
发布时间 : 星期四 文章英语第二学期作业(共33页)更新完毕开始阅读

The first part tells us the subject: Henri Poincare discovered a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. The second part deals with the process of how Henri Poincare got bright ideas. The last part comes to the result that bright ideas came as a result of conscious thinking. Para.5

As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. Here we see the conscious mind, in a person of highest ability, actually watching the unconscious at work. For weeks, he sat at his table every day and spent an hour or two trying a great number of combinations but he arrived at no result. One night he drank some black coffee, contrary to his usual habit, and was unable to sleep. Many ideas kept surging in his head; he could almost feel them pushing against one another, until two of them combined to form a stable combination, When morning came, he had established the existence of one class of Fuchsian functions. He had only to prove the results, which took only a few hours. Here, we see the conscious mind observing the new combinations being formed in the unconscious, while the Wagner story shows the sudden explosion of a new concept into consciousness.

The subject: Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to “Rhinegold”. Wagner was occupied with the idea of the “Ring” for several years, and for many months had been struggling to begin composing.

The subject: As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. 9

The process of forming big ideas: On September 4,1853, he reached Spezia sick, went to a hotel, could not sleep for noise without and fever within, took a long walk the next day, and in the afternoon flung himself on a couch intending to sleep. Then at last the miracle happened for which his unconscious mind had been seeking for so long. Falling into a sleeplike condition, he suddenly felt as though he was sinking in a mighty flood of water, and the rush and roar soon took musical shape within his brain. He recognized that the orchestral opening to the “Rhinegold”, which he must have carried about within him yet had never been able to put into form, had at last taken its shape within him. The result: In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found. The process of forming big ideas: _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ The result: _____________________________ _____________________________ __________________________________________________________ Para. 4 Para.5


Exercises 10

III. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where


integrity component conscience inevitable genuine yield convenience appoint assure ensure demonstrate clarify tempt preserve scarce

1. As a family, we want to __________. Or keep alive, the Chinese traditions though

we are now living in America.

2. Feeling that the directions for the exercise were difficult go understand, the

students asked the teacher to __________ them by explaining them further. 3. After __________ how to do it, the chemical experts told the graduates to begin

the experiment.

4. Cheap, clean hotel rooms are __________ in this city, especially in the summer

when we have a lot of foreign visitors.

5. The man, who had been __________ that the plane would be on time, sighed with


6. The general manager’s letter, which gave him credit, __________ his promotion. 7. Though he walked free from court, his __________ kept bothering him for the

wrongdoing he had done.

8. She is a woman of __________ who has never given up her principles for the sake

of making money.

9. The clubs were created to help girls not __________ to pressure and teach them

how to better defend themselves.

10. This is the first time that a woman has been __________ to the post. IV. Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb.

1. Some of her fans were regretful that she had sold out __________ mainstream

pop music.


2. I soon found that someone else had already done the work I was doing,

__________ other words, I was wasting my time.

3. The university consists __________ 16 schools with a total number of over

25,000 students.

4. But what he stood __________ was good and plain: clean modern houses with all

kinds of conveniences.

5. He came to realize that he had nobody to rely __________ but himself.

6. A great deal will be demanded __________ him as he is the director of the


7. Form the activities they are engaged __________ , we can see they are not so


8. Recent economic performance in South Asia suggests that a major crisis is

__________ hand.

9. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield __________ any military


10. I’d just like to move to a neighborhood where I wouldn’t have to see all the

problems I’m confronted __________ every day.

VI. Combine the following sentences by using “where” to introduce an

adverbial clause. Model:

I choose to walk there. There every step will show. Where I choose to walk every step will show. 1. I live there. There are plenty of sheep there.


2. Your coat is there. You left your coat there.


3. You will go there. I will go there too.

