
发布时间 : 星期日 文章外研版(三起)2020-2021春五年级英语下册Module2单元综合检测1更新完毕开始阅读


Module 2

一、按画线部分的发音给单词归类。 A. pass D. saw

B. hair E. chair

C. class F. draw

1. glass __________ __________ 2. pair __________ __________ 3. law __________ __________ 二、选出不同类的一项。

( )1. A. dancer B. driver C. teach ( )2. A. teach B. learn C. teacher ( )3. A. was B. am C. is ( )4. A. now B. then C. at

( )5. A. Maths B. Science C. thirty ( )6. A. Chinese B. English C. class ( )7. A. study B. hard C. read ( )8. A. make B. wrote C. studied 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. Mr Black _______ a driver last year. 2. I _______ read English books then.

3. Lily _______ some water and had some cakes. 4. Miss Zhang _______ in a school now. 5. They are _______ English. 四、给下列句子选出合适的问句。 ( )1. Yes, it is.

A. Are they your parents? B. Is this your grandpa? C. Did he learn English?

( )2. Because she was a dancer.


A. How is she doing? B. What did she do? C. Why was she wearing those clothes? ( )3. Mr Li is learning English.

A. What was Mr Li doing? B. What is Mr Li doing? C. What does Mr Li do?

( )4. Chen Hai is an English teacher. A. Who is Chen Hai? B. What does Chen Hai do? C. What is Chen Hai doing? ( )5. He danced.

A. What did he do? B. Did he go to school? C. Where did he go?

五、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。 Lingling: Did you go to school yesterday? Dabao: Yes, I did. I like my school very much. Lingling: Can you tell me something about your school?

Dabao: OK. There are many trees and flowers in my school. They are very beautiful. Lingling: How about the playground? Dabao: The playground is big and new. Lingling: Do you do sports?

Dabao: Yes. I often play basketball. Lingling: What else do you do?

Dabao: We draw pictures in the art room. We dance in the dancing room. Lingling: I want to visit your school. Dabao: OK. Let’s go now.

()1. There are many trees and flowers in Dabao’s school. ()2. The playground is small. ()3. Dabao often plays basketball.

()4. They draw pictures in the dancing room. ()5. Lingling wants to visit Dabao’s school. 六、按要求改写句子。


1. They’re my parents. (对画线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________ 2. My grandpa cooked fish. (改为现在进行时)

_____________________________________________________ 3. He watched TV last night. (对画线部分提问) _____________________________________________________ 4. Did she learn any foreign languages? (作肯定回答) ______________________________________________________ 5. He’s learning English. (改为一般过去时)

______________________________________________________ 六、小练笔。

请根据所给照片以“My English Teacher”为题写一篇作文,介绍一下你的英语老师。 要求:1.语句通顺,条理清晰。2.不少于40个单词。

My English Teacher

Look, this is my________________________________________. He is_____________________________________________________.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________We all love him. And we all like his classes. He _____________________________, too.



一、1. A C 字母组合ass在glass, pass和class中均发/α: s/。 2. B E 字母组合air在pair, hair和chair中均发/e?/。 3. D F 字母组合aw在law, saw和draw中均发/?:/。 二、1~5 CCACC 6~8 CBA

三、1. was 2. could 3. drank 4. works 5. learning 四、1~5 BCBBA

五、1. T 由“Dabao: There are many trees and flowers in my school.”可知。 2. F 由“Dabao: The playground is big and new.”可知。 3. T 由“Dabao: I often play basketball.”可知。

4. F 由“Dabao: We draw pictures in the art room. We dance in the dancing room.”可知。

5. T 由“Lingling: I want to visit your school.”可知。 六、

My English Teacher

Look, this is my English teacher. He is tall and thin. His name is John. He is very funny. He likes swimming. He can sing well. We all love him. And we all like his classes. He loves us very much, too.
