
发布时间 : 星期三 文章2018-2019学年高一下学期期末四校联考高一年级英语科试卷更新完毕开始阅读

17. How old is Cadi?

A. two years old B. one year old C. three years old 18. What happened when Williams told the story on Twitter?

A. He received a lot of donations. B. He received a lot of suggestions.

C. He was moved to tears by the response.

D. He decided that he should give his daughter the presents. 19. The underlined word Lego probably refers to __________.

A. A delicious edible gift B. An adult gift C. A meaningful gift for teenagers D. A gift for children 20. What makes Williams feel surprised?

A. Few people have relationships with their neighbours. B. Neighbours can be extremely kind and generous.

C. More people are opening new worlds with their neighbours. D. Many people are sharing similar experiences.

D. 18 months old

第二节:选句填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Healthy eating is not just about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or avoiding the foods you love. 21 . If you form the following simple habits, you’ll soon notice the difference. It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. 22 . Healthy eating habits can be learned and it is important to slow down and think about food as nourishment rather than just something to swallow on the way to school or work. 23 . Chew your food slowly, tasting every bite. We tend to rush through our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavours of our food. Reconnect with the joy of eating. Eat breakfast, and eat smaller meals throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can speed up your digestion. Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day keeps your energy up. Avoid eating at night. Try to eat dinner earlier in the day and then fast for 14-16 hours until breakfast the next morning. Early studies suggest that this simple dietary adjustment – eating only when you’re most active and giving your digestive system a long break every day – may help to control your weight. 24 . Fill up on colorful fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. 25 . Colorful, deeply colored fruit and vegetables contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals, and different colors provide different benefits.

A. Healthy eating can sometimes be expensive, with food prices on the rise. B. Take time to chew your food and enjoy mealtimes.

C. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible. D. After dinner snacks tend to be high in fat, so they’re best avoided anyway. E. However, some vegetables can be harmful when eaten in large quantities. F. Healthy eating is about more than just the food on your plate.

G.Try to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables every day and with every meal – the brighter, the better.


第一节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A few days after Christmas, my friend Zachary came over with his snowboard. Zachary was very good at snowboarding, but I could 26 do it at all. I wondered if maybe my new board wasn’t the right size for me, so I tried 27 Zachary’s board, but I still didn’t get very 28 . While I 29 with Zachary’s board, he was making run after run down the hill. He asked me if we could go to his favourite hill to do more runs, and not wanting to 30 his fun, I 31 said I would go. While out on the new hill, I still struggled to stay 32 . I had fallen a few times when a teenager that I had never 33 before noticed that I was getting 34 , and called me over to give me some advice. I don’t talk to strangers as a 35 , but my mom was with me, so I felt 36 . So I listened to what he had to 37 , and then I made another 38 . He watched, and then came over to give me more 39 . I did what he told me, and I was able to get all the way down the hill without 40 . It seemed much easier with the instructions he gave me. This guy was so nice and helpful about 41 me. He could have chosen to make a few more runs for the day, 42 taking the time to help me. As 43 preteens, sometimes when we think of teenagers, we think of those who are troublemakers, or those who scare us. But this teenager made me feel 44 around him and was really helpful and kind to me. I’m a much better snowboarder now, thanks to the very 45 teenage stranger. 26. A. exactly B. definitely C. barely D. seldom 27. A. changing B. buying C. riding D. adjusting 28. A. high B. far C. well D. much 29. A. played B. walked C. connected D. struggled 30. A. spoil B. mention C. increase D. witness 31. A. unwillingly B. proudly C. confidently D. uncertainly 32. A. up B. off C. out D. down 33. A. asked B. helped C. consulted D. encountered 34. A. improved B. alarmed C. excited D. frustrated 35. A. way B. rule C. gesture D. dare 36. A. embarrassed B. ashamed C. understood D. protected 37. A. do B. make C. experience D. say 38. A. mistake B. effort C. decision D. complaint 39. A. warnings B. benefits C. pointers D. presents 40. A. helping B. falling C. tripping D. sliding 41. A. instructing B. accompanying C. encouraging D. criticising 42. A. as well as B. instead of C. in addition to D. more than 43. A. younger B. smarter C. kinder D. older 44. A. anxious B. small C. comfortable D. helpful 45. A. diligent B. determined C. considerate D. handsome


阅读下面材料,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 I have a degree in business. However, it was my father's decision for me to pursue a business major. Nevertheless, even if my college 46.__________ (experience) were fantastic, I still had no interest in any field of commerce, let alone having a long-term career 47.__________ a businesswoman. After I 48.__________ (graduate), I worked as a marketing 49.__________ (plan) at a computer company. My pay and working environment were great; however, I still didn’t feel happy 50.__________ (do) something I wasn’t interested in. After two months of working there, I made up my mind 51.__________ (quit) and decided to do 52.__________ I love, namely teaching English. I have now been an English teacher for over twenty years. I love my job and love being with my students. If you are in a place 53.__________you don’t love what you are learning or doing, please ask yourself what you are really passionate for, and what you 54.__________ (true) want for your life. Don’t rush to get yourself a quick answer. Take some time to think about what career could make you happy. The important thing is that you are happy and then you will be able to bring happiness to people around you. There is a quote that says, \is the key to success.\




56. It is said that printed newspapers are going to be totally r_____________ by online ones. 57. His ________________(解释) for the delay was not very convincing.

58. The content of the book has been revised so that it is _______________(政治) right. 59. It is not p____________ to spend so much time and money on such a trivial(琐碎的) thing. 60. Nothing can be done to settle their ____________________(分歧).

61. The car accident killed two p______________ who were waiting for a bus on the side of road. 62. Only people above 18 years old can buy _____________(香烟) from the shop.

63. The United Nations is a_______________ to governments to put in more money to stop people pouring rubbish into the sea.

64. He is a very nice person who always speaks _______________(温和) to others.

65. The construction of the high speed train station in Foshan will surely bring us great c________________.

66. All in all, the _________________(不利) outweigh its benefits, so I don’t agree with the plan. 67. New ________________(设备) should be installed in the office.

68. More good ___________ (行为,善举) should be reported to spread positive energy in society. 69. The ship was ______________(下沉,击沉) during the Second World War.

70. Hotel ____________________(住处,住所) is included in the price of your holiday.

第二节句型结构(共10小题;每小题2分, 满分20分)


71. At first, Beyond was a famous Hong Kong rock band that __________________________(由

4个人组成). (consist)

72. Anyone who __________________(乐意做志愿者) , please step forward. (willing)

73. I felt terribly _______________________(因为…为自己感到羞耻) being so rude to you. (ashamed)

74. Your body language can easily ____________________________(泄露你的秘密). (give) 75. Due to the poor weather, the opening ceremony of the sports festival ___________________ (推迟) for 2 hours last week. (put)

76. He always says he ________________________________(下定决心戒烟), but he never does. (determined)

77. Being________________________(沉溺于糖) can increase the risk of heart diseases. (addicted)

78. I sincerely ______________________(因为…向他道歉) the trouble I had caused. (apologise) 79. When I arrived, he ___________________________(正在说服他的同学) call takeaway food. (persuade)

80. We admire her, because she always _________________(坚持/恪守每一句话) she says. (stand)


假设你是李华,你的外国朋友Tom即将作为交换生来中国学习一年。在中国期间,他想要下载一款新媒体软件来跟中国的同学朋友交流。请根据以下内容写一封信,向他推荐WeChat这款软件。 写作内容: 1. 写信目的

2. 介绍软件及推荐理由 3. 结尾段

注意: 1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。 Dear Tom,


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua
