy eating cards. Know what diet is good for our health.

过程 Discuss the eating habits in groups. Listen to each other and 学

方法 write down the notes . Match the sentence to the tips . 目 标

情感 态度

Keep a healthy eating habits . Motivate the children loving sports exercising .Good habit good body.


教学重点 Find the corresponding tips and sentences.

教学难点 Make their own healthy eating card.

教学、教CAI, tips cards, tape-recorder ,PPT

具 (课件)准备

教 学 流 程

教 师 活 动 预设学生活动

Step 1 Warm-up 1. Greeting:

T: Good morning,class. Ss: Good morning, Miss yang. 教

2. Free talk 学

What do you eat every day? 环

Step 2 Revision 节

Look and read one by one .

can play a game 1.PPT show the food words that we have learnt. Lead the students to spell and recite the words .

2.Talk which is good for us ,and which is bad for our

Write down the words in their

health . Notebooks .Eg: 1.food

2.drinks 3.Classify the food ,drinks, fruit, vegetables


And the grains.


Step 3 Presentation



Read the words on the tips

Vegetables. Whole grains. Healthy

. 1. Show the tips of book’s Protein, fruit, drinks, stay active. page17. Use the Pictures to

Find the right tip corresponding help the students to understand

their cards, quickly. And stick the grain,

Protein and so on.

tips and cards on the blackboard.

Who is quicker who is the 2.devide the student into six groups and send each group a


card a tip, and then play a game:

Step 4 Practice

要穿插英语规范表达训练,如: a cup of milk, two cups of milk, three glases of tea...

1.Check the answers, and adjust the order of the tips.

2.Take the cards from the blackboard.

Hold the tips,and dissouss the healthy eating habits

Let the students choose one tip

Talk in groups and choose one to in groups 6

say ,one to record the notes. 3.Lead them to talk about the healthy eating diet ,or how to

eat and drink can be healthy? 4. Send each group one paper.

Let students write their own Classify the nouns: suggestions on

and the the paper according their tips.food ,drinks, fruit, vegetables


5.Let 2-3 groups to say or

read their own

Healthy eating tips in class.

Step 5 Conclusion

1.Good habits make good


2.Read the healthy eating tips

In page 17 together
