2007年考研英语阅读解翻译与解析 - 百度文库

ʱ : 2007年考研英语阅读解翻译与解析 - 百度文库ϿʼĶ





׶By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. 1830ǰֳؽţΪҡ

ĵ˼Ϊ ǰֳؽԼԵ⡣ ĵ˼Ϊ ǰֳؽԼԵ⡣ ĵ˼Ϊ ǰֳؽԼԵ⡣ Ŀ

By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. The roughly 20 million 1 of these nations looked

2 to the future.

1Anatives Binhabitants Cpeoples Dindividuals

2AconfusedlyBcheerfully Cworriedly Dhopefully

1. Ŀѡʣھг䵱The roughly 20 million of these nations looked to the future. ЩҴ2000򡭶δ ѡA. natives ˣ

B. inhabitant; C. peoples 壻 D. individuals塣

ѷ֣ѡA. natives ˣЩҴ2000򱾵ˡϾӺ壻ѡB. inhabitant񣬡ЩҴ2000񡭡ϾӺ壻ѡC. peoples 壬ЩҴ2000塱ȻڳϾӺ壻ѡD. individuals壬ЩҴ2000塭ϾӺ壬һڼʱʹá

ѡABھȷĿΪ⡣ǰ䣨˼룩By 1830 the former Spanish and Portuguese colonies had become independent nations. 1830ǰֳؽţΪҡЩסڰֳصλĹҵǶδ̬ȡˣȷΪB

2. Ŀѡ񸱴ʣھ״The roughly 20 million inhabitants of these nations looked to the future. ЩҴ2000δ ѡA. confusedlyأ

B. cheerfully ˵ģ C. worried ĵģ D. hopefully ڴء

ѷ֣ѡA. confusedlyأЩҴ2000δе󡱣ϾӺ壻ѡB. cheerfully ˵ģЩҴ2000δеˡϾӺ壻ѡC. worried ĵģЩҴ2000δеġϾ
