经销合同 - 中英文版(路伟律师事务所)

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(b) This Contract may be terminated at any time prior to Expiration Date by the mutual written agreement of the Parties. (b) 合同期满日之前,双方可通过书面协议随时终止本合同。

(c) At any time prior to the Expiration Date, a Party (“Notifying Party”) may terminate this Contract through notice to the other Party in writing if: (c) 合同期满日之前,如果发生以下情形之一,一方(“通知方”)可随时向另一方发出书面通知后终止本合同:

(i) the other Party materially breaches this Contract, and such breach is not cured within the Cure Period granted pursuant to Article 16.1(a); or (i) 另一方违反本合同某一重要义务,且未在通知方根据第16.1(a)条规定发出的书面通知中规定的补救期限内对违约予以补救;或

(ii) the other Party becomes bankrupt, or is the subject of proceedings for

liquidation or dissolution, or ceases to carry on business or becomes unable to pay its debts as they come due; or (ii) 另一方破产,或者成为解散或清算程序的对象,或者歇业,或者无力偿还到期债务;或

(iii) the conditions or consequences of Force Majeure which have a material adverse effect on the affected Party's ability to perform continue for a period in excess of six (6) months and the Parties have been unable to find an equitable solution pursuant to Article 17.2(c) hereof; or (iii) 不可抗力事件或其影响持续超过六(6)个月,且双方无法按照第17.2(c)条的规定达成一项公平的解决方案;或

(iv) [insert other conditions triggering termination as appropriate] (iv) [根据具体情况,加入其他导致合同终止的条款]

(d) At any time prior to the Expiration Date, in addition to other remedies available to it under Applicable Laws and other provisions of this Contract, Supplier may terminate this Contract immediately through notice to Distributor in writing if: (d) 如果在合同期满日之前发生下列情形之一,供应商除根据相关法律和本合同其他条款的规定行使救济权之外,可随时通知经销商立即终止本合同:

(i) Distributor fails to observe Articles 2.3 (Competing Products), 2.4

(Restrictions on Resale) and 2.5 (Minimum Purchases and Stocks); (i) 经销商未能遵守第2.3 条(竞争产品)、第2.4 条(转售限制)和第2.5 条(最低购买量和库存量);

(ii) ownership or control of Distributor is acquired by a person, firm or company that manufactures or sells (directly or through its Affiliates) products that compete with the Products [or there is any other material change in the ownership of Distributor that Supplier considers to be detrimental to its

interests]; or (ii) 经销商的所有权或控制权被生产或销售(直接或通过其关联机构)与经销产品竞争的产品的个人、商号或公司获得[或者经销商的所有权发生其他实质性的变更,且供应商认定该变更有损于供应商的利益];或

(iii) Distributor infringes any of Supplier's Intellectual Property Rights, including its failure to observe Article 10 (Intellectual Property). (iii) 经销商侵犯供应商的知识产权,包括未能遵守第10 条(知识产权)。 14.2 No Compensation 14.2 经销商无权获得补偿

The Distributor shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever as a result of Supplier's termination of this Contract in accordance with this Article 14. 经销商无权因供应商根据本第14 条终止本合同而获得任何补偿。 14.3 Effects of Termination 14.3 合同终止的后果

Upon termination of this Contract: 本合同终止后有关事项的处理:

(a) any stocks of the Products in saleable condition and in the possession of Distributor, shall be forthwith held to the order of Supplier and (if requested by Supplier) any such Products which have been paid for in full by Distributor shall be resold by Distributor to Supplier or such person as Supplier shall specify at [cost price], due allowance being made for old stock and any out of condition or unsaleable Products; (a) 可供销售并由经销商占有的任何库存产品,应由经销商替供应商占有,已由经销商全额付款的经销产品应当(如果供应商提出此要求)[以成本价]由经销商转售给供应商或者供应商所指定之人,对陈旧的存货、保存不当的经销产品或不能销售的经销产品在价格上应予以适当扣除;且

(b) Distributor shall return to Supplier all documents supplied by Supplier which relate to the Products or any aspect of the business of Supplier together with all copies thereof; (b) 经销商应将所有由供应商提供的与经销产品或与供应商所有业务相关的文件及其复印件归还供应商;且

(c) Distributor shall cease to represent in any way that it is an authorised distributor for the Products and shall not make any further use of any of

Supplier's Intellectual Property Rights; (c) 经销商应停止以任何方式声称自己是经销产品的经销商,不得继续使用供应商的任何知识产权;且

(d) Distributor shall use its best endeavours to supply to the Company the names and addresses of: (d) 经销商尽全力向供应商提供以下所有人员/单位的名字/名称和地址:

(i) all persons to whom it has sold Products [in respect of which the warranty period has not expired at the date of termination]; and (i) 经销商曾经向其销售经销产品[且产品的保质期在合同终止日尚未到期];且

(ii) all persons for whom it has undertaken repair and servicing in respect of the Products during the course of this Contract; and (ii) 曾经在本合同期限内为其实施过经销产品的维修和服务。

(e) to the extent that the Contract is terminated as a result of breach by Distributor, Distributor shall (if legally possible) assign to Supplier free of

charge all permissions, consents and licences (if any) relating to the marketing and sale of the Products and execute all documents and do all things

necessary to ensure that Supplier shall have the benefit of such permissions, consents and licences. (e) 如果由于经销商违约导致本合同终止,经销商应(如果法律允许)向供应商免费转让所有有关经销产品营销和销售的批文、同意和许可(如有),为保证供应商可利用该批文、同意和许可,经销商应签署所有文件,及完成所有必要的程序。

14.4 [Restricted Activities 14.4 经销商的行为限制

In order to protect know-how transferred by Supplier to Distributor, Distributor shall not manufacture, purchase, sell or resell goods that compete with the

