
发布时间 : 星期四 文章tpot听力25解析更新完毕开始阅读

D. To find unusual musical elements he could use in his own compositions


解析:细节目的题。 这个出现在师生问答环节。注意问答前后的出题陷阱。 原文如下:No. At first, he went around to document the folk music.

16. According to the professor, why was Bart’k music popular in Austria-Hungary? 03:40

A. Bart’k music was considered more sophisticated than other concert-hall music B. Bart’k compositions incorporated music from the local culture

C. People were familiar with the Romantic elements Bart’k included in his music

D. Bart’k took advantage of the popularity of ballet there and wrote many new ballets


解析:细节因果题,出因果方面的时候,注意听力原文的一些提示词,如 because, why, so, casuse 等等,听力里面提到了 BB 一个非常芭蕾舞剧非常有名是因为音乐包含了当提名额和 音乐反应了当地音乐传统文化。所以选 B. 原文如下:It happened to be a time of strong nationalism in Austria, Hungary. So his composition came just at the right time. It became very successful there. Particularly, when Bartok's ballet The Wooden Prince opened, it was a great excitement for music that included musical elements from local folk songs, and music reflected the region's musical traditions

17. What does the professor mean when he says this: 重听题 03:14-03:31

A. He wants to change the topic of discussion

B. He wants to acknowledge that the students may not be familiar with Bart’k’s music C. He believes the students should already be familiar with the term ‘glissando’ D. He will use an example of glissando to help define the term


解析:态度题,这里有个提示词 Gelli Sandor,这句话的前文说 B 喜欢用 GS…as his home mark, 后面的这个重听句明显是对前一句的 define. A,B 都不靠谱,C 从语气上没有体现出教授认为 学生们已经知道了,恰好是说学生不知道,教授想来解释的那种感觉。

原文如下:He adopted a number of elements from what he heard, like unusual rhythms and he liked to use Gelli Sandor as his home mark, which you probably got from listening to Croatian folk music. Gelli Sandor is, well, I've got a recording of Bartok here.

Section 2

TPO16-L4 Conversation 2

18.Why does the man go to see the professor? 00:16 00:30

A. To find out how to distinguish between different types of whale songs B. To request permission to change the topic of his paper

C. To discuss the difference between using the internet and using books to find sources D. To get help locating some information for his paper


解析:主旨原因题, 学生先跟教授说了一下背景,然后说了一一个问题关于鲸鱼怎么在水 下呼吸的事情但是发现竟然对这块仍然不是很了解,答案 D,去找教授定位一些关于他论文 上的信息。注意语气变化

原文如下:Well, I was thinking about it, and I realized I don’t understand how they hold their breaths under water. It’s a little crazy for me to be writing a paper about migration patterns

without actually knowing how they stay underwater for so long.

19.What is the topic of the man’s paper? A. How whales hold their breath B. Whale migration patterns

C. Characteristic of whale habitats

D. The differences between the circulatory system of whales and that of other mammals

答案:B 解析:细节题,对于那个男生而言很疯狂的事情是那篇前戏种类的论文中涉及到鲸鱼。。。。 的事 原文如下:Well, I was thinking about it, and I realized I don’t understand how they hold their breaths under water. It’s a little crazy for me to be writing a paper about migration patterns without actually knowing how they stay underwater for so long.

20.What is the professor’s attitude toward the man’s question about how whales hold their breath? 01:01

A. She thinks he does not need to spend a lot of time looking for the answer B. She is surprised because she has already addressed this question in class C. She dismissed it as unimportant

D. She is pleased that has a plan to obtain the answer himself

答案:A 解析:态度题。教授针对学生看了那么多书却没有相关信息表示吃惊,因为学生时间有限, 她做了评价说 I don’t expect you to read a dozen of books on whales for this assignment. Focus on just a few

原文如下:Ok, I know I encourage everyone in class to look at a substantial number of sources, but I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. Looking at a number of sources gives you a good knowledge base, but students only have a limited amount of time to work on each paper. I don’t expect you to read a dozen of books on whales for this assignment. Focus on just a few.

21.Why does the professor mention the limited time students have to complete their papers? A. To suggest that looking at research on the internet is a good way to save time B. To point out that the library has reduced the amount of time it is open each day C. To indicate her expectations for the amount of research to be done for the paper

D. To emphasize the important of starting to write the paper a couple of weeks before it is due


解析:这道题推崇排除法,A internet 听力无关词排除,B, library 听力无关词排除;D,提前 两个礼拜去做论文的准备 conversation 没有做这方面的准备。C 说是为了标明教授对于论文 方面做出相应研究数量的期待。注意 but 前面那句话。

原文如下:Ok, I know I encourage everyone in class to look at a substantial number of sources, but I don’t want you to get overwhelmed. Looking at a number of sources gives you a good knowledge base, but students only have a limited amount of time to work on each paper. I don’t expect you to read a dozen of books on whales for this assignment. Focus on just a few.

22.According to the professor, how does a whale conserve oxygen while underwater? Click on 2 answers 01:43 A. Its heart rate decreases

B. Its lung capacity temporarily increases C. It slows the pace of its swimming

D. Blood flow to certain organs is decreased

答案:A,D 解析:细节题。教授后来解释了鲸鱼是怎么在水下保存氧气的一个是降低心跳;一个是流向 某些之的血液降低

原文如下:Student:So how does having more oxygen in their blood help them stay underwater longer?

