
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2019-2020学年四川省眉山市高二(上)期末英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读

A. Cooking offers women with fulfillment. B. Home﹣cooked meals represent good mothering. C. Women suffer pressure from cooking. D. Both women and men should cook.

(2)From the passage, we can know that mothers often . A. repeat their recipes

B. buy fresh agricultural products C. complain about cooking D. choose diverse food ingredients

(3)What does the underlined word \? A. Busy customers. B. Disappointed mothers. C. Poor husbands and children. D. Ungrateful family members.

(4)What's the author's attitude towards mothers' cooking for the family? A. Negative. B. Indifferent. C. Positive. D. Objective.

第二节(满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项. 15.(10分)

Fun Things to Do when You're Alone at Home

Spending time on your own is one of the best things in the world. (1) And you can do all those enjoyable things that you might never do when someone is around. So here we will share with you some fun things that you would love to do when you're alone at home. Watch movies. Yes, we can understand how difficult it is to watch movies when your parents are at home. Not all parents are easy﹣going. So why not use this time by watching all those movies you have been dying to watch for such a long time? Moreover, this hardly requires any effort.(2)


(3) In some cases, the conditions are so bad that our family members don't allow us to sing even a single song when they are at home. Yes, if you can relate to this, then you're not alone. But now when you're alone at home you are free to sing your favorite songs out loud. Let your hidden talent show. Dance or sing as much as you want. Call, text or video message a friend. You were once addicted to your phone, and now your parents have strictly said no to the use of cellphones. But no need to worry.(4) You can make plans for the next meeting, discuss the latest talk of the town and so on. Play video games. Being alone at home is the best time to play video games. No one will be there to scold you for playing games for long hours. You can also download the latest games from the web on your PC, laptop, Mac or smartphone.(5) Obviously, with him around, you would never get a chance to do that.

A. Invite your friend to a concert. B. Enjoy your own concert.

C. It is very important for us to have some private time.

D. Now is the best time, when you can talk for long hours with your friends.

E. You could also live your childhood dream of exploring your brother's favorite collection of video games.

F. All you need is a laptop and a good Internet connection. G. With no one around, you can totally be yourself.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

16.(30分)I walked into a restaurant and after going through the menu, I ordered some food. After about 20 minutes a group of guys and ladies walked in and ordered theirs. To my disappointment, these people got (1) first. I watched as they began to eat and laugh heartily.

I even overheard one of them bragging(自夸) about how he's connected to everyone in the(2) and I felt mocked(嘲笑). I decided to (3) . Unable to take it anymore, I called the (4) . He calmly told me: \, being


prepared by the head chef himself. Their orders were prepared (5) by students because the top chefs are busy with yours. That's why they were served first. Please have some juice as you (6) .\

I calmed down and waited (7) . Shortly after, my meal was served by 6 waiters. Unknown to me, the owner of the restaurant, who (8) to be an old long lost friend of mine, saw me when I entered and decided to (9) me.

She (10) my simple meal to a five﹣star meal. The party at the other table were (11) . They couldn't stop staring. Suddenly they were the ones murmuring, asking(12) they didn't get that kind of service and meal.

Such is life! Some people are ahead of you and are eating now,(13) at you and talking about how they are smarter and better than you, how they are well (14) , have money and are enjoying life. You are waiting tirelessly (15) why it's taking so long to break through. You put up with mockery. Maybe you've gone through (16) or suffered severe mental anxiety. Don't you worry! Life has(17) you and doesn't want you to be served a simple meal like those making a mockery of you. You're waiting long because yours is a(n)(18) meal. It (19) time to prepare. And only head chefs prepare them. Wait for your meal and relax. When it comes that laughing (20) will be silenced for good. (1)A. served (2)A. shop (3)A. order (4)A. owner (5)A. carefully (6)A. walk (7)A. patiently (8)A. seemed (9)A. serve (10)A. cooked

B. presented B. restaurant B. leave B. chef B. slowly B. wait B. anxiously B. happened B. scare B. made

C. prepared C. bar C. eat C. friend C. hurriedly C. eat C. nervously C. used C. surprise C. compared

D. cooked D. market D. stay D. waiter D. terribly D. order D. proudly D. proved D. upset D. changed


(11)A. shocked (12)A. what (13)A. staring (14)A. connected (15)A. realizing (16)A. excitement (17)A. surprised (18)A. special (19)A. spends (20)A. owner

B. worried B. why B. waving B. prepared B. promising B. fright B. served B. expensive B. has B. waiter

C. disappointed C. when C. laughing C. loved C. thinking C. pride C. seen C. late C. takes C. chef

D. embarrassed D. how D. speaking D. lived D. wondering D. depression D. tricked D. enjoyable D. lacks D. party


17.(15分)One of the unforgettable cultural events to Chinese people in the year 2016 was probably that the \(1) (recognize) as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage (世界非物质文化遗产).The \(2) (invent) of China, coming after paper﹣making, printing, gunpowder and compass. It shows (3) ancient wisdom of dividing time based on the sun's position. Among the 24 terms, the \of Spring\, \of Summer\, \of Autumn\and \of Winter\divide a year into four seasons, each of (4) is divided into six solar terms. In old days, they are important (5) (instruction) for the agricultural production as well as people's daily lives. Even today, many farmers still rely (6) them to decide what they should do in the fields.

From generation to generation, it appears that the \people's life, but there is still a long way to go (7) (protect) the cultural heritage from disappearing.(8) (fortunate), many young people have involved (9) (they) in giving new life to the ancient culture. So far, measures like taking photos, drawing pictures or(10) (write) essays about it have been adopted. It is only through our efforts that the Chinese culture and the Chinese history can have longer and

