WTO 历届考试真题

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WTO 课程练习题集,本练习题集所选试题均来自课本,请认真做题。

1)As one of the youngest of the international organizations, the WTO is the successor to the



(2)Which of the following is the WTO’s top level decision-making body? A. Ministerial Conference B. Telecommunications services C. Tariff reductions D. Financial services (3)Which round first touched the field of Anti-Dumping? A. The Doha Round B. The Kennedy Round C. The Tokyo Round D. The Uruguay Round

(4)During the Montreal meeting , minister agreed a package of early results, including some

concessions on __________.

A. cuts in import duties on market access for tropical products B. market access for tropical products

C. cuts in import duties on market access for medical products D. market access for medical products

(5)When did the Agriculture Agreement, i.e. the first multilateral agreement dedicated to the

agricultural sector in the Uruguay Round .begin to implement? A. 1997 B. 1998 C. 2000 D. 1995 (6)Which of the following convention or agreement is an attempt to narrow the gaps in the way

IPR are protected around the world , and to bring them under common international rules? A. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

B. Berne convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works C. TRIPS Agreement

D. The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants

(7)The WTO ministers agreed to extend exemptions on pharmaceutical patent protection for

least-developed countries until __________.

A. 2010 B.2016 C.2020 D.2015

(8)According to the timetable set out in detail, which of the following is not allowed


A. 38 days in appointing a panel B. 5 months to reach a final report C. DSB accepts the appeals report within 30 days D. 100 Days for an appeal (9)―Aid for Trade is a VITAL component of any program which aims to ?‖ which word could

replace VITAL here to remain the same meaning? A. Essential B. Minor C. Unimportant D. Negligible

(10)In which region did the majority of training activities take place? A. North America B. Europe

C. Africa D. Asia and the pacific (11)The competent body to negotiate labour standards __________.

A. Word Intellectual property B. International labour organization C. Dispute Settlement Body D. Appellate Body

(12)The GATT and now the WTO have seen over the years a gradual erosion of __________

due to the emergence of preferential trade regimes.

A. The transparency principle B. The MFN Principle


C. The GSP principle D. The neutrality principle

(13)It will equip members with the necessary tools better address the systemic relationship

between __________.

A. RTAS and the WTO B. the WTO and the free trade areas

C. RTAS and the free trade areas D. RTAS and the multilateral trading system

(14)According to the __________ policy, subsidies can help a firm achieve a first-mover

advantage in an emerging industry.

A. Strategic trade B. Antidumping C. Tariff quota D. Free trade (15)Subsidies have been criticized for all of the following reasons except A. They allow inefficient farmers stay in business

B. They encourage to overproduce heavily subsidized agricultural products

C. They encourage countries to produce products that could be grown more cheaply elsewhere and imported

D. They increase international trade in agricultural products

(16)Which of the following is not one of the main instruments of trade policy? A. Tariffs B. Credit portfolios C. Local content requirements D. Administrative policies

(17)Which of the following statements concerning a voluntary export restraint is not true? A. It benefits domestic producers by limiting import competition. B. In most cases, it benefits consumers.

C. It raises the domestic price of an imported good. D. It is a variant of the import quota. (18)__________ are the highest rate that can be charged, which is often, but not always, the rate

that is charged.

A. Ad valorem tariff rates B. Tariff rents

C. Specific tariff rates D. Bound tariff rates

(19)TRIPS regulations oblige WTO members to all of the following except __________. A. Grant and enforce patents lasting at least 20 years B. Grant and enforce copyrights lasting 50 years

C. Comply with the rules within 5 years in the case of rich countries

D. Comply with the rules within 10 years in the case of the poorest countries

(20)The WTO argues that by removing all tariff barriers and subsidies to agriculture all of the

following would occur, except __________. A. The overall level of trade would increase

B. There would be overproduction of products that are heavily subsidized C. Prices would fall for consumers D. Global economic growth would rise

(1)The multilateral trading system was developed though a series of trade negotiations, or

rounds, held under GATT. What did the first rounds deal mainly with? A. Anti-dumping and non-tariff measures B. Telecommunications services C. Tariff reductions D. Financial services

(2)The WTO Secretariat, based in Geneva, has around 600 staff and is headed by a


__________. A. minister

B. director-general

C. specialized committee D. working group

(3)Which round first touched the field of Anti-dumping? A. The Doha Round B. The Kennedy Round C. The Tokyo Round D. The Uruguay Round (4)Where did ministers meet in December 1988, for what was supposed to be an assessment of

progress at the round’s half-way point? A. New York, USA B. Tokyo, Japan

C. Marrakesh, Morocco D. Montreal, Canada

(5)Where did NOT the new rules and commitments of The Agriculture Agreement apply to? A. Market access B. Domestic support C. Foreign fund D. Export subsidies

(6)Patents and industrial designs are protected in__________.

A. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works B. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

C. the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants D. TRIPS Agreement

(7)DSB is not supposed to __________.

A. choose 3 members to set up a panel of experts B. accept findings C. reject findings D. conduct appeals (8)―More and better Aid for Trade is a PRIORITY‖ Which word is not proper to be a substitute

of that word? A. Precedence

B. Preferential topic C. Senior issue D. Trivial subject

(9)What is the Chinese meaning of the word ―fuel‖ here in the sentence ―Least-developed

countries trade grew by about 30%, fuelled by higher prices for petroleum and other primary commodities‖? A. 刺激 B. 燃料

C. 石油或其副产品 D. 削减


(10)WTO members agreed they were committed to recognized core labor standards in


A. the 1999 Seattle Ministerial Conference B. the 2001 Doha Ministerial Conference C. the 1996 Singapore Ministerial Conference D. the 1994 Marrakesh Ministerial Conference (11)How many reasons are there for PTAs rarely address comprehensively sensitive sectors such

as agriculture?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

(12)In recent decades, tariff barriers have been __________ while non tariff barriers have been __________.

A. Falling, rising B. Rising, falling C. Leveling, rising D. Falling, leveling

(13)__________is levied as a proportion of the value of the imported good. A. Special tariff B. Ad valorem tariff C. Tariff quota D. Specific tariff

(14)__________ is a direct restriction on the quantity of some good that may be imported into a


A. Specific tariff B. Import quota C. Subsidy

D. Ad valorem tariff

(15)__________ are requirements that some specific fraction of a good be produced domestically.

A. Import quotas

B. Voluntary export restraints C. Local content requirements D. Antidumping duties

(16)Which of the following is variously defined as selling goods in a foreign market at below

their costs of production or as selling goods in a foreign market at below their ―fair‖ market value? A. Export restraint B. Dumping

C. Local content requirement D. Ad valorem

(17)The U.S. government using the threat of punitive trade sanctions to try to get the Chinese

government to enforce its intellectual property laws is an example of government intervention based on __________. A. Human rights protection B. National security

