牛津译林版英语八下Unit 2 Travelling单元小结

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since+从句(从句用一般过去时) It is/has been +一段时间+since从句 I have known her since she was a child. 她还是个孩子的时候,我就认识她了。 It is a month since Simon came back. 西蒙已经回来一个月了。 3. 延续性动词与非延续性动词在现在完成时中的用法

(1). 延续性动词可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。常见的延续性动词有be, have, know, live, work, study, learn, teach, speak, talk, draw, wait, wear, walk, sleep等。 We have already learned English for about five years. 我们已经学了大约五年的英语了。

Mr. Wang has taught in this school since 1985. 自从1985年以来王先生就在这所学校教书。

(2). 非延续性动词又称为终止性动词或瞬间动词,即动作一旦发生就立即结束,并产生某种结果。 非延续性动词可以用于现在完成时中,但是不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。常见的非延续性动词有come, go, arrive, reach, accept, become, break, catch, see, hear, close, leave, begin, start, stop, end, finish, lose, buy, borrow, receive, fall, get, join, die, put等。 用法 可直接用来表示某一动作的完成 上海。 Has Daniel gone to London? 丹尼尔已经去了伦敦了吗? 不能与for和since引导的表示一段时间的状语连用 那个老人已经死了一周了。 The old man has died for a week. (误) The old man has been dead for a week. (正) 他三天前就已经来这儿了。 He has come here since three days ago. (误) He has been here since three days ago. (正) (3). 非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换 非延续性动词 buy 延续性动词 have 例句 I bought the dictionary the day before yesterday. =I have had the dictionary since the day before yesterday. =I have had the dictionary for three days. 我前天买了这本字典。 borrow keep My brother borrowed the book two weeks ago. =My brother has kept the book since two weeks ago. =My brother has kept the book for two weeks. 我弟弟两周前借了这本书。 arrive/come/go/get to/reach be in/at Millie arrived in Hong Kong half a month ago. =Millie has been in Hong Kong since half a month ago. = Millie has been in Hong Kong for half a month. 米莉半个月之前到达香港。


例句 They have reached Shanghai. 他们已经到达了 Li Ping came to the school three months ago. =Li Ping has been in the school since three months ago. =Li Ping has been in the school for three months. 李平三个月之前来到这所学校。 leave be away I left my hometown last year. =I have been away from my hometown since last year. =I have been away from my hometown for a year. 去年我离开我的家乡。 join/take part in be in/a member of She joined the club in 2005. =She has been a member of the club since 2005. =She has been in the club for nine years. 她于2005年加入这个俱乐部。 die be dead His grandfather died a year ago. =His grandfather has been dead since a year ago. =His grandfather has been dead for a year. 他爷爷一年前去世了。 marry/get married be married They got married /married ten years ago. =They have been married since ten years ago. =They have been married for ten years. 他们结婚十年了。 begin/ start be on The class began two minutes ago. =The class has been on since two minutes ago. =The class has been on for two minutes. 已经开始上课两分钟了。 stop/finish/end be over The match stopped last Sunday. =The match has been over since last Sunday. =The match has been over for seven days. 那场比赛上个星期天就结束了。 (4). 常用的非延续性动词及其延续性动词还有以下: 非延续性动词 become catch a cold get up open close wake up comeback/go back/return fall asleep


延续性动词 be have a cold be up be open be closed be awake be back be asleep fall ill go out move to hear from sb/get a letter from sb/receive a letter from sb 四、主题习作范例(作文内容及范文)


be ill be out live in/be in have a letter from sb 提示:1. 旅游是一种非常好的活动。当我们工作或学习很长一段时间后可以到外地欣赏自然风光,这样可以让我们呼吸新鲜空气,忘记烦恼,还能够交到朋友,有益健康; 2. 旅游有时也很麻烦,比如天气多变,被小偷(thief)偷钱等等; 3. 旅游前应准备充分,及时了解天气情况;和朋友一起可相互照应,注意安全。 范文示例:


Travelling is a very good activity. When we get tired of our work or study, we can go to some interesting places to enjoy the beauty of nature if we are free. It can make us forget unhappiness. It can also help us make friends with different people. It’s also good for our health. But sometimes it can bring trouble to us while we are travelling. For example, the weather changes a lot and it’s usual for us to meet thieves on the bus or in some other places.

In a word, we’d better get everything ready before travelling. We must learn a lot about the weather. While travelling we must stay with our friends and take good care of each other. Safety is important. If we plan carefully before we set out, we’ll have a good time.