Products from the premises used by Distributor for a period of one year after the termination of this Contract. The Distributor acknowledges that this

restriction is indispensable to protect the know-how received from Supplier.] [为保护由供应商向经销商传授的专有知识,本合同终止后一年内,经销商不得在其营业场所内生产、购买、销售或转售与经销产品竞争的货物。经销商承认该限制是保护从供应商处获取的专有知识所必须的措施。] 14.5 Continuing Obligations 14.5 双方持续的义务

The provisions of Article 14.3 (Effects of Termination) and Article 14.4 (Restricted Activities), Article 15 (Confidentiality), Article 16 (Breach of

Contract) (but only with respect to claims arising prior to the termination hereof or with respect to other continuing obligations) and Article 18 (Settlement of Disputes) shall survive the termination of this Contract. 以下各条的条款在本合同终止后继续有效:上述第14.3 条(合同终止的后果)、第14.4条(经销商的行为限制)、第15 条(保密义务)、第16 条(违约)(但其效力仅限于本合同终止前发生的违约事件以及违反其他持续义务的情形),以及第18 条(争议的解决)。


15.1 Confidentiality Obligations 15.1 保密义务

From time to time prior to and during the Term either Party (“disclosing Party”) has disclosed or may disclose Confidential Information to the other Party

(“receiving Party”). The receiving Party shall, during the Term and for [●] years thereafter: 本合同订立前以及在本合同期限内,一方(“披露方”)曾经或者可能不时向另一方(“接受方”)披露该方的保密资料。在本合同期限内以及随后()年间,接受方必须:

(a) maintain the confidentiality of Confidential Information; (a) 对保密资料进行保密;

(b) not use Confidential Information for any purposes other than those

specifically set out in this Contract; and (b) 不为除合同明确规定的目的之外的其他目的使用该保密资料;

(c) not disclose any such Confidential Information to any person or entity, except to its employees or employees of its Affiliates, its agents, attorneys, accountants and other advisors who need to know such information to perform their responsibilities and who have signed written confidentiality agreements containing terms at least as stringent as the terms provided in this Article 15 (collectively \除为履行其职责而确有必要知悉保密资料的该方或其关联机构雇员、该方律师、会计师或其他顾问外,不向其他任何人披露;且上述人员须已签署书面保密协议,其中条款的严格程度不得低于本15 条的规定(合称“允许披露方”)。

15.2 Confidentiality Exceptions 15.2 保密义务的除外规定

The provisions of Article 15.1 above shall not apply to information that: 上述第15.1 条的条款对以下信息不适用:

(a) can be shown to be known by the receiving Party by written records made prior to disclosure by the disclosing Party; (a) 接受方有在披露方向其披露前制作的书面记录证明其已经掌握的;

(b) is or becomes public knowledge otherwise than through the receiving Party's breach of this Contract; or (b) 目前或将来并非由于接受方违反本合同的原因而进入公共领域的;

(c) was obtained by the receiving Party from a third party having no obligation of confidentiality with respect to such information. (c) 接受方从对该信息无保密义务的第三方获得的。

15.3 Confidentiality Rules 15.3 保密规则

Each Party shall formulate rules and regulations to inform its directors, senior staff, and other employees, and those of their Affiliates of the confidentiality obligation set forth in this Article 15. 每一方应制订相应的规章制度,告知该方(以及该方的关联机构)董事、高级职员以及其他雇员本15 条规定的保密义务。 15.4 Return of Material 15.4 材料归还

On the Expiration Date [or upon the disclosing Party's request at any time], the receiving Party shall (i) return to the other Party, or at the disclosing Party's direction destroy, all materials (including any copies thereof) embodying the other Party's Confidential Information and (ii) certify in writing to the other Party, within ten (10) days following the other Party's request, that all of such materials have been returned or destroyed. 在合同期满日,〔或经披露方随时提出要求〕,接受方应(i)向另一方归还(或经另一方要求销毁)包含另一方保密资料的所有材料(包括其复制件);并且(ii)在另一方提出此项要求后十(10)日内向另一方书面保证已经归还或销毁上述材料。 16. BREACH OF CONTRACT 16. 违约

16.1 Remedies for Breach of Contract 16.1 违约救济措施

Except as otherwise provided herein, if a Party (\perform any of its material obligations under this Contact or otherwise is in material breach of this Contract, then the other Party (“aggrieved Party”) may: 除本合同其他条款另有规定外,如果一方(“违约方”)未履行其在本合同项下某项主要义务或以其他方式对本合同构成重大违反,则另一方(“受损害方”)可以: (a) give written notice to the breaching Party describing the nature and scope of the breach and demand that the breaching Party cure the breach at its cost within a reasonable time specified in the notice (\any representation and warranty of a Party under Article 12.1 is not true and correct in all material respects when made, or if there is a breach of Article 15, or if any event listed in Article 14.1 (d) occurs, then there shall be no Cure Period); and (a) 向违约方发出书面通知,说明违约的性质以及范围,并且要求违约方在通知中规定的合理期限内自费予以补救(“补救期”) (但是如果一方在第12.1 条项下所做的任何陈述和担保在做出时在任何实质方面不真实、不正确,或者违反第15 条的规定,则没有补救期);且

(b) if the breaching Party fails to cure the breach within the Cure Period (or, if there is none, at any time following such breach), then in addition to its other rights under Article 14.1(c)(i) or Applicable Laws, the aggrieved Party may claim direct and foreseeable damages arising from the breach. (b) 如果违约方未在补救期内予以补救(或者如果没有补救期,那么在该等违约后的任何时候),则除了14.1(c)(i)条或有关法律规定的权利之外,受损害方还可就违约引起的直
