毕业论文 钻井机械故障诊断技术探讨

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毕 课题名称:设计时间:系 部:班 级:姓 名:指导教师:2010—2011学年


业 设 计

钻井机械故障诊断技术探讨 2010.10.1-2010.11.27 机械工程系 0801钻井技术 徐 贵 萍 戴 红 霞

摘 要


关键词:钻井 故障诊断 故障排除 管理方法


Oil drilling equipment oil drilling and production constitutes an important factor; machinery and equipment in use, the materials, technology, environmental conditions and human factors, and its

components will gradually be worn, deformation, fracture, erosion, etc.. With the gradual increase of wear parts, equipment, technology will have a state of deterioration, inevitably, various kinds of failures, equipment functions and reduce accuracy, and even loss of use value machine. Field machinery and equipment regularly maintained in good condition, improve efficiency, extend the service life of mechanical equipment managers to pursue the goal and the need for enterprises to improve economic efficiency. With the continuous development of modern science and technology, oil drilling machinery and equipment problems will be resolved one by one in, whether it is lifting, cycling or rotating various parts of the system malfunction will be well maintained. China's oil exploration for the future to provide the best quality of drilling, aimed at reducing the cost of drilling, the drilling process to avoid unnecessary drilling accident! Oil drilling machinery and equipment for the oil industry have a decisive role; the paper drilling machine failures were discussed, the scope of study the drilling machine is relatively wide, so my main rig is the study of fault diagnosis and treatment Some of the measures. Oil rig is an important oil industry machinery and equipment. To improve production quality, competitiveness, productivity and reliability important. Fault diagnosis carried out drilling on the implied right of early diagnosis of faults and proposed solutions for reducing and preventing the occurrence of failures and improve economic efficiency, play a significant role in promoting

Key words: Troubleshooting drilling management fault diagnosis

1. 钻井机械设备使用中出现的故障种类及后果

钻机是钻井机械设备中所占的比例最大的,也是必不可少的。而钻井机械设备的故障大部分就出现在钻机的设备中,所以钻机是我们的主要研究对象! 1.1机械设备常见故障 1.1.1损坏型故障

如断裂、开裂、点蚀、烧蚀、变形、拉伤、龟裂、压痕等; 1.1.2退化型故障

如老化、变质、剥落、异常磨损等; 1.1.3松脱型故障

如松动、脱落等; 1.1.4失调型故障

如压力过高或过低、行程失调、间隙过大或过小、干涉等; 1.1.5堵塞与渗漏型故障

如堵塞、漏水、漏气、渗油等; 1.1.6性能衰退或功能失效型故障





