Emily Dickinson英语本科毕业论文自己写的

发布时间 : 星期六 文章Emily Dickinson英语本科毕业论文自己写的更新完毕开始阅读

Another typical poem is I had not minded walls7 I had not minded walls Were Universe not rook And far I heard his silver call The other side the block

I‘d tunnel until my groove Pushed sudden through to his Then my face take recompense- The Looking in his eyes. But‘ tis a single hair, A filament, a law- A cobweb wove in adamant A battlement of straw-

A limit like the veil Unto the lady‘s face But every mesh a citadel And dragons in the crease!

In this poem, the poetess uses metaphor to put abstract thing into concrete object. For example, she thinks the social convention and moral disciple as walls or groove which prevent her from reaching to her lover.

In this poem we can conclude that the poetess is careless about the obstacle and she would fight against with these things, for love she can sacrifice anything but just to see ―the looking in his eyes‖ and she feels recompense. It seems that this poem is written to someone who she loves, but the lover can‘t return his love because of the social condition. She seems to encourage him and express her determination. Although in reality she can do nothing but wait, she uses poems to pour her true feelings and passionate love and hatred for social bonds.

Another well-known example is presentiment8. This is quite different from the above one .If we say in the former poem, Emily Dickinson is eager to find real love and full of expectation and determination in this poem, Emily express her disappointment to love Presentation-is that long shadow-on the lawn- Indicative that suns go down- The Notice to the star led Grass That Darkness-is about to pass

This poem is short; the poetess uses no persona word but to express her real feelings and thoughts. The monologue used in this poem is particular. Some background information about this poem helps to understand the sensitive and mysterious poetess well and fully. This poem was written soon after .Emily Dickinson‘s intimate friend, also suspected love, judge Otis P. Lord of the Massachusetts Supreme Court died. At that

time, the poetess was very sad and depressed.

―Long shadow, sun go down and Darkness‖ clearly indicates Emily‘s depression, sadness and. Suffering. The whole poem actually says‘ ―my lover died .His death took away my lover, my lover.‖ Part C nature

More than five hundred poems Dickinson wrote are about nature, in which her general skepticism about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed. On one hand she shared with her romantic and transcendental predecessors who believed that a mythical bond between man and nature existed, that nature revealed to man things about mankind and universe. On the other hand, she felt strongly about nature‘s inscrutability and indifference to life and interests of human beings. However, Dickinson managed to write about nature in the affirmation of the sheer joy and appreciation unaffected by philosophical speculations. Her acute observations, her concern for precise details and her interests in nature are pervasive, from sketches of flowers, insects, birds, to the sunset, the fully detailed summer storms, and the change of reasons; from keen perception to witty analysis.

A bird came down a walk9- is a poem in which the poetess expresses her passion and appreciation for nature. A bird came down a walk- He did not know I saw-

He bit Angleworm in halves And ate the fellow, raw,

And he drank a Dew From a convenient Grass-

And then hopped sidewise to the Wall To let a beetle pass-

He glanced with rapid eyes That hurried all around-

They look like frightened Beads, I thought- He stirred his velvet Head Like one in danger, cautious, I offered him a Crumb And he unrolled his feathers And rowed his softer home-

Than oars divide the Ocean, Too silver for a seam-

Or Butterflies, off Banks of Noon Leap, plashless as they swim.

In this poem, the poetess gives a vivid description about the bird,
