
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2006年专科起点本科更新完毕开始阅读



复 习 资 料










重点复习内容: 第一部分:语音部分


第二章 词汇与语法结构

除“第一节 词汇与语法结构应试要点分析及题解策略”外,“第二节 词汇与语法结构应试典型题解”中,重点掌握以下部分:

一, 名词部分的第1,2,3,5,6小点;

二, 冠词部分的第1,2,4,5,6,7,12 小点; 三, 代词部分的第1,2,4,5,6,7 小点; 四, 介词部分的第A 和B部分;

五, 形容词和副词部分的第4,5,8,9小点; 六, 动词部分的第1,2,3,4,9,10小点;

七, ‘非谓语动词’部分的第1,2,3,4,5,6小点; 八, ‘情态动词’部分的第1,3,4,6小点; 九, ‘虚拟语气’部分的第1,2,4小点; 十, ‘主谓一致’部分的第A 和 B部分; 十一, ‘倒装’部分的第2,3,5,7小点 以及 十二, ‘从句’部分的第1,2,3,5,7小点。

第三章 完形填空

熟悉“第一节 完形填空应试要点分析及解题策略”内容。 第四章 阅读理解


考生应该熟悉“第一节 阅读理解应试要点分析与题解策略”中所分析的三种阅读理解解题思路:主题思想判断;细节定位和逻辑推理,尤其要能够熟练地运用前两种方法来分析破解阅读理解试题。


第五章 短文写作

重点掌握‘第三节 段首句式写作’和 ?第四节 情景写作(便条写作)中的’缩头式写作格式。 总之,考生在复习中,应该力求全面掌握,重点突破,紧紧抓住基础知识和基本技能的运用这两点。当然,另外一个前面尚未提到的重点复习方面,就是词汇和短语。这是需要考生平时一点一滴地积累,长期坚持不懈进行的工作。词汇既是英语复习的前提,也是基础,惟有考生具备一定量的英语词汇基础,复习才有意义。






Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. A trust B. computer C. fun D. hut 2. A. lie B. fill C. tie D. pie 3. A. drought B. thought C. ought D. fought 4. A. care B. fare C. hare D. are 5. A. business B. Christmas C. basket D. constant 6. A. profit B. frog C. rope D. lot 7. A. supply B. simply C. try D. style 8. A. many B. manager C. mathematics D. manner 9. A. though B. thus C. through D. worthy 10. A. speak B. reach C. cheat D. bread

II. Vocabulary and Structure

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 11. “What did you think of the place?”

“I didn?t care for it at _______ first, but after _______ time I got to like it.” A. /, the B. the, a C. a, the D. /, a

12. Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the U.S.A. and ______ American nationality in 1940.

A. took part in B. joined C. took D. bought

13. The train arrived at _______ 12:00 , neither earlier nor later.

A. properly B. exactly C. almost D. neatly 14. I weigh 120 pounds and you weigh 120 pounds. We are _______ weight.

A. the same heavy B. as heavy as C. as heavy D. of the same 15. You can never imagine what great trouble I have had _______ the patient who received a

serious wound. A. treat B. to treat C. treating D. treated 16. Do you know the boy _______ under the big tree?

A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying 17. If we _______ yesterday, we _______ the work by noon.

A. weren?t interrupted?would finish B. didn?t interrupt?would have finished

C. hadn?t interrupted?had finished D. hadn?t been interrupted?would have finished 18. With the help of computers, people do shopping _______ easily than they did before. A. more B. very C. quite more D. ever more 19. Not only _______ us light,but it gives us heat.

A. does the sun give B. the sun gives C. gives the sun D. the sun goes give 20. Jane burnt her hand when she _______ the dinner yesterday.

A. cooked B. was cooking C. has cooked D. has been cooking

