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Among average respectable women envy plays an extraordinarily large part. If you are sitting in the underground and a well-dressed woman happens to walk along the car, watch the eyes of the other women. You will see that every one of them, with the possible exception of those who are even better dressed, will watch the woman with malevolent glances, and will be struggling to draw inference as derogatory to her. The love of scandal is an expression of this general malevolence; any story against another woman is instantly believed, even on the flimsiest evidence. A lofty morality serves the same purpose; those who have a chance to sin against it are envied, and it is considered virtuous to punish them for their sins. This particular form of virtue is certainly its own reward. (节选自 The Conquest of Happiness, Bertrand Russell, H. Liveright, 1930)


在一般的善良妇女身上,嫉妒具有非常大的作用。要是你坐在地道车内,有一个衣服华丽的女子在车厢旁边走过时,你试试留神旁的女子的目光罢。她们之中,除了比那个女子穿着更华美的以外,都将用着恶意的眼光注视着她,同时争先恐后的寻出贬抑她的说话。喜欢飞短流长的谈论人家的阴私,就是这种一般的恶意的表现:对别一个女人不利的故事,立刻被人相信,哪怕是捕风捉影之谈。一种严峻的道德观也被做着同样的用处:那些有机会背叛道德的人是被嫉妒的,去惩罚这等罪人是被认为有功德的。有功德当然就是道德的酬报了。 (原载《傅雷全集》,范用主编,辽宁教育出版社,2002)

【英译中选段八】 原文:

I first heard the term ―medical ethics‖ in my childhood, a long time ago. Then, it referred to a small set of unambiguous, un-philosophical matters worried over only by doctor’s and their families and related exclusively to money. Doctors who advertised, overcharged their patients, surreptitiously took over the care of patients already being looked after by another doctor, or split fees with other doctors were unethical and that was what the word meant. Doctors who performed abortions were not unethical, they were immoral or criminal, or both. Human experimentation was not unethical because there was no such activity, or perhaps it is better to say that it was not realized, even by practicing doctors, that experiments were performed on patients in the normal course of medical practice.

(节选于 Cecil Textbook of Medicine), 18 edi., W.B. Saunders Co., 1986




【英译中选段九】 原文(by 林语堂):

The small feet of Chinese women are not only pleasing in men’s eyes but in a strange and subtle way they influence the whole carriage and walking gait of the women, throwing the hips backward, somewhat like the modern high-heeled shoes, and effecting an extremely gingerly gait, the body ―shimmying‖ all over and ready to fall at the slightest touch. Looking at a woman with bound feet walking is like looking at a rope-dancer, tantalizing to the highest degree. The bound foot is indeed the highest sophistication of the Chinese sensual imagination. (原文原载于《吾国与吾民》My Country and My People, 林语堂著,外语教学与研究出版社,1998)




【英译中选段十】 原文:

And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can..

At a time when women's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot. Yes we can.

When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.

When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a democracy was saved. Yes we can.


今天晚上,我想到了她在美国过去一百年间经历的林林总总:心痛和希望;奋斗和进步;那些我们被告知我们办不到的年代,以及那些坚信美国信条的人们------是的,我们能做到。 曾几何时,妇女的声音发不出,她们的希望变成泡影。安·尼克松·库波尔活了下来,看到妇女们站了起来,看到她们大声发表自己的见解,看到她们去参加投票。是的,我们能做到。 当黄尘地带处于绝望之中,大萧条满布全国时,她看到一个国家用(罗斯福)新政、新工作岗位以及对共同目标的追求来战胜内心的恐慌。是的,我们能做到。


(原文译文皆节原载于http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/english/1/139322.shtml 奥巴马胜选演讲词/Obama's victory speech)
