
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新标准大学英语-视听说教程3--(听力原文及翻译)更新完毕开始阅读

安 迪: 大约一年前。

珍妮特:我希望你不要介意我的发问,你喜欢在这里工作吗? 安 迪: 是,我非常喜欢。我的意思是,乔跟我相处得挺好的。虽然



安 迪: 你知道,日复一日地做着同样的事情并且不做任何有创意的



安 迪: 基本上,除了新的俱乐部、最新的戏剧和电影,还有美术馆



安 迪: 我们编辑这些采访然后将它们全部都上传到网站上。我们一


珍妮特:我能问你其他事情吗? 安 迪: 尽管问吧。



安 迪: 我需要回到我的公寓去拿我的研究调查。然后,我们得去做



安 迪: 他现在应该在去国家剧院的路上。他要去给一位新戏剧的导



安 迪: 我是在开玩笑!快点,我们走吧!

Outside view

Happiness is not what most students have in mind when they think of school. Yet a school in Germany has developed a novel way to raise the morale of its students, by teaching happiness in classes. Students at Heidelberg’s Willy Hellpach School of Economics are learning how to achieve happiness as an official subject, alongside mathematics and languages. This is the first school in Germany to develop a happiness course, intended for 17- to 19-year-olds preparing for university entrance exams.

Ernst Fritz-Schubert, the school’s principal, is on a mission to change things.

Ernst Fritz-Schubert: It was my idea-I’ve been at this school for


31 years, and I feel that school and happiness have to be reunited. These are two terms which are not considered together, because one does not connect school with happiness. In some cases school comes behind the dentists on the popularity scale and we should try to push schools’ popularity a bit.

It has been proved by science that a happy student can learn more than an unhappy one, Unhappy students can concentrate for a while but do not use all their potential. The happiness classes are intended to help students fulfill their potential. They will help the students live happy and prosperous lives.

The classes aim to help students in achieving a positive state of mind, by using all their own resources and boosting their self-esteem. In addition, they hope classes will increase self-awareness and physical comfort. Happiness classes are also intended to make students more aware about their environment and society as a whole. During classes students are encouraged to express themselves and observe their peers’ behavior. The classes are taught by Bjoern Bonn, an actor and visiting lecturer.

Bjoern Bonn: One of the exercises I do is to have one of the students walk across the classroom, with the others copying his walk. Through this exercise, I hope they learn something about themselves. Why do I move like this? How do others see my way of walking? I hope


that with a higher body awareness they ideally –of course it will take time-achieve a higher self-consciousness which could lead to happiness.

Wolfgang Lang: We give these classes to students to help them find happiness. Now the question is: How do I define happiness? Happiness is for example a strengthening of the personality. We are providing helpful suggestions to make stronger people. People that ask“Who am I as a person? Am I really happy?”

Pascal Gemble: It takes time and everybody has to find happiness for themselves. You cannot go into a coaching lesson and say teach me happiness. One can only get indications from teachers or the visiting lecturers. There are also happiness scientists, if we could talk to one of those, I am sure he would have some hints.

Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya: You would think that the teachers are writing definitions on the board. Not true. Those who want happiness have to find it for themselves, you cannot really learn that.

So what does it take to be happy and can you learn it at school?

当学生想起学校,快乐不是多数人想到的。目前,德国一所学校已经创造了一种新颖的通过在课堂上教授快乐的方法来提升其学生们的精神面貌。 Heidelberg ‘s Willy Hellpach School of Economics 正在研究怎样将快乐实现为与数学和语言一样的官方课程。这是德国第一家开设快乐课程的学校,意欲为17至19岁的学生作高考的准备。

