发布时间 : 星期五 文章SNMP用VC开发更新完毕开始阅读

个GetReponse报文,并置error status为noSuchName, error index的值是错误变量在变量list中的位置。

2.如果被管设备上的协议实体收到的PDU中的变量对偶中的值,类型、长度不符和要求,则收到该PDU的协议实体产生一个GetReponse报文,并置error status为badValue, error index的值是错误变量在变量list中的位置。

3.如果需要产生的GetReponse报文长度超过了本地限制,则收到该PDU的协议实体产生一个GetReponse报文,并置error status为tooBig, error index的值是0。


GetReponse报文,并置error status为genErr, error index的值是错误变量在变量list中的位置。

如果不符合上面任何情况,则agent将把管理变量设置收到的PDU中的相应值,这往往可以改变被管设备的运行状态。同时产生一个GetResponse PDU,其中error status置为noError,error index的值为0。

1.10. Trap PDU

Trap PDU的有如下的形式


4. SNMP MIB编译器的功能


用C#实现的简易mib browser 1.source code

using System;

using System.Text; using System.Net;

using System.Net.Sockets;

public class SimpleSNMP {

public static void Main(string[] argv) {

int commlength, miblength, datatype, datalength, datastart;

int uptime = 0; string output;

SNMP conn = new SNMP();

byte[] response = new byte[1024];


// Send sysName SNMP request

response = conn.get(\, argv[0], argv[1], \.\);

if (response[0] == 0xff) {

Console.WriteLine(\, argv[0]);

return; }

// If response, get the community name and MIB lengths

commlength = Convert.ToInt16(response[6]);

miblength = Convert.ToInt16(response[23 + commlength]);

// Extract the MIB data from the SNMP response

datatype = Convert.ToInt16(response[24 + commlength + miblength]);

datalength = Convert.ToInt16(response[25 + commlength + miblength]);

datastart = 26 + commlength + miblength;

output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response, datastart, datalength);


: {1}\,

datatype, output);

// Send a sysLocation SNMP request

response = conn.get(\, argv[0], argv[1], \.\);

if (response[0] == 0xff) {

Console.WriteLine(\, argv[0]);

return; }

// If response, get the community name and MIB lengths

commlength = Convert.ToInt16(response[6]);

miblength = Convert.ToInt16(response[23 + commlength]);

// Extract the MIB data from the SNMP response

datatype = Convert.ToInt16(response[24 + commlength + miblength]);

datalength = Convert.ToInt16(response[25 + commlength + miblength]);

datastart = 26 + commlength + miblength;

output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response, datastart, datalength);

Console.WriteLine(\alue: {1}\, datatype, output);

// Send a sysContact SNMP request

response = conn.get(\, argv[0], argv[1], \.\);

if (response[0] == 0xff) {

Console.WriteLine(\, argv[0]);

return; }

// Get the community and MIB lengths

commlength = Convert.ToInt16(response[6]);

miblength = Convert.ToInt16(response[23 + commlength]);

// Extract the MIB data from the SNMP response

datatype = Convert.ToInt16(response[24 + commlength + miblength]);

datalength = Convert.ToInt16(response[25 + commlength + miblength]);

datastart = 26 + commlength + miblength;

output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response, datastart, datalength);

Console.WriteLine(\lue: {1}\,

datatype, output);

// Send a SysUptime SNMP request

response = conn.get(\, argv[0], argv[1], \.\);

if (response[0] == 0xff) {

Console.WriteLine(\, argv[0]);

return; }

// Get the community and MIB lengths of the response

commlength = Convert.ToInt16(response[6]);

miblength = Convert.ToInt16(response[23 + commlength]);

// Extract the MIB data from the SNMp response

datatype = Convert.ToInt16(response[24 + commlength + miblength]);

datalength = Convert.ToInt16(response[25 + commlength + miblength]);

datastart = 26 + commlength + miblength;

// The sysUptime value may by a multi-byte integer // Each byte read must be shifted to the higher byte order

while(datalength > 0) {

uptime = (uptime << 8) + response[datastart++]; datalength--; }
