
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(完整word版)人教版小学英语PEP五年级下册第一单元更新完毕开始阅读

教师活动 Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings ; 2. Daily activities : -------How are you ? ------How’s the weather today ? ------What day is it ? ------What’s the date today ? 3. Teacher play the chant ; 设计意图:通过chant 复习本单元第1,2课时的重点句型和词汇,不仅起到了温故知新的作用,还调动起学生的学习热情,为本课的学习创设了一个温馨、愉悦的 氛围。 Step2: Presentation 1. By creating a real situation, the teacher shows the students the photos taken during the summer vacation ; 2. The teacher shows the homemade card; 3. The teacher instruct the students to observe the content of the “Let's talk” part and put forward the relevant questions : -------Who are they ? -------What are they talking about ? 设计意图: 阅读前,通过创设情境突破课文中的重点句型:“Which season do you like best ?” “I like_____ best.” “Why?” , “Because--------.” 为课文的引出扫清语言障碍,阅读中内化课文,语言点和信息,阅读后学生进行表演,输出语言知识,能够有效的提高学生的语言运用能力。 学生活动 1. Free talk ; 2. Do daily activities ; 二次备课

3. Chant together; 1. Students according to the teacher show the pictures, read the new words ; 2.Students listen and say ; Step3: Consolidation: 1. Make a dialogue : The teacher divided 1. The students, under the students into groups and arranged a the guidance of the good job in each group. teachers, create dialogues and 设计意图:本环节为巩固练习部分,从给perform in a group 学生“固定框架“到”无框架可依”, 从简of two people. 单易行的题目到略有难度,设计具有梯度性,各种层次的学生都能找到自己的角色,同时创编对话也培养学生的创新精神和使用语言进行交流的能力。 Step 4 Summing up : 1. Words and phrase: 2. Sentences: 1、Listen and recite; 家庭作业 2、Finish the relevant workbook exercises; 3、Preview next lesson by looking up words and translating ; Unit 2 My favorite season What season do you like best ? I like spring best . Why? Because there are pretty flowers. 板书设计

课 题 Unit 2 : My favorite season 课时 4/6 主备人 蔡 剑 教学内容 Part B : Let’s learn & Ask and answer 知识目标:A. 能够进一步内化“Which season do you like best?” “I like ----best. I often ------. ” 等询问他人和表达自己季节喜好的交际用语; B. 能够正确听、说、认读词汇和短语,如: picnic, go on a 教学目标 picnic, pick apples, snowman, make a snowman, go swimming等。 能力目标:能够提高口语表达能力和语言组织能力,并且进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习的能力。 教学重点 1. 能够掌握词汇和短语,如:picnic, go on a picnic, pick apples, snowman, make a snowman, go swimming等。 2. 能够在实际语境中交流运用关于能力的问答句:“Which season do you like best?” “I like ----best. I often ------. ” 教学 重难点 教学难点 学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答对话。 1. 2. 教学方法 3. 4. Cooperative learning; Situational teaching method; The whole body reaction method; Game teaching method; 5. Game teaching method。 教学准备 2. Teaching plan 1. Multimedia courseware. 3. Students evaluate small gifts

教师活动 Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings ; 2. Daily activities : -------How are you ? ------How’s the weather today ? ------What day is it ? ------What’s the date today ? 3. Enjoy a song : What’s your favorite season? 4. 设计意图:本环节旨在以歌曲的形式活跃课堂气氛,其明快的活动节奏把学生调整到最佳的学习状态,以迎接新的学习任务。以Free talk 的形式复习上一课时的内容,为新知识的学习提供了语言储备。 Step2: Presentation 学生活动 1. Free talk ; 2. Do daily activities ; 二次备课

3. Listen and sing ; 1. Students under the guidance of 1. go on a picnic teachers, T: Do you want to know which season I understand and like best ? repeat phrases: Then, the teacher shows the pictures of go on a picnic their favorite season, and guides the students to understand the phrases in the 2. Students under the situation: go on a picnic . guidance of 2. Teacher learn phrases by creating teachers, different situations: understand and go swimming , make a snowman , pick repeat phrases: go swimming , make a snowman , 3. Finish the exercise on the book ; pick apples. 3. Students play a role 设计意图: 本环节运用多种形式导入和in the group . 操练新授词汇,不仅注重了设计的趣味 性,更注重了其有效性。 apples.