Professor:It’s the way the whale’s blood carries oxygen to the rest of its body. Whales carefully conserve their oxygen when underwater in a couple of ways. When a whale dives, its metabolic weight drops, causing its heart beat to slow down. And the blood flows to its muscles and some of its none-vital organs, like its kidneys, is also cut off. Whales muscles and none-vital organs are able to function without oxygen for an extended period of time.

TPO16-L5 History

23.What is the lecture mainly about? 00:08 00:30finally

A. The history of language in ancient Egypt

B. The process that was used to create hieroglyphic writing

C. The competition between two scholars to solve an archaeological puzzle D. The circumstances that led to the solution of an archaeological puzzle


解析:主旨题,教授一上来就介绍希腊的作品,但是 1600 年突然中断造成了许多困扰,但 是最终被破译了的事。所以 D 项 一些环境促成考古谜团的解答。

原文如下:Hieroglyphic writing ended abruptly about 1600 years ago, and it mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of the Egyptian artifacts and archeology for many many centuries. Finally, the possibility of deciphering hieroglyphs came about with the discovery in 1799 of the Rosetta stone.

24.What was demotic script used for in ancient Egypt? 01:13 A. Decorations on temples and monuments B. Administrative documents C. Illustration for stories

D. Representations of objects


解析:细节题。demotic 是通俗的意思,题目问 demotic script 被古埃及用来做什么的 没啥 特别提示词,关键是注意语气的变化,并且教授涉及到这块的时候有个前后对比,demotic was not…. It was used for…..的对比

原文如下:The demotic script found on the Rosetta stone, um …well, demotic was not as elaborate as the hieroglyphic writing. It was used for Mundey matters or like administrator documents.

25.Why was ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing difficult for scholars to interpret? 00:57 1:40

A. The language that it was based on was no longer used

B. The same words were often represented by several different symbols C. It consisted of a mixture of three different languages D. Only fragments of it were found

答案:A 解析:这道问原因解释,听力上说又说古埃及的手稿,通俗版的和象形文字版的都已不再使 用了,如果要解释,就得有字典啥的。所以选 A

原文如下:And two of the three alphabets are ancient Egyptian scripts that stop being used, the hieroglyphic and the demotic...........The soon was centrally the dictionary that the scholars needed to interpret the meaning of hieroglyphs, and it took a uniquely equipped researcher to finally decipher and understand what was written on the stone.

26.What is the professor’s opinion about Thomas Young’s word with hieroglyphs? 02:58

A. She feels that Young has not received the credit he deserves

B. She is amazed that Young’s conclusion about hieroglyphs was correct C. She is surprised that Young did not recognize his own accomplishments D. She thinks that Young’s work was not careful enough to be taken seriously 答案:C

解析:这是态度题,教授对 Thomas Yang 是积极认可的从这句话 Thomas Yang, an English scholar, was the first to seriously attempt to decide for the symbols on the Rosetta stone。He suspected rightly, that the hieroglyphs were phonetic symbols, that they represented sounds rather than pictures.后面有个词 Strangely though 和后面的相关信息表明 Young 并没有认识到 他的成就选 C.

原文如下:Thomas Yang, an English scholar, was the first to seriously attempt to decide for the symbols on the Rosetta stone. He suspected rightly, that the hieroglyphs were phonetic symbols, that they represented sounds rather than pictures...... Strangely though, he gave into the dominant thesis of the day that hieroglyphs were pictographs. He actually dismissed his own finding, as an anomaly, because the Ptolemy dynasty was Greek, not Egyptian.

27. According to the professor, what led to the decoding of the Rosetta Stone? 05:06 A. A hieroglyph that represented the name of a person

B. A written and oral description of a historical event

C. The realization that each hieroglyph represented a different object or concept

D. The discovery that the word for “Sun” is written the same way in Greek, demotic, and

hieroglyphics 答案:A

解析:这道题是个细节题,问是什么导致 ROsseta Stone 的解码。前面说要解码象形文字, 就得比较特殊,紧接着教授介绍第一个正确解码的 Young 先生,他 spell out a single word,the name of …..而且后文一直反复出现这个 name。所以选 A

原文如下:Until then, all scholars assumed that the hieroglyphs were pictographs, that they symbolize objects or concepts. Thomas Yang focused his attention on one set of hieroglyphs that he thought would probably spell out a single word, the name of a king or queen.

28. How did Young’s and Champollion’s studies of hieroglyphs differ from earlier studies of

hieroglyphic writing? 02:07 03:37

A. Young and Champollion had access to large collections of hieroglyphic writing B. Young and Champollion both guessed that hieroglyphs were symbols for sounds C. Young and Champollion both spoke Greek and Coptic

D. Young and Champollion shared their research with one another


解析:这道题 Y 和 C 是站在一条船上的,介绍 yong 第一个 suspected rightly,认为象形文 字是跟声音有关。

原文如下:He suspected rightly, that the hieroglyphs were phonetic symbols, that they represented sounds rather than pictures.

TPO16-L6 Behavior

29. What is the discussion mainly about? 00:06

A. The professor’s recent research on play and brain development B. Differing explanations of the reasons for play C. Examples of two distinct types of play fighting

D. Differences in the play behaviors of various animal specials

答案:B 解析:第一题又是主旨题,教授一开始就说布置了个任务,读关于动物玩耍的文章,来讨论 几种不同的观点。
